Chapter 518 Leaving (End of this volume) (Two chapters in one)


Wood let out a heavy breath, and the Academy City projected above his head had completely disappeared, bringing Hosu City back into darkness once again.

With the dissipation of the Kingdom of God, the spiritual bodies of millions of cursed children also disappeared without a trace, as if everything that happened before was just a dream, but the miraculous city in the sky and those plains The unknown little girl was deeply imprinted in the memory of everyone in Hosu City.

Although he was a bit reluctant, the dissipation of the Kingdom of God still made Wood heaved a sigh of relief. Otherwise, even if the millions of cursed sons were observed in units of [-], he would have to stand here for a long time before sending them away one by one. .

"It's gone..."

"It's really the same as when I came here, appearing mysteriously and disappearing mysteriously."

"It should be some kind of 'projection' personality, projecting a city we don't know...or a city that may only exist in fantasy, to the real world. After all, judging from the technological level of that city, it is completely different It's like the real world, and with a city of millions of little girls with all kinds of 'personality', it's absolutely impossible to be anonymous."

"Well, indeed, this is really a strong personality, did that little boy do it?"

"It should be right, after all, there is a statue of him in that city."


Millions of cursed sons disappeared at the same time, and after a while of silence, there was an uproar.

They are all discussing what happened before.

The reporters rushed towards Wood in a swarm, but they were stopped by the police before they got close, and then a group of policemen walked in front of Wood, the leader of which was a man who looked extremely dignified, but held a Dog-headed police officer.

"Although it's not good to do so, I hope that 'Student Wood' you can cooperate with our police work."

A look of seriousness flashed across the dog's face of Chief Kotou, even if the strange 'personality' aside, judging from the previous record of the little boy's joint battle with All Might, they, the police, wanted to arrest him by force. It's almost impossible.

not to mention……

The citizens of Baoxu City and those professional heroes will not agree with their policemen to do this, but rules are rules after all, and the point of openly killing gangsters who have lost the ability to resist in front of so many media has violated the fundamental nature of this society. the rule of.

At least, superficial work is absolutely indispensable.

If it were any other adult, he wouldn't feel nervous, because both of them knew this superficial work well, and they would naturally be responsible for their police work.

But in front of this...

Although the strength is terrifying, but judging from his age, he is still just a brat, and judging from the data, he is still a first-year student of the Hero Department. He is at the age of youthful vigor and rebellious personality, so it is inevitable for him to be nervous.

"Facing the Commissioner, you don't need to be nervous."

Wood smiled slightly, and what he said made the chief of the Hosu Police Station couldn't help being slightly stunned, and said in surprise: "You know me?"

Policemen are different from heroes. No matter how high their status is and how much authority they have, they are just "garbage recycling bins" in the eyes of those ignorant people, so few people will remember their names.

"Of course, Director of the Face Dog, the last time we met was at the seminar on hero killers."

During the speech, Wood's body gradually began to change, which made all the policemen, including the masked dog, nervous. Although they had witnessed Wood's transformation before, it happened again in front of their eyes, which made the people around them feel nervous. It felt extremely weird.

I saw that Wood's height gradually grew to more than 1.7 meters, and the skin on his body gradually turned purple. When he appeared in everyone's field of vision again, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

"you are……"

Unlike other people who were surprised by Wood's change, the dog's eyes widened sharply, and his words couldn't help being respectful, which made the professional heroes and policemen around him feel a little confused.

"Sir Geno!?"

The facial dog is naturally not unfamiliar with Wood's appearance. After all, when he speculated that the hero killer might appear in Hosu City, he, the chief of the Hosu City Police Department, also attended the meeting, and Wood was initiator of that meeting.

Sir Jeno?

The sudden change made everyone in the field stunned.

"Jeno's words, isn't it the newly appointed Deputy Secretary?"

"Ah, now that you said that, I also remembered that it was the chief who issued many disaster prevention measures."

"Although I have heard that the officer is very young, I didn't expect him to be so young."

"Snap, snap, this is the first time Chief Jeno has appeared in front of the media."


