I really don't want to cross

Chapter 468 The character set is about to collapse...

Chapter 468 The character set is about to collapse...

Although he already had some understanding of the atmosphere of Xiongying High School, the fact that the so-called practice field would be a simulated street still made Wood couldn't help sighing, the national high school is so capricious.

The buildings on the entire street are not models, but real buildings at a fair price. The shops on the side of the road have signs, not to mention, and they are full of goods. This is simply a waste of government money! !

Having said that, Wood vaguely understands why this is done. Heroes will inevitably encounter difficulties when fighting with the enemy. To solve this dilemma, you need to use everything around you, such as:

If you want to catch a liquid monster, you need an airtight container; if you want to deal with Crocodile, you have to find a way to find water... The completely simulated situation here is probably to let students understand this point.

"...As I said just now, in order to learn how to deal with invisible enemies, what we are going to do this time is indoor combat training. The rules are very simple..." All Might paused, and then took out the a small book.

Wood blinked, the rules are simple, why prepare a cheat sheet?
"The scene design is that the enemy will hide the 'nuclear weapon' somewhere in the stronghold, and the hero will go to eliminate this threat."

Pointing to the five-storey building next to it, All Might continued: "The hero's victory condition is to capture the enemy within the time limit, or successfully recover the 'nuclear weapon'; while the enemy's victory condition is to ensure that the nuclear weapon is not destroyed within the time limit. Recycle, or grab the hero."

"The teams are divided into two groups, and the partners and opponents are determined by drawing lots."

Wood frowned. If two people are in a team, then he must cooperate with his teammates to fight against the enemy, that is to say, even if he fails, he must show the feeling that he has gone all out; according to All Might , as long as you win this class, you can get certain credits, but the school has just started...

It shouldn't be a problem if the credits are a little behind.

Anyway, as long as you don't come to the bottom, you can get a middle grade.

Moreover, if he was assigned a powerful teammate, he would have a great chance of winning by using his existing battle suit.

"Wood boy!"

Hearing All Might call his name, Wood raised his hand subconsciously: "Here."

"..." Everyone in Class A.

Sure enough, it's still so elusive.

"Huh? Wood, your gloves look very strong!"

It was only then that everyone noticed Wood's battle suit, and their eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the pair of mechanical gloves.

These gloves... are too big, right?

It's not that they made a fuss, but Wood was standing there wearing gloves, and the fingertips of the gloves had reached his knees. Although it was related to Wood's shorter height, one could imagine how thick the gloves were.

Most people in the class were just a little surprised, but there was still a strange look in the eyes of a few discerning people, not to mention the fact that holding such a conspicuous weapon can maintain a low sense of presence, just from holding this The fact that such heavy weapons can still move freely can be seen...

This classmate Wood is very powerful.

All Might was not too surprised, but he was a little puzzled as to why such an agile type like Wood would choose this weapon, but he didn't ask too much, but grinned and said, "Since there are only 21 people in the class , so two-two teams can only be divided into five groups, and your personality is not suitable for team battles, so you don’t need to draw lots for Wood Boy.”

"Then I don't have to participate?"

"of course not!"

All Might gave Wood a thumbs up, showing his big white teeth: "Young man, your opponent is me!!"

"Huh?" Wood was stunned.

"Eh? The opponent is All Might!!" Everyone in class A was also stunned.

What a joke, is there still a way to win?
Wood was silent for a while, and said decisively: "...Can I just give up?"

"Student Wood, how can you do this, you have to believe in your own possibilities!" Before All Might could speak, Iida Tenya shouted encouragingly: "I believe in you, you will definitely be able to do it! "

You really can stand and talk without back pain.

"Of course not, how can a hero surrender to the enemy before the battle begins; but if you are against me, you really have no chance of winning, so I will bring a restrictive gravity ring."

All Might laughed wildly, then shook the lock-like things on his wrists and ankles, and continued: "Besides, I won't guard the nuclear weapons, I will only search for your whereabouts in the building, So you just need to evade my search and recover the 'nuclear bomb' to be your victory."

The point is not here at all, okay?

If it is just to recover the nuclear bombs, even if All Might is watching by the side, Wood may not be unable to do it, the game is a game after all; even if All Might wears a gravity ring, he is not his opponent with his own strength, but That doesn't mean Wood can't win the game.

The point is that I can't win, because winning All Might will definitely impress the students in the class. Once there is any disaster in the future, when thinking about combat power, I will definitely think of myself. This is the real trouble.

No, it should be said that just being All Might's opponent is enough to attract attention.

This guy is simply dismantling himself!
However, immediately Wood found that he was too naive.

"Actually, how to educate you is a headache for us teachers." All Might said suddenly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the field couldn't help being shocked, and their eyes kept switching between All Might and Wood.

I don't understand what is special about this Wood student. Those teachers who are professional heroes don't know how to teach.

"Wood boy, you have a very special personality. I have never seen a personality like yours before. It can be said that it is not suitable for teamwork at all; Principal Nezu once said that even teammates can't do it under the tense situation of performing tasks." I will ignore you, and it is likely to be affected by the attacks of teammates, so after our discussion..."

All Might said with an expression of 'you've made a lot of money': "In the future, in any actual combat training in the form of groups, your opponents will be our teachers, and we will try our best to dig out your special skills. The possibility of individuality!!"


Wood's face darkened, and he felt the envious eyes of the students around him. He couldn't help scolding the mouse principal of Xiongying High School for eighteen generations. Isn't this a lie?

My passerby character design collapsed in an instant! !

(End of this chapter)

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