Chapter 102

"Sit down obediently. If you perform well at the birthday ceremony, my sister will teach you." Qin Shuting smiled.

The girl didn't doubt that she had him, and immediately behaved obediently, and her temperament immediately changed from a lively and active little girl to a well-educated, gentle and elegant lady.

Qin Shuting smiled with satisfaction, then lowered her head and continued to read.In fact, how could she have any foresight? She just used this boo head to let this naughty little guy pay attention to the majesty of the Qin family.

Apart from the Qin family, there are only twelve families who are eligible to park their cars in this garage.The Hua family is as powerful as their Qin family, so naturally they disdain to follow others, and according to the Hua family, the "princess" of the Hua family is studying in Cambridge, England, and has not come back. This family is naturally excluded, except The Hua family, there are only those eleven families.

In Qin Fan's car, Wang Lei, who was sitting next to Qin Fan, had a questioning look on his face.

She is only 21 years old this year. Although her makeup skills are superb, she has not experienced much in the world after all. Seeing that Qin Fan gave up his privileges, she felt a little puzzled and asked uncontrollably, "Master, don't we have the privilege to drive into the resort?" ?”

Li Zeshan's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, he thought to himself that this damn girl is usually quite sensible, why is she acting stupid now, and cursed inwardly, you dare to refute the young master's words, you don't want to do it anymore.

To his surprise, Qin Fan answered her patiently: "Although we have privileges, we are juniors after all. How can we compete with the elders before we can show our talents?"

Wang Lei nodded half-understood, Qin Fan glanced at Li Zeshan after getting off the car, and then at Wang Lei, Li Zeshan immediately understood and nodded again and again.

Seeing this, Wang Lei looked dazed, and the two followed Qin Fan with gifts and documents. Taking advantage of Qin Fan's inattention, Wang Lei quietly said to Li Zeshan, "Why did you nod just now?"

Li Zeshan glared at her, only opened his mouth but didn't make a sound: "The young master said, he wants me to take you well, shut up quickly, you, do you think the young master is deaf when you are so loud?"

Not knowing what she did wrong, Wang Lei quickly shut up, looked at Qin Fan's back with an aggrieved face, and thought to herself that my voice is quite low.

The Qin family's motorcade stopped in a row, and Qin Fan's car was mixed among them. He hadn't appeared in the Qin family's public places for four years, and many younger juniors could no longer recognize him. up.

When Qin Fan got out of the car, he took Wang Lei and Li Zeshan and left directly in the opposite direction to the younger generation of the Qin family. The place he was going next was different from where these people were going.

Because today is the home court of the Qin family, he, as the youngest of the Qin family, will also be the core of this gathering, and the other young people of the Qin family are no different from those guests, they are just here to let them see the world and talk to other people. The young people in the family are all connected.

"Young master, those young patriarchs of other families..." Li Zeshan reminded Qin Fan, looking for the shadow of Qin Fan, looking at the eleven young masters who were struggling to socialize among a group of Qin family juniors.

"It's not yet the time for them to get in touch with each other in depth." Qin Fan said without turning his head, still striding towards his special elevator, just like this, giving these young masters who came to find him with painstaking efforts. dropped.

(End of this chapter)

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