Ignoring the noise around him, Wood nodded to the dog in front of him: "Actually, the identity of 'Wood' is the identity I forged for my other form by using my authority, and the reason is because I saw the information about 'Wood'." All For One's case file, thinking that if he appeared, the target must be All Might, so I used another form of myself to take the entrance examination for Xiongying High School and conduct a secret investigation."

Speaking of this, Wood scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "Although it is not selfish, because I graduated from Thammasat University and do not have a hero license, so I also want to take this opportunity to obtain a hero license."

"I see!"

Hearing this, a look of amazement flashed across the dog's eyes, and he nodded understandingly, a smile appeared on that dog's face.

Even an extremely stable genius, after all, is still a young man who has just turned 20 years old, and he will inevitably yearn for a hero, although in the eyes of the face dog... With the protective measures promulgated by this little officer, he was saved by his measures The man has gone far beyond a hero.

"It is also because of the appearance of the enemy alliance that I will get news about them as soon as possible."

Wood paused for a moment, with a wry smile on his face: "Probably because of this, my identity was discovered by 'All For One', and he sent a 'striped pseudo-hero' to hijack me, so I was sure The mastermind behind the enemy alliance is 'All·For·One', so when I found out that the enemy alliance and the hero killer began to contact, I took the opportunity of workplace experience to try my luck here, unexpectedly I just met attack by the enemy alliance."

Listening to Wood's explanation, the eyes of all the people present couldn't help showing amazement.

He really deserves to be a genius!

Unexpectedly, so many things were found out from one file.

At the same time, they also understood why the kidnapping of the Xiongying student was so big, but it disappeared after a few days without the person involved; this was obviously what this 'Officer Jie Nuo' did, after all, his identity If it is well known, it is not conducive to the investigation conducted secretly.

"As for killing 'All For One' and Hero Killer and their partners, it is based on my personal judgment, because their thinking is too dangerous, and they also have the ability to put this thinking into action , so I don’t think they can be kept.”

The dog on the face nodded when he heard the words, and he was indeed qualified to make such a judgment with the authority of the "Master Jeno". The level of a month's salary...

"Of course, you still need to cooperate with the police. The reason why I said so much is just to hope that you can help me explain to my superiors. After all..." Wood smiled wryly and didn't continue, but the facial dog listened. Got it, and blinked at Wood.

Wood smiled when he saw this. Although he could leave this world directly, if he left like this, it would make things difficult for All Might and Xiongying High School.

This reason was prepared a long time ago to prevent his identity from being leaked, but he didn't expect to use it at this time.

Next, Wood did not continue to stay here, but followed the police to the police station.

After arriving at the Hosu City Police Station, Wood met two unexpected people.

"Student Wood!"

"You weren't injured, right? If it wasn't for saving us, you wouldn't have been involved in an attack of that scale."

As soon as they entered the police station, Tenya Iida and the guide came forward with anxious faces.

The dog on his face smiled when he saw this, and explained to Wood who had recovered his body: "Mr. Jeno, your classmate seems to have a good relationship with you. After the incident, he and the guide came to our police immediately. The Department said that you were being targeted by a very dangerous person, and you were crazy and asked our police to rescue you."

Wood couldn't help but smile when he heard this, he was actually quite happy that these two guys could survive.

"Sir Jeno?"

Three doubtful voices came at the same time, apart from Iida Tenya and the guide, the other was the extremely thin All Might.

"Ah, by the way, classmate Wood, this is Mr. Ou. He told us the news that you are still alive." Tenya Iida introduced Wood, pointing to All Might.


Hearing this, Wood rolled his eyes at All Might, this guy really wants to save face and suffer, the fire in his body has disappeared, there is no use for him to maintain the status of "symbol of peace".

Seeing Wood's eyes, All Might smiled wryly, knowing that Wood recognized his identity.

"Director of Dog Heirs, why do you call Wood boy Chief Jeno?" All Might asked with some doubts.

With a smile on his face, he explained to All Might what Wood had said earlier, causing the faces of the three people in the field to show sudden expressions.

