I really don't want to cross

Chapter 514 Grandson...

Chapter 514 Grandson...

Unreasonable...unreasonable...so unreasonable!

All·For·One looked at All Might, who seemed to have been injected with chicken blood in a blink of an eye, and had the upper hand with one against seven, and the half of his face was full of disbelief.

Normally, the current All Might should have reached the limit, but what is going on with this situation of getting stronger and stronger?

and many more……

10 minutes?
All·For·One suddenly remembered the conversation between Wood and the little girl earlier, and a flash of understanding flashed in his heart.

Does that little girl have some kind of blessing ability?
Ever since the golden aura flashed on All Might's body, he has been continuously getting stronger, and the current golden awn on his body is still flickering, so it can be seen...he must have received the secret help of that little girl , otherwise it is absolutely impossible to be so strong.

Thinking of this, All·For·One looked up at Beatrice, who was shining with golden light high in the sky.

"If that's the case, then I'll get rid of you first!!"

All·For·One was almost certain in his heart that the changes in All Might must be related to the little girl in the air, and he didn't hesitate at the moment, and he flew up like this at a very fast speed. Charged towards Beatrice in mid-air.

But Beatrice didn't seem to see him rushing, and she was still singing in her mouth.

"Night Protection"


"Injury and remission"


"Protection from fire"


Although I had faintly heard Beatrice's spiritual voice before, the voice became clearer when I got closer. Those words made All For One feel a little terrified. It's too much.

I can't let All Might get stronger anymore, otherwise...

The battle six years ago is likely to repeat itself again.

"Muscles and bones clockwork + explosive power *4 + arm strength strengthening *3 + proliferation + hypertrophy + rivets + spear bones..."

All·For·One was getting closer and closer to Beatrice in the air, and as each individual name was spoken, his right arm grew rapidly, shaking the air wildly between swings.

He believed that his punch was definitely not something the little girl in front of him could take, as long as he killed her, he would win the battle.

The huge punch cut through the air and made a piercing whistling sound, causing Beatrice to chant a spell.


The delicate and pretty face did not show the slightest fear because of this punch, but stretched out a tender white finger and pointed at the void in front of him.

Almost instantly!

"All For One, have you been down to bully a little girl?"

All Might's roar suddenly came from where Beatrice clicked, and the moment All For One's face changed, the huge figure of All Might rushed out of the night, punching straight Slammed towards him.

Oops!It's teleportation! !

All·For·One sounded, and the little girl in front of him also had the ability to teleport, but All Might's punch was too swift and violent, without giving him a chance to think about it, even if he figured out what was going on in an instant, He could only choose to throw this punch at All Might.

"Dragon Claw"

"Dragon Scale"

The consecutive two buff spells were chanted the moment All Might rushed out of the space channel. Almost instantly, All Might's thick arm was covered with a layer of scales that shone with cold light, and the palm of his hand turned into a Talon.

In the next second, the two collided violently.

The majestic impact disturbed the atmosphere, and a layer of gunpowder spread loudly around the two of them.


Seeing this, Beatrice's small face couldn't help but change, and hastily opened a space passage, regardless of whether the movement was good or not, and rolled in directly.

Almost the moment she left, the impact formed gunpowder smoke that enveloped the place where she was standing before. Looking from below, it seemed that a sea of ​​clouds suddenly appeared in the night.

But the sea of ​​clouds didn't last long, and it collapsed with a silhouette's back.

The moment the figure landed, the ground exploded, stirring up endless soil and rolling it up into the air.

Beatrice appeared in the air on the other side, and hurriedly looked towards the ground. When she saw the All·For·One appearing in the smoke and dust that gradually dissipated, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although more than 800 types of magic have been created that buff and debuff people, this is the first time it has been used in actual combat, so Beatrice is also a little nervous.

However, it now appears that compared to offensive magic, divine power is indeed more suitable for auxiliary magic, as she and Wood guessed, especially when it is cast by her divine weapon. It exists to allow the gods to exert their greatest strength!

In the distance, Wood glanced at the situation here, and couldn't help flashing a touch of joy in his eyes.

After all, he only had such an idea at the beginning, but he didn't expect Beatrice to actually put this idea into reality.

It can be said……

Looking at the world of Noragami, Beatrice at this moment is absolutely the strongest artifact in history.

This is only the effect caused by 150 kinds of buff magic. If with the support of Wood's vast divine power, Beatrice releases these more than 800 kinds of magic one by one on teammates and enemies, the effect that can be caused is just It's exciting just thinking about it.


"Cough cough...cough cough cough..."

All·For·One spat out a few mouthfuls of blood one after another. At this time, the industrial mask on his face had collapsed, revealing the upper half of his face full of scars. There were no eyes, no eyebrows, no hair, if not for the lower part of the face Now, it looks like a peeled potato.

And his right arm showed a strange and incomparably twisted feeling, which was obviously useless.

"Cough... I really lost to you..."

All For One stood up staggeringly, even if it was just standing up, it seemed a bit reluctant, but the corner of the mouth still outlined a playful arc: "It should be said that he really deserves to be the person I hate? "

Accompanied by a dull sound, All Might hit the ground directly, and strode towards All·For·One.

"It's useless, I won't listen to your nonsense anymore, and I won't be irritated by you like six years ago, and let you escape again!"

All Might's voice is extremely cold, All For One hates him, so he is not the same, after all, what he lost during the years of fighting All For One... is absolutely no more than All For One few!

"Is that really the case?"

The teasing at the corner of All For One's mouth became more and more intense: "If I say... Shigaraki Takashi is Shimura Nana's grandson, hehe...hehe, can you still remain unmoved?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the field.

"What... what!?"

All Might's steps suddenly stopped.

"I've been thinking about doing something you hate, so I created a chance for you to meet Hang." All For One looked at All Might's gradually distorted face, with his left hand behind his back, he continued Said: "You drove the hanging away, but you didn't know anything about it, but smiled triumphantly."

All Might's hands couldn't help shaking, even though he tried his best to deny what All·For·One said in his heart, but he really knew All·For·One too well...this kind of thing...All·For·One It is absolutely possible... no, it must be done.

"Huh? That's strange, All Might, why didn't you attack?"

All·For·One raised his arms: "It seems that the grandson of Nana Shimura is really lethal to you."

"Master... the grandson of the master..."

All Might trembled at this moment.

Shimura Reina.

The seventh-generation successor of One For All is the one who cultivated the 'individual' All Might to become a 'symbol of peace' just like he cultivated Izuku Midoriya.

Hearing the news suddenly, All Might couldn't help being dumbfounded.

At this moment, a mass of black liquid suddenly appeared above All Might's head, Nao Wu with a grin on his face, punched All Might who was in a sluggish state.

"Big man!"

Beatrice exclaimed in mid-air to remind, but All Might didn't make any response.

Just when this punch was about to touch All Might.


(End of this chapter)

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