Chapter 457

"The person recorded in the No. 16 file is a man. I haven't found out his name yet, but I found out through some special channels that he appeared in Hosu City not long ago, and..."

Wood quietly listened to the private detective's narration on the phone and did not speak until he finished telling the latest news one by one, then hung up the phone with a hum; however, he did not put the phone in his pocket, but directly Throw it into Beatrice's subspace to avoid being tracked.

After all, a private detective is a private detective. These people have always provided information to whoever gave the most money. Now that he can provide information to himself, he may provide information to several other hosts later.

For example, Wood, he not only entrusted private detectives to help him investigate the personality black households who committed crimes in the past month, but also entrusted private detectives to help him investigate whether someone released similar investigations to himself. a fool.

Maybe when they first arrived in this world, they would feel at a loss because of this strange world, but after a month, they have definitely gradually gotten used to this world, and they are probably trying to find ways to investigate themselves.

I just walked in front of them because I was familiar with the world, and had a slight advantage; but if I was not careful, maybe before he could find out the identities of the other hosts, his identity would be found out by Shun Teng.

Therefore, it is not a good way to entrust private detectives to investigate, but it is not convenient for Wood to investigate in person, which would be more dangerous for him... Wood will never expose himself until he has figured out their strength of.

Having said that, looking at the file bag in his hand, Wood also had to admit that this private detective is indeed very powerful. He can easily find out many unknown cases. Presumably there is some connection between the police or the Hero Firm. get in touch.

Opening the file bag, Wood took out a few photos from it.

In the photo is man who can't be seen from his face at all.

This horse-head man does not mean that he has a horse face, but a real horse head. If it is another world, Wood is almost sure that this non-human is definitely the host, but in this world...

Wood looked at a man with a cockscomb and a sharp beak passing in front of him, sighed deeply, and said to himself: "If these people with 'alien' personalities are placed in the world of One Punch, they will definitely be killed. Treat it like a weirdo..."

Alien system!
As the name suggests, it is a group of people whose bodies have characteristics different from human beings, such as frogmen, kobolds, or people with tails and several heads... These are all in the category of aliens, so I want to use It is tantamount to nonsense to filter by races other than human beings.

Wood shook his head, really too lazy to be entangled in this weird worldview.

Although he had read the information about the Matou people several times before coming to Hosu City, he still observed it carefully from beginning to end so as not to miss anything.

The day when the horse-headed man appeared... or the day when the crime happened happened to be the third day that Wood came to this world.

At eleven o'clock that night, a slovenly homeless man came to the police station to report, claiming that he had witnessed a murder, and asked the police to go with him to see the body.

At that time, the police mobilized a large number of manpower, and even contacted the nearby Hero Office, and followed the homeless man to the so-called crime scene.

The crime took place in a dead alley, with eight-storey residential buildings on both sides, and the wall of another building was within 20 meters. Simply put, it was a dead end.

When the police saw the spot, they were almost sure that the homeless man was telling the truth, because it was indeed a perfect place to kill.

But when the police and the hero followed the homeless man into the alley, they found nothing, not to mention the dead in the mouth of the homeless man, there was not even a drop of blood left in the alley. The hero is naturally extremely angry.

But the homeless man repeatedly affirmed what he saw. The police naturally didn't believe it, but in order to avoid accidents, they still called out the nearby surveillance.

Naturally, there was no monitoring in the alley, but there was a monitoring just next to the alley.

In the end, something strange was found inside. In the surveillance screen, the horse-headed man ran into the alley first, followed by a person, but after 2 minutes, only the horse-headed man walked out, and the one who entered later People did not walk out of the alley until they arrived at the scene.

If this is the only point, the police will doubt it, but they can't be sure that the horse-headed man is the murderer that the tramp said; although the eight-story building is high, for some "personality" owners, it is impossible to pass It is not difficult to leave the alley.

However, that is when the information is incomplete, and the situation is completely different when the person who enters later is a public figure.

Although the missing person is not famous, he can also be said to be a little famous, because he is a professional hero of a certain hero office in Hosu City. Later, he got in touch with that office and confirmed the professional hero After his disappearance, the police launched an investigation.

I thought it would be very difficult to find such a murderer, but what the police didn't expect was...

The next day they found this horse-headed man in another city. The other party seemed to have no sense of committing a crime. He ate a Bawang meal in a restaurant in a grand manner and was photographed by surveillance.

The police and the hero used the restaurant as a starting point, called out the nearby surveillance cameras, and found the horse-headed man himself not long after.But the strength of the opponent was rather terrifying. A well-prepared siege was easily broken by the opponent, and finally ended with the death of six policemen and the serious injury of three heroes.

Afterwards, the horse-headed man also showed signs several times, but every time the containment still ended in failure!
Even, once among them, the No. 2 hero Andewa was invited to shoot himself. Although he was seriously injured, he was still escaped by him. Strictly speaking, it should be said that he was rescued by a person wearing a mask. Gone, it shows that it has an accomplice.

Judging from the data, although the other party is a person with the personality of the "alien system", but he can release a blue flame from his body, which is suspected to be a double personality.

It seems that they don't know the function of monitoring, they are obviously aliens but they can use some kind of flames, they have a mysterious companion...

Judging from the existing information, it is very likely that this horse-headed man is the host, but it cannot be said to be absolute.


(End of this chapter)

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