I really don't want to cross

Chapter 496 True Ancestor

Chapter 496 True Ancestor (Two in One)

over the wasteland.

The battle didn't last long. You must know that in order to erase the impact of the enemy alliance's attack on students, Xiongying High School invited almost all professional heroes from all over the country to this sports festival.

This power is undoubtedly terrifying. If it weren't for Wood's authority to directly mobilize the police and heroes without applying if necessary, he would not be able to gather these people here.

However, something unexpected to Wood is...

The guy named Bliss escaped under such circumstances. Although he was on the verge of death, he escaped from this area alive after all, even under the search of these professional heroes and the police. Discover his whereabouts.

"Friends in the audience, below is the place where the student Xiongying was kidnapped not long ago..."

The helicopter hovered over the wasteland, broadcasting the incomparably spectacular scene below to all parts of the world. After all, such a large number of professional heroes are in the same place, so you can't see it just by looking!

"Careless, I never thought that under such circumstances, he could suddenly disappear."

All Might frowned. He still hasn't figured out how the spotted pseudo-hero disappeared.

"It's not your fault, All Might!"

Someone comforted: "At that time, he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and he was obviously incapacitated. Who would have thought that he would turn into a silver light and dissipate when the police came to escort him!"

"Although I have heard people who have encountered the spotted pseudo-hero before say that he is very strong, but I really didn't expect him to be so strong."

"Yeah... Even Andewa was injured, and many of the people who were sent to the hospital just now are heroes in the top [-]."

"It's no wonder that Chief Jeno attaches so much importance to this pseudo-hero with stripes. If he continues to let him go, his threat will undoubtedly be huge."

"Unfortunately... I missed this opportunity, and it will be even more difficult to capture him again in the future!"

"Don't worry, with the injuries on his body, even if he runs, he won't be able to run very far, and he will definitely not escape the police search!"


Many professional heroes gradually began to disperse, some left on foot, and some left by the bus that came to welcome them.

But All Might was stopped by the media.

"All Might, may I ask how the students who were arrested are doing now?"

"Excuse me, why did that false hero with stripes arrest the students of your school? Is this incident related to the 'USJ' attack two weeks ago?"

"Is the student who was arrested a student from the Hero Department? What's his name?"


With so many questions, it is naturally impossible for All Might to answer them one by one, and the time does not allow him to continue wasting here.

This battle...

All Might has exhausted all his strength, if not for his restraint, it can be said that the casualties would have become even more terrifying.

Because when he found himself surrounded by countless professional heroes, the spotted pseudo-hero went crazy, the anger, tyranny, and the kind of resentment that penetrated into the soul, which makes people unforgettable once they have seen it, even now... It also made All Might feel shuddering.

This made him inexplicably complicated, and he didn't understand...

What kind of grievance is it that can give birth to the kind of 'resentment' that seems to swallow people completely!

All Might shook his head, dispelling the complicated thoughts in his mind.

As said earlier...

In order to contain the striped pseudo-hero, he has already exhausted all his strength, and even the current muscular shape can barely be maintained, so naturally he has no time to leisurely answer the endless questions of these reporters.

So All Might chose the easiest way.

"Follow-up situation, Xiongying High School will launch a press conference to summarize!"

After answering a sentence, All Might boarded the school bus under the support of Teacher Xiongying.

"How is Junior Wood?"

After getting on the bus, All Might asked Aizawa Shouta on the side.

"He should be fine."

Aizawa Xiaota shook his head: "After he escaped from danger, he immediately reported the whereabouts of the spotted pseudo-hero to the police, and it is precisely because of this that we were able to arrive here in such a timely manner. However, it is also thanks to the person named ' Jeno's little officer, he believed the truth of this news without hesitation, and immediately mobilized the police and professional heroes!"

"It's fine."

All Might breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, his tense nerves eased, and he lost weight in an instant. After coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood, he asked, "Where did the Wood boy go now?"

"When I contacted him earlier, I heard from him that he was found by the rescuers and was being taken to the hospital. As for which hospital will contact us when he arrives."



at the same time!

