I really don't want to cross

Chapter 450 The Great War

Chapter 450 The Great War

"This is?"

Beatrice touched the center of her brow, and then a golden glow suddenly flashed in her eyes.

"Hold a taboo name, keep it here."

Wood chanted in a hurry, and Beatrice called out the same sentence almost at the same time as him, but it was not from Beatrice's original intention, but naturally followed Wood.

"Change your name and surname, and become my servant; use Xun as your name, and use Wu as your weapon; follow my orders, and become my divine weapon..."

Wood's voice stopped short, but the golden light in Beatrice's eyes became more and more intense, and the singing in her mouth did not stop, but she uttered her last call!

"Come on, Dzi Bead Red!!"

After the voice fell, a blood-red beam suddenly erupted from Wood's body, turning into a red light that enveloped Beatrice.

The energy storm erupted suddenly, and the fiery red slashes were wanton!

The wind tore it at this moment,

Clouds now crumble to pieces,

Even the hard carapace of Elder Centipede on the ground showed cracks.

However, all this did not cause any fluctuations to Wood, even the corners of his clothes did not lift, as if the wanton energy completely ignored him.

Wood withdrew his gaze and looked down at Elder Centipede, whose whole body was wrapped in blue blood, with divine power surging wildly on his body.




The magic circle filling the sky suddenly appeared.

"Cursed Crystal Prison"

In a deep and sacred voice, Wood crazily penetrated his divine power into the magic circle that traversed the sky above his head.

Ka Ka Ka!
The divine power was so thick that it almost formed a substance, and even the huge magic circle could not bear it, but Wood did not stop the infusion of divine power.

Win or lose here.

Whether the magic circle will collapse is no longer within Wood's consideration.

The magic circle expanded wildly, and the cracks on it became thicker and thicker, as if it would burst open at any time.


Wood's complexion turned ferocious, and the right pupil in the golden eyes was suddenly dyed with a layer of black light at this moment, turning into a speckled star pupil.

One golden and one black eyes intertwined together, making him look extremely bewitching.

Sleeping God, Succubus!
Both physiques appeared at the same time at this moment.

The low and frivolous voice suddenly resounded in the ears of everyone present.


This is……

Genos and the Bangu brothers couldn't help being stunned. Standing on the ground, they seemed to be vaguely looking down from the air, seeing the whole picture of Elder Centipede.

at the same time.

An invisible wave rolled upwards, and the power of the soul surged madly towards the magic circle, gradually filling up the cracks in the magic circle.

After all, magic is just magic, even if it is activated with divine power, it still has its fundamental limit.

But now Wood is using his dual physique fusion to let this magic break through its own limit!
The azure blue wind swept down with the ice crystals in it, completely enveloping the centipede elder almost instantly, the blue blood all over his body froze in an instant, and his thousand-meter body froze in the blink of an eye.

how is this possible! ?
Elder Centipede felt the horror for the first time. He only felt a terrifying chill quickly permeate his whole body, freezing its outer hard shell, and even more...

The terrifying self-healing system in the body stagnated.

Elder Centipede wriggled frantically in an attempt to relieve the stiffness in his body.


"It's now!"

Voices sounded in the minds of Banggu and Bangpu at the same time, and the energy of the two people who had been prepared exploded loudly, and they had already arrived in front of Elder Centipede in an instant.

"flowing water,"


"—Bang Qi Kong Crack Fist!"

Countless fist marks churned endlessly, and the bang bang sounded together, causing the shell that had been frozen to necrosis to explode crazily.

Elder Centipede's majestic body bounced up into the air continuously after being hit by the two, and finally with a roar, his whole body was shot into the sky.

Countless shattered armor wrapped in ice crystals fell down.

"It's your turn, Genos."


Genos responded, only feeling that the vague perspective in his mind was locked in the middle of the elder centipede's body in the air, and he immediately understood what his senior brother meant.

"Super Spiral Burnout Cannon!!"

The thermal energy cannon that had been stored for a long time exploded and hit Elder Centipede in the blink of an eye.

Amidst the deafening bangs, the impact fanned out to both sides.

Accompanied by the sound of '噗噗', the centipede elder let out a miserable howl, and the body that lost the protection of its carapace was directly pierced by the cannon, and the whole body lost its tension and slid to the sides, but even so it still did not die.

However, its self-healing system has not recovered, and it is also seriously injured, but it has already felt a retreat in its heart.

But Wood is not going to let it go, he has already escaped an enemy, and it is absolutely impossible for him to let this elder centipede go!
All of this seemed to have taken a long time, but in fact, it took only a little more than a minute from when Wood cast his magic to when Genos penetrated the elder centipede.

Beatrice around Wood finally got used to the power of the artifact.

"Today, I will wield my proud Tianzhu sword to fight against the evil... Tianzhu!"

