Chapter 444 Crazy
The sudden change made Hungry Wolf's pupils shrink, and the swollen eyes barely opened a gap, revealing complex colors inside!
Sure enough it was him!

With the blood-colored robe covering his body, the expression on Wood's face was completely gone from the previous madness, and all that remained was... the arrogance that looked down on everything.

This is the fundamental difference in style.

these people,
It's not qualified to make him murderous, and it's not even worth making him say even one more word!

buzzing buzzing...

I didn't see any movement from him, and the blood blade all over the sky trembled suddenly, making Hungry Wolf and Brother Banggu's expressions sink.

"Wait... Brother Wood!!"

Genos' face became anxious, and he looked at the heroes scattered around. You must know that these people are all within the attack range. Once Wood launches an offensive, these comatose people will undoubtedly die! !

The roar of the sonic boom sounded, and dense blood blades fell down like raindrops, reaching the ground almost instantly!
Tens of thousands of blood blades moved together, forming a shock, sweeping downward from the sky.

Before the blood blade fell, the big trees were cut neatly, which caused the ground to collapse. In the blink of an eye, the entire area became a mess.

"This little lunatic!!"

Bump cursed secretly, and before he had time to think about it, people rushed out, but they didn't rush towards Wood, but towards the heroes scattered around.

at the same time.

Genos and Beatrice also moved. Strictly speaking, the two who knew Wood very well had already started their actions the moment the blood blade shook.

Among the two, Janos fully opened fire, directly pulled them up, and rushed towards the other side between flame jets; compared with this, Beatrice's rescue was much faster. After each space gate was formed, Beatrice Si stretched out her hands and used magic power to pick up the unconscious heroes one by one and throw them in.

On the other side, Bangpu gathered the remaining three people together, preparing to resist this.


The dense blood blades condensed again in just an instant, moved away from where the three of them were, and smashed towards the hungry wolf and Banggu.

And the moment the blood blade fell, the Wood people had disappeared in place!
boom boom boom...

The roaring sound became one piece, and the terrifying impact exploded wantonly. The ground under the bombardment of endless blood blades was torn apart and collapsed. With its collapse, a large amount of rubble shot out, like a goddess scattered flowers for a moment, making people feel dazzled.

The soaring smoke and dust enveloped the entire forest park, even in S City outside the park, it could be clearly seen.

But no one noticed... In the smoke and dust, a huge bird-shaped creature was hiding in it.

"Is that a vampire? Sure enough, it's just like what Da Jiongyan said, it's terrifyingly powerful."

Big Bird uttered words, judging from his words, he should also be a member of the Monster Association. It looked at the battlefield below through the smoke and dust: "The hungry wolf is dead, right?"

Having said that, it couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in its words.

If the hungry wolf is dead, it can report to Lord Orochi that the hungry wolf is dead before it can act.

But once the hungry wolf is still alive, if it doesn't want to be swallowed by the big snake when it returns, it has to confront the terrible vampire below. Judging from the previous blow, the vampire who betrayed them definitely has the rank of cadre. That is the strength of a dragon-level monster.

Thinking of this, it looked down nervously.

The smoke and dust rising into the sky below gradually dissipated, and the place where the hungry wolf and Banggu fought could not see the original appearance at all. The densely covered potholes and the smoke rolled up seemed to be bombed by thousands of missiles. .

And in the center, Bangu was standing there with his shirt off his upper body and showing muscles that did not match his age. Although there were only a few shallow scars on his body, his hands were full of blood. Words are not particularly easy.

I thought I could settle this matter before the arrival of other heroes, but at a critical moment, I was interrupted by an unexpected character. Even with Banggu's calmness, now there is a lesson for Wood's impulsiveness!
At this moment, a bag of earth suddenly bulged not far behind Banggu, and the figure of a hungry wolf appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the hungry wolf was in extreme embarrassment, blood and soil were mixed together, covering his body with a layer of dark red soil.

This scene caused a strange flash in the eyes of Janos and the others.

Although there is a reason why most of the attacks were blocked by Bang Gu alone, but to survive the previous blow with such a body, this kind of vitality is really scary!

"Ha... ha ha ha... a hero?"

The hungry wolf, who was already staggering just standing up, suddenly let out a laugh, as if seeing a huge joke, even though the large movements of his body made the blood flow from his body crazily, the laughter didn't stop, on the contrary, it became more and more crazy, More and more presumptuous.

After a while, the laughter stopped.

Panting heavily, the hungry wolf looked up at the sky, although he didn't know where the red-haired monster had gone, but the hungry wolf believed...he was nearby.

"In order to kill me alone, you actually buried me with everyone in the vicinity. Is this the so-called hero?"

"Hahahaha... Is this a hero? Justice? Evil? The so-called hero really just thinks that he has been doing his duty to eliminate the weirdo. Even if he causes more casualties than the weirdo, he will be sought after by stupid humans."

Hungry Wolf's expression became more ferocious, and his body shook more and more, as if he would fall down at any moment.

"A popular person who is loved by everyone can unilaterally bully a weak person who is hated by others. This is the rule of the world." Hungry Wolf took a step forward, his face became more and more ferocious: "I want to change, I must To change this world of good and evil, we will..."

The roar stopped, and a blood blade suddenly appeared in front of the hungry wolf, pierced through its body, took it away from the place, and slammed it on the big tree in the distance.

The big tree exploded violently, and the flying debris of the tree was like bullets, piercing into the hungry wolf's body one after another.

"Even if a reptile has a vitality that is not commensurate with a reptile..."

Wood's figure slowly fell from the air, looking at the hungry wolf struggling to get up in the distance, his eyes revealed a kind of chilling indifference: "...It's just an insignificant reptile."

Hungry Wolf raised his head, stared at Wood with red eyes, and gnashed his teeth, like a dream language, and as if swearing: "This kind of world where... justice and evil are determined by others... can only be... It can only be changed by me!!"

"change the world?"


(End of this chapter)

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