In a forest park a few kilometers away from this wasteland, a figure is slowly searching along the blood on the ground.

This figure is a boy who looks to be only 14 or 5 years old. The sportswear on his body is torn, and the exposed skin is full of hideous scars. It is Wood who claims to have been rescued.

When he found that Bliss had disappeared, Wood immediately asked Beatrice to teleport himself here along the spatial fluctuation.

If Brees were allowed to run away this time, it would undoubtedly be impossible to find such a good opportunity, and Wood would absolutely not allow him to live.


A man driven to madness by cruel reality.

Either he is devastated, or...

It will change and become even more terrifying!
Wood paused slightly, looked up at a bush ten meters away, with a sneer on his face.

"To be honest, it was really beyond my expectation that you could escape in that situation." Wood paused for a moment and shook his head: "Unfortunately, there is a person beside me who is extremely sensitive to space fluctuations." exist."

Kaka Kaka…

As soon as Wood's voice fell, there was a sound of branches snapping in the bushes, and Bliss staggered out of it.

Looking around, I saw that Bliss's body was covered with all kinds of scars, including burns, frostbite... even one arm had disappeared, and even just taking a step forward, there would be blood on the scars on his body gushes out.

It is hard to imagine that with such an injury, Brees could still be alive.

The striped mask completely collapsed, and the exposed face... no longer had the sunshine of not long ago, but was full of coldness and violence, making it impossible for people to connect it with him not long ago.

"Kill...kill...kill you...I must...kill you..."

The intermittent voice was like the howling of an enraged beast, clear and clear like the buzzing of mosquitoes, but it fell into Wood's ears like a thunderbolt from the blue.

Because what was revealed in those words was an unforgettable resentment and murderous intent, even that face became extremely ferocious under this murderous intent.

Seeing this, Wood hooked his mouth, glanced at Brisbane's remaining arm, and took a few steps back without hesitation.

"You... shameful... dirty... despicable... trash."

Seeing this, Bliss gritted his teeth, stopped strenuously moving forward, and tried his best to keep himself standing on the spot without falling down.

"However, my piece of trash won!"

Wood spread out his hands and put on a look that deserves a beating: "To be honest, you are more naive than a guy I met not long ago, at least that guy who called himself a 'human weirdo' understood... Seeing you alone The rule that a popular person that people love can unilaterally bully a weak person that people hate, but you don't understand this!"

Wood was not in a hurry to kill Bliss, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't dare...

Because, from the moment the other party appeared, Wood felt the extremely tyrannical, dangerous aura that seemed to explode at any time.

If you approach him rashly at this time, you will probably be dragged to die together.

Bliss didn't speak when he heard the words, but stared straight at Wood with his bloodshot pupils. Unfortunately, his gaze obviously couldn't kill people. It didn't do anything to him except to make Wood take a few steps back again. s help.

"It's also because you don't understand this that you are defeated by me, because...the whole world is on my side!"

Wood shook his head: "The guy I just said who called himself a 'human weirdo' once said to me that he had to change the world where 'this kind of justice and evil are determined by others'; and I want to tell you What I'm talking about is... this kind of world where justice and evil are determined by others is..."

"The most real, yet cruelest reality!"

"And you... obviously don't have the ability to deny this reality; of course, I don't think that 'human freak' has this ability, so I say you and him are naive."

Wood looked at the fleeting thought in Bliss's eyes, spread his hands and said, "Do you feel wronged? Obviously I have done so many 'right things' and 'just things', and obviously I saved so many people. Many people, obviously I am the hero of justice, but... why am I being rounded up by the same camp of justice?"

Bliss raised his head abruptly, even though he understood that the other party was not trying to explain himself kindly, but was planning something in secret.


He still couldn't help but opened his mouth and asked three words.

"Why... why?"

The smile in Wood's eyes grew stronger: "Because, what determines good and evil in this world is often not what you do, but your camp."

That's right!

In real life, the camp you are in is the first impression that ordinary people make when deciding between good and evil.