"I didn't expect, Student Wood, that you still have such a powerful identity."

"Let me just say, I always feel that you are mysterious."

Wood smiled slightly, and talked with the two of them for a while, then glanced at All Might and said to the two of them: "Go and go through the procedure with the police, I have something to talk to Mr. Ou alone .”

Hearing this, it wasn't surprising to face the dog, after all, he was also an insider of what All Might looked like, so he didn't talk nonsense right now, and walked directly to the police station with the two people who were puzzled.

"You're still hiding your identity, aren't you planning to retire?"

Wood glanced at All Might, and sat down on the steps outside the police station without being too dirty.

"how is this possible."

All Might also sat down, and said with a wry smile: "I don't want to retire even if I look like this. I will announce my retirement later, but I hope to extend my status as a 'symbol of peace' as long as possible. After all... "

"Hehe, do you still want to stand up like this until Izuku grows up?"


All Might was taken aback.

"If I can't see such an obvious thing, I won't be able to take the position of Deputy Secretary for Affairs." Wood curled his lips: "After all, even individual brats in the class can see your concern for Izuku Midoriya .”

All Might nodded when he heard the words, and did not continue on this topic, but instead said: "I have already given all my abilities to the Green Valley boy, so I hope that when he grows enough to succeed the 'Peace' Before the "symbol of peace", continue to deter the darkness hidden in the dark; as long as my weakness is not exposed, even if All Might retires, the "symbol of peace" can still form a certain deterrent."

"Tch, you are really a complete idiot."


"this is for you!"

Wood casually threw a piece of paper to All Might.

All Might took it with some doubts and looked at it, and found that it was... a completely incomprehensible blueprint, and the various parts on it were extremely complicated, making people dizzy just looking at it.

"What do you do with this thing for me? You'd better keep it for yourself."

"This is the blueprint for a mechanical furnace that converts various organic substances into the nutrients needed by the body." Wood couldn't help but smile when he said this. The doctor behind Genos really took great pains to allow Genos to have a normal life what.

This mechanical melting furnace simulates the structure of the human body to the greatest extent with a super high level of technology. It not only allows Genos to have a sense of taste, but also allows him to supplement the energy he needs by ingesting food, making Genos as much as possible. Live like a normal person.

"Although the extinguished fire in your body cannot be retrieved, this mechanical furnace can replace your removed stomach, allowing you to enjoy normal food and live a normal life without vomiting blood at every turn; In terms of body, even if there is no fire, you should be able to maintain that kind of muscle shape and exert your own strength based on your training for so many years."

"Of course, it is impossible to return the strength you had when you had 'One For All', after all, you have already passed it on."

All Might was taken aback when he heard the words, and hurriedly took back the design drawing that was about to be handed out, his face was full of excitement: "In this case, it really helped a lot."

"I advise you not to be too aggressive."

Wood glanced at All Might: "Since you've retired, don't make any more shots. Usually, using your muscle state to teach at Xiongying High School is enough to form a certain deterrent. As for whether you can hide it until Izuku grows up, It all depends on your luck."


Olmert nodded, then frowned: "Are you going to leave?"

I don't know why, but he has this feeling faintly, because he always feels...

The current Wood boy gives people a feeling...the parents go out for a trip, but they are very worried about the children at home, and the feeling is endlessly exhorting...All Might feels an extremely strong sense of disobedience.


Wood nodded, and made up a random reason: "You are not the only one who was half-crippled in this battle, and my body was also injured to a certain extent, so I am going to resign my position and drop out of school, and take a good rest. Let's take a look around the world."

All Might was silent for a while, and did not persuade, but asked: "When are you going to leave?"



The corner of All Might's mouth twitched: "So fast?"

"Well, it's really troublesome to say goodbye after all. As for my superiors, you just need to tell them for me when the time comes, otherwise...they may not be able to let people go, I want to take this opportunity Heal your wounds."

"Hahahaha... If I had known you a few decades earlier, we would have probably become good partners."

"I don't think so, after all..."

Wood looked up at the night sky above.

"I'm not an idiot!"


(End of this chapter)

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