I really don't want to cross

Chapter 438 Genos' Progress

Chapter 438 Genos' Progress
The moment she saw who was coming, this guess flashed through Beatrice's mind.

Although the head resembles a human being, the parts below the neck are all made of equipment. No matter how you look at it, Beatrice has no way to connect the thing in front of her with a human being.

However, the other party did not give her a chance to take a closer look.

Almost as soon as the words fell, a red flame burst out from the opponent's hand, and the temperature was so high that Beatrice couldn't help but change her face.

Can't be hard-connected!

A look of consternation flashed across Beatrice's face, and her petite body fluttered like a residual leaf in the wind.

next moment.

The soul-stirring low vibrato spread throughout the audience, and the terrifying invisible fluctuations dispersed from the void.

Genos frowned, dense data flashed in his mechanical eyes, but he couldn't analyze where the fluctuation came from.


The air was still vibrating, Genos lifted his arm up, and the route of the incendiary cannon, which was bombarding straight, changed suddenly, heading straight for the young figure in mid-air.


Seeing the girl in the air who had no intention of dodging at all, Genos couldn't help but feel puzzled, but his hand movements did not decrease, but instead increased the output of the incinerator.

And right now!
drop by drop...

Following a burst of electronic sounds, Janos' face sank slightly.

There is a high energy reaction approaching from the rear.

Genos' expression sank, his face became colder, he stepped on the ground directly, and his whole body soared into the sky.

Boom boom boom.

The moment he rushed up, flames shot out from his back, his speed increased sharply again, and he dodged the attack from behind.


However, when he saw the high-energy reaction attacking him, Genos' face couldn't help but change slightly, because it was a huge flame beam thicker than a few people hugging a big tree, like that...

Surprisingly, it was his incendiary cannon.

What a weird ability!

Thinking of this, Genos turned his head and looked at Beatrice in the mid-air, only to realize that the creature with the appearance of a human girl was in front of the void, as if there was an invisible channel, if it weren't for the "sensing eyes", he wouldn't be able to see it. way to discover this scene.



It felt more like a space transfer, transferring his incinerator through an invisible door and behind him.

But can such a thing really be done?

"Hmph, even though she hasn't fought anyone in 400 years, Betty can't be bullied by anyone!"

Seeing Genos' gaze, Beatrice sneered, and quickly began to cross her fingers.

Genos only felt a kind of familiar high-energy reaction, unreservedly gushing out from the opponent's fingertips, and the blazing light was brewing and gathering in the fingers!
"Space tearing!!"

With a cold snort, everything in Janos' field of vision began to distort, and the air in front of him exploded directly. The strong sense of tearing made his amazingly strong mechanical body make an overwhelmed sound of 'crack'.

Seeing this, Beatrice showed a smile on her pretty face. As long as the other party is trapped in the fault layer, there is absolutely no possibility of escape.


"Very weird ability."

Genos's face gradually became too calm, causing Beatrice to frown slightly: "If it were me when I first met Saitama-sensei, this ability would still pose a great threat to me, but now..."

Before he finished speaking, Genos slammed his fists into the void under his feet.

The high-voltage electric current visible to the naked eye suddenly wrapped around Genos' body, and the terrifying electric current even extended out along the void, like a galloping lightning in a sunny day.

"—no threat at all!"

The endless impact spread, and as the surrounding space shook, Genos' figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Beatrice's pupils shrank.

how is this possible! ?
To break free from the space rift with speed alone, what kind of movement method is that?
Genos slammed into the ground like a cannonball. Under the impact of powerful force, tens of thousands of tons of soil flew up to nearly a hundred meters into the sky.


Beatrice, who was in mid-air, screamed, her petite body in mid-air was as insignificant as a leaf in a tornado, and was blown away by the sweeping impact.

not good!

Beatrice thought secretly, knowing that she must stabilize her figure now.

However, the next second, Beatrice's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because in the soil, a figure mixed with flames and lightning appeared as if teleporting.

"High Voltage Current Fist!!"

Before the punch carrying the terrifying lightning hit her face, the electric current paralyzed Beatrice's body. Even the space transfer that she wanted to open was interrupted, and she could only watch the punch hit.

"Get out of here."

At this moment, a tall figure suddenly appeared above Genos, and Beatrice and Genos felt an extremely fierce breath crushing down at the same time.

Amidst the roar, that indescribable force, as if a palm capable of crushing the void with a single slap, landed on Genos' head, and then under Beatrice's shocking eyes, Genos surpassed The figure coming at the speed of sound suddenly fell to the ground at an even faster speed.

The earth trembled, the streets collapsed one after another, and a huge groove with a radius of nearly [-] meters appeared on the ground.

Beatrice looked down, and saw that the upper body of that terrifying Iron Man was pushed into the ground, which made Beatrice's eyes flash with doubt.

Because normally speaking, under such a violent impact, even if the iron man survived, he should have penetrated deep into the ground after bearing all the strength, instead of being pressed into the ground like now, only the upper body was pressed into the ground, and the body was not affected. damage.

There will be such a result, there is only one possibility...

That is, the impact of landing was completely borne by that tall figure alone.

On the other hand, Genos, whose upper body was pushed into the ground, didn't have time to think about it. Judging from the irresistible force of the previous one, the strength of this latecomer was a bit terrifying.

So he didn't hesitate at all, only the exposed lower body changed rapidly with the sound of crackling, and jet tubes gushed out from his knees one by one.

A terrifying impact was born spontaneously, and the two mechanical legs slammed into the back of the head of the person holding him at an angle that was absolutely impossible for a human being to kick, and the atmosphere buzzed wherever they passed.


The opponent's movement is faster than him.

Amidst the crisp sound, a big hand grabbed his right leg directly, and the data sent back by the sensor system made Genos' pupils shrink involuntarily.

Before he could react, his whole body had already been wheeled up, and as his palms were released, his whole body spread out with a burst of shock, piercing through!

Even the driving force of his own flame and lightning could not compete with this force, and it penetrated directly into a tall building.


(End of this chapter)

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