The police are all good people, the heroes are all good people, the doctors are all good people, and the philanthropists are all good people... because the camps of these professions give people the first impression of being decent!

But actually?
Does decency mean justice?Is the villain completely evil?
Decency is often only a disguise.

There are definitely not a few people like this. On the surface, they are always thinking of others, but in fact they are very selfish. The external image of a good person becomes a kind of performance and performance, commonly known as a hypocrite.

Wood once said that he doesn't hate this kind of person, because he often plays a hypocrite, which makes his survival more convenient.

It is definitely easier for a person with a label of 'justice' to do bad things than a person with a label of 'evil', because in the eyes of others, a person with a label of 'justice' is doing the right thing !

"And my camp is justice, and I have been working hard for this justice disguise."

Wood suppressed the smile on his face, and said coldly: "For this so-called 'justice' label, I have worked as hard as you do!"

"I help Xiongying High School, and save them when necessary to earn favor; help ordinary people, take more measures to protect ordinary people; help heroes, improve the treatment of heroes as much as possible; help the police, reduce their casualties as much as possible... ...A lot, a lot... It can be said that for this label of 'justice', I have done many, many things that you cannot do!"

"So... no matter how kind you are, how many people you saved with your own hands; no matter how evil I am, how many people I killed with my own hands. But as long as I continue to pretend, then I will be in this ridiculous camp of justice, and you..."

Wood looked at Bliss, who was in a trance, and said word by word.

"It's an extremely evil sinner, this is..."

Between the words, a bloody mist filled the area.


Bliss' pupils shrank sharply, because the last two words came from behind him, and at some point in the corner of his eyes, a figure in a blood-colored robe appeared, and the figure opposite him... was The distortion begins to dissipate.


Bliss said these two words in a low voice, with a little self-mockery in his tone.

The reality is cruel, and if you want to recognize the reality, you need to pay a certain price to grow.


The price Brice paid was his own life.

puff puff puff...

The sound of the sharp blade breaking the body echoed over the area, and dense bloodstains filled Bliss's body, just like a piece of broken porcelain. With the breeze blowing, his whole body directly turned into a large blood mist .

But the blood mist did not dissipate, but all gathered on Wood.


Wood raised his brows, because when the blood mist merged into his body, Wood only felt an extremely pure and holy power integrated into the blood energy of the vampire physique, changing the original nature of the blood energy.

This is... Holy Power?
Pure holy power of the brave, holy and beautiful.

The fusion of this unknown holy power and blood energy did not wash away the redness of the blood energy itself, but instead made the blood energy redder and deeper, but... the blood energy that was supposed to be extremely filthy was revealed Exudes an incomparably sacred breath.

This holy power, like the best nutrient, not only purified the nature of the blood energy, but also made Wood clearly feel that his body was being strengthened at a terrifying speed.

The blood glow gradually bloomed on him, and in an instant it condensed into blood-colored seeds, wrapping Wood's whole body in it.

A little bud gradually emerged from the top of the seed, and the bud swelled in the wind, turning into an extremely tall blood-colored rose in the blink of an eye.

The bright roses fluttered, looking sacred and beautiful; but they were full of murderous intent, and the sharp thorns shone with a cold light that seemed to be able to cut everything.

Swipe across!

All the big trees within tens of meters around turned into sawdust and scattered.

With a muffled sound like in full bloom, the incomparably huge flower of blood burst open, forming a sea of ​​blood-colored flowers.

In the sea of ​​flowers, Wood, dressed in a red and silver mixed robe, gradually fell from midair. His closed eyes were like a sleeping baby, and the corners of his slightly raised mouth revealed a kind of nobility, holiness, and supreme arrogance!
The moment Wood touched the ground with his toes, the soil, trees, flowers... everything turned blood red as Wood fell.

The eyes opened, revealing a pair of extremely deep golden pupils!

Wood put his finger to his mouth and bit it.

Blood ran down the fingers in an instant, but the color...

But it was no longer bright red, but turned into an incomparably pure golden color.

This is……

True Ancestor Blood!


(End of this chapter)

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