I really don't want to cross

Chapter 512 It's up to you to decide the direction of this battle

Chapter 512 It's up to you to decide the direction of this battle

- Kingdom of God!
Although it is a bit weird, the entire Academy City is Wood's kingdom of God. This is not only the place where his followers gather the most, but also the root of Wood's becoming a god.

The so-called Kingdom of God is similar to an inherent enchantment, which projects the entire Academy City based on Wood's divine power, while those cursed sons are similar to heroic spirits, but they are living heroic spirit projections. Wood called and came here.

Crazy or stupid.


At this moment, the only option left in Wood's mind is 'fight to win'.

The sudden shock made both the enemy and us in the field stunned, not understanding what happened to the countless translucent phantoms before.

"Really? It's too outrageous!"

All Might smacked his lips. Although he was full of doubts, he also knew that now was not the time to ask.

Wood Boy has made so many... um... ghost loli to help rescue, which already shows that he is ready to stay and fight with him.

With this in mind, All Might glanced at All For One and the remaining seven brains around him, and secretly decided on his opponent. As for Barton... Judging from the previous blow, only Wood Boy's Only the super speed can fight against it.

Circumstances, changed.

All·For·One and Barton glanced at each other, and they both saw the stare on each other's faces.

With All Might participating in the battle, the disturbed All For One has no way to work with Barton to limit Wood's speed as before, unless they can solve All Might in an instant.

But when Wood shot at All For One, Barton would teleport back to protect it immediately, and vice versa. Once Barton turned his target to All Might, Wood would definitely stop him. With his speed...

Fully capable of supporting anytime, anywhere.

That is to say...

Barton looked up at Wood, his face flickered.

The current battle has become a one-on-one battle between himself and Wood, and the final victory depends on All Might and All For One. Whoever wins between the two of them... means which side wins.

All·For·One won, continuing the previous war of attrition, Wood will never escape from his cooperation with All·For·One; and All Might won, and at his own speed, he will never be able to escape Wood's pursuit of him !

Just like Wood said!

Next, is the real battle! !


What disturbed Barton the most was that Wood's eyes changed!
The timidity that existed in those pale golden pupils completely disappeared, and what remained was only a belief of going all out.

Giving up the option of 'retreat' and starting to make a desperate move, Wood is more dangerous than ever!
"Hehehe... that's fine too."

All·For·One's cold laughter spread throughout the audience: "Although the target this time is not you, if you want to fight, I will accompany you, after all, I have always hated you."

not to mention……

All·For·One looked at Olmert's somewhat heavy breathing, and the corner of his mouth under the mask hooked.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, All Might had passed on One·For·All, and even the last fire in his body was on the verge of being extinguished.

In this case, not to mention how many powers are left to fight All Might's brains, even if he is alone, he will definitely win this battle.

"That's it."

Barton nodded suddenly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "It seems that the situation is not as bad as I thought, so..."

The black liquid enveloped Barton, who instantly disappeared in place.

When he appeared in the first time, he had come to the headless sky farthest from All·For·One.

"I can't let you continue to consume our precious combat power."

Amid the ear-shattering roar, the crisp sound of clicking and clicking became one piece, and the night in front of him was shattered one after another, with extremely dark cracks that carried terrifying suction force.

"All For One!!!"

At the same time, All Might's roar was heard, and he rushed directly towards All·For·One.


All·For·One sneered, and the seven brains rushed towards him and All Might at the same time.

Barton glanced back, then looked at Wood who was standing hundreds of meters in front of him in the night, and said with a smile: "It seems that the outcome of this battle will not be changed by the arrival of that symbol of peace, after all ...Once you go to help, I will also teleport back at the same time, in terms of my attack range, if you do that, it will be more convenient for me...Huh?"

As soon as the words stopped, Barton turned sharply and looked at Wood who suddenly appeared ten meters behind him.

"Did you misunderstand something?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in the cold voice, Wood tilted his head, and licked his dark purple lips with the tip of his tongue: "I never planned to do such stupid things as killing 'consumables', let alone help Olmer Te, it’s just a matter of pulling the battlefield between you and me apart.”


Barton frowned.


Wood lunged forward, and when his body bowed slightly, the ground around him suddenly turned golden: "There are not only two people on our side, but also..."

"There's Betty!"

The last sentence was not spoken by Wood, but a melodious female voice that Barton was unfamiliar with.

what! ?

Barton's pupils shrank suddenly, and the corner of his eye swept back.

Boom boom boom boom boom!
Seven roars sounded in succession, and the seven brainless people rushing towards All Might were all smashed down by the seven pitch-black magic stakes that fell from the sky, causing the ground to roar and tremble.

Seven pitch-black long pillars tens of meters high appeared out of thin air, and a figure stood on top of one of them.

It was a girl holding an umbrella, with a beautiful and immature face, a double ponytail braided in vertical curls, and wearing a gorgeous frilly dress, it was Beatrice.

Barton's pupils shrank. He didn't notice when the girl appeared. Any movement would cause shock, but he didn't notice the girl before she attacked.

But he didn't know that Beatrice didn't move, but directly moved there from the subspace with space.

But at this moment, Barton suddenly gave a warning sign, and he instinctively took a step back. At the same time, the battle ax in his hand smashed out horizontally.

The air oscillated, and a shock area was formed immediately, enveloping Barton in it.


Cold and murderous wanton laughter sounded from all directions, as if trumpets were placed around the night.

"Distracted when fighting with me, isn't it a bit too contemptuous?"

Barton didn't say a word, and touched his neck with his empty left hand, and there was a sticky moist feeling on his fingers.

I see, I don't know when...

There was already a light line of blood on his neck.

This made Barton's eyes flash with fear.


If my reaction was a little slower just now, I might have been separated from my body.

That speed was too fast, even if he 'saw' Wood's movement trajectory through the shock, his reaction speed couldn't keep up with Wood. Apart from using his own range shock attack, he had almost no advantage against Wood! !

Barton was on alert, constantly moving his body to prevent Wood's attack.

"It's really not careless at all!"


(End of this chapter)

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