The mixed golden and red rays of light gradually spread out, and what appeared first was a long fluttering, flame-like red hair.

At the moment when Beatrice was fully revealed, a look of surprise flashed in Wood's eyes. Although...he wore it once, Wood couldn't appreciate this beauty at all at that time.

A strapless red and white magic dress, fiery red stockings, and golden double ponytails turned into dazzling red vertical curls.

Beatrice looks beautiful and dangerous right now!
On the long sword with a 'heart' shaped jaw in his hand, there was a sense of sharpness and wantonness, just looking at it made people feel a feeling of being cut by it.

Feeling the energy constantly gushing out of her body, Beatrice couldn't help being shocked by this strange and powerful self.

"Although I also want to continue to appreciate it, but now is not a good time for the two of us to be intoxicated."

Wood smiled slightly, his white hair gradually turned blood red, and he switched back to the blood body again. He stood side by side with Beatrice, and the breath of the two perfectly blended together at this moment!
No wonder, after all...

What Beatrice is wearing now is made of the condensed soul of most of the body of the Wood blood clan.

The two looked at each other, Beatrice moved her sword hand, and a terrifying sharpness rose to the sky!

The sword soared into the sky, and Beatrice disappeared without warning almost instantly, and Wood disappeared with her.

In the void, two bloodlines were scattered and entangled.

It drives a series of very unique humming and howling sounds, and all the howling sounds converge into one piece in a very short time.

He could vaguely see two bloody circles appearing at the penetrating part of Elder Centipede.


Horror flashed in Elder Centipede's eyes, because he couldn't feel his lower body.

Not only that……

Looking around, the distance between the two blood-colored circles expanded rapidly, and the flesh and blood that had lost their carapace and was frozen in activity was cut into pieces one by one, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere they passed, and it was broken from... Two cuts! !
Moreover, both the upper half of life and the lower body are shortening extremely rapidly.

Even if an ordinary centipede is cut in two, the head and tail can escape in two and continue to survive for a while, not to mention this kind of thing that has obviously mutated into a non-biological thing; The cut body can definitely be fused again.


It is not impossible to become two, after all, Wood has already experienced the self-healing ability of throwing away his own blood physique.

So in order to be sure, both Wood and Beatrice increased their speed to the extreme, taking advantage of the fact that their body's self-healing ability has not yet recovered, they frantically cut the ends of the head and tail.

All this seems to have passed for a long time.

But in just a few seconds, the thousand-meter body without the protection of the carapace was turned into countless pieces of meat by Wood and Beatrice, covering the Senlong Park with a layer of wriggling pieces of meat, which looked disgusting Incomparable!


Below, Genos couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If this happens, Elder Centipede can still survive, he really can't imagine any other way to kill Elder Centipede.


At this moment, Bangu frowned suddenly, which made Bangpu and Genos look tense.

Can it really be restored?

However, they soon realized that they had misunderstood. It wasn't that Elder Centipede was resurrected again, but... when Elder Centipede disappeared completely, the red line that cut his upper body directly smashed towards the ground at a very fast speed.

Looking at it like that, it is obviously not for landing, but for falling in the true sense.

"Brother Wood."

As soon as Janos' face changed, he immediately noticed the identity of the red line, and got up to pick it up.

However, someone is faster than him.

As the space trembled, Beatrice in a red dress directly caught Wood and fell towards the ground.

Seeing this, several people hurried up to meet him, and saw that Wood in Beatrice's arms had recovered to human physique at some point, and his face was extremely pale.

"Don't worry, it's just too much consumption."

Seeing a few people coming, Wood gave a wry smile.

In this battle, he can be said to have used all his strength in the true sense.

Continuously switching bodies, forcing the fusion of the two physiques, and adding their own consumption, if there is no succubus physique acting as the master console in the soul space to minimize his consumption, Wood would not be able to persist until now! !

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Beatrice also removed the artifact from her body, and after merging into Wood's body, his complexion recovered a little.

Barely standing up with Beatrice's support, Wood was not at all happy when he saw what he had caused in front of him...

No matter how strong you become,

This shit-like world is extremely dangerous to me!
"Hey, is it over?"

Just then, a familiar voice came.

"Mr. Saitama!"

Wood and Genos shouted in unison, but unlike Genos's joy, Wood's voice can be said to be full of resentment.

Turning around, I saw Saitama and KING, known as the 'strongest human being on the surface', walking towards this side together.

This scene deepened the resentment on Wood's face.

If he had known that these two heavyweights would come, there would be no use for him to step forward and fight.

Having said that,

But seeing Teacher Saitama arriving, Wood's tense nerves were completely relaxed at this moment.

Because, as long as Teacher Saitama is around, even if Elder Centipede's companion is hidden behind the scenes, he will never be able to hurt himself.

As soon as he relaxed, Wood rolled his eyes and passed out directly.


(End of this chapter)

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