I really don't want to cross

Chapter 441 Whirlwind Iron Fist?

Chapter 441 Whirlwind Iron Fist?
at this time,

Janos crossed his fists, his handsome face was extremely cold, his arms were staggered, and the parts turned and closed one by one, like erect scales.

Stepping out with the right foot, the upper body slightly bends down.

next second...

The extremely terrifying impact burst out from both arms, and Genos spun around, drawing a flame half-fox in the air, and rushed to the side of the hungry wolf in the blink of an eye.

Can't escape! ?
A look of surprise flashed in Hungry Wolf's eyes, but he did not despair, but quickly searched for a solution in his mind.

Suddenly, a figure in a doll costume flashed in my mind.

At the same time, Hungry Wolf's upper body swayed slightly like a pendulum, and its feet slipped backwards, assuming a pouncing posture.

On the other side, Genos had already arrived, and a punch powered by flames from his elbow came crashing down.


Genos's pupils shrank, and he saw the hungry wolf suddenly lay down, touching the ground with both hands and feet, and it was so close that Genos' iron fist grazed his body.

Even so, the iron fist hitting the empty space still caused a burst of air explosion, shaking the air, and the impact scattered out.

The hungry wolf moved strangely, bouncing with his legs, controlling the direction with his arms, and ejected from tree to tree in an extremely strange posture, leaving behind afterimages, which looked like a bird. Like a beast.

Weird to the extreme!

"What kind of movement is this?"

Genos frowned, and the locking function of the scanning eye was activated, but before he could confirm the specific location of the hungry wolf.

Accompanied by a low whistling sound, the hungry wolf came out from the right side of Genos without warning, hugged his right arm tightly, and yanked it down violently.

With a crisp sound, the mechanical arm was pulled down.


Genos' face remained unchanged, but instead he sneered unexpectedly.

"sucker Punch!"

Before he finished speaking, Hungry Wolf only felt the mechanical arm in his hand move, and without waiting for his reaction, he firmly restrained his neck, and as the flames shot out from the broken arm, he was directly pressed against a big tree.


An extremely thin but extremely strong steel thread protruded from the wrist of the severed arm, binding it to the tree like a living thing, gradually shrinking, and even strangling into his flesh and blood!


On the other side, Wood frowned slightly in mid-air, and couldn't help but look towards the ground at the battle.

There really is something under the ground.

He wasn't sure before, but just now he clearly heard the sound of the soil being pushed aside. Although it was small, it couldn't hide from Wood's hearing. With each evolution, his five senses have been strengthened to the point of terror.

"Put me down, Betty, stay away first." Wood said to Beatrice who hugged her behind her.

Beatrice frowned, and the strange color in her eyes was fleeting. Although she had vaguely understood through the previous battle with Genos that she might not be able to help Wood in battle, she never thought that... The time has come so quickly.

Wood's attention was all on the ground, and he didn't notice the unwillingness on Beatrice's face.But even if he found out, there was no time to comfort Beatrice now.

Wuluo magic was lifted, and Wood fell to the ground at a high speed.

The moment he landed, his toes pointed a little towards the ground, and his figure shot out like an arrow from a bow.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the two people in the field.

"Brother Wood?"

Janos froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "This 'hero hunt' doesn't need your help...huh?"

His words stopped short, because just when Wood came two meters away from him, the sole of his foot slammed on the ground, followed by a muffled sound of a small explosion.Where the soles of the feet were off the ground, a pothole appeared on the hard stone surface.

As soon as the explosion sounded, Wood's body appeared above Genos's head almost instantly.Such a speed made Genos couldn't help being stunned, not because of how fast it was, but because... this is actually the speed that Brother Wood's weakest human physique exploded! !
"Get out of there!"

There was a loud shout, and Janos, who had great trust in Wood, left the place according to Wood's instructions without thinking about it.

Almost as soon as he left, Wood's figure crashed down.

boom! !

The moment his body touched the ground, the entire area was silent, and then there was a sudden shock.

The ground within [-] meters collapsed one after another, the soil rose into the sky, and the smoke and dust in the sky spread out in circles!

The sudden change caught Genos by surprise.


But this doubt was immediately answered with a scream of misery. Following the sound, I saw dozens of figures spurting blood out of the soil rising up into the sky. These people... without exception, are all weird .


Wood, who jumped up with the force of the ejection, didn't pay attention to those weirdos, and looked at the huge pit he made with a frown.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but at that moment he seemed to have kicked something hard, but looking down, there was nothing unusual in the entire huge pit except for some dark soil.

"Brother Wood."

As soon as Wood fell, Genos greeted him: "Is it the Weird Association?"

"should be!"

There is no other possibility for such an organized monster attack except the Monster Association.

"How... how is it possible..."

At this time, the weirdos around them also staggered and stood up. Although Wood used all his strength in the blow just now, he was human after all, and coupled with the ground attack, he did not completely wipe out these weirdos; however, several Of the ten weirdos under his foot, there were only a dozen left, and all of them were more or less injured.

"No matter who he is, Da Jiongyan's order is to assist heroes in hunting!"

After all, the weirdos were weirdos. Although the blow just now caused them heavy losses, it also aroused the brutality of these weirdos, and they were about to charge upwards.



An old but energetic voice suddenly reached the audience, and a burst of vigor suddenly appeared behind a dozen strange people.

"...Iron Slashing Fist!!"

puff puff puff...

Blood spurted out, and before those weirdos knew what happened, they were torn into neat pieces by the sudden force of the spinning fist, and the remaining weirdos were wiped out in the blink of an eye!
"This is?"

Genos frowned, looked behind those strange people, and realized...

I don't know when there were two more old men there, one of them was the third-ranked S-level silver fangs Bangu, and the other one was not recognized by Genos, but it was obvious that this person made the blow just now!


(End of this chapter)

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