Chapter 117

'This is the woman Wei Shen likes?It doesn't seem like much. '

'Little anchor, you don't show your breasts or your butt~ Who the hell~ is watching your live broadcast. '

'Learn more from our family Qianqian, if you want to be hot, you have to show your flesh, understand? '

'Tsk tsk tsk, it's still live broadcasting cooking, so stupid, let's go, what's there to watch. '


Thousands of people seemed to have discussed it, and suddenly poured into Zhang Xue's live broadcast room. As soon as they came in, they posted bullet screens as if no one else was there, and made judgments on Zhang Xue's figure. And her die-hard fans couldn't take it anymore, they all fell silent, frowning as they watched this group of idiots spraying dung in the live broadcast room.

Finally, some bad-tempered water friends couldn't take it anymore, and directly fired back at this group of people.

'New water friend, it's a little too much. '

'Our Xuexue has breasts and legs, but if you don't show them, what can you do? '

'Where did you come from so stupid? If you like to watch it, if you don't like to watch it, get out, who begged you to watch it? '

'I didn't eat enough milk when I was a child, I want to see my breasts so much, I go home to see you~Mom. '


Some of the barrages were more rational, while others were very aggressive. They immediately offended thousands of friends who came from Qianqian's live broadcast room, and they all started to fight back. The live broadcast room instantly became a battlefield of saliva.

As the anchor, Zhang Xue naturally didn't want to see her live broadcast room become like this, besides, she didn't like these guys who were full of shit.

Originally, when she saw these people entering her live broadcast room, she wanted to persuade these fans to leave her live broadcast room. Everyone would not recruit anyone, and no one would provoke anyone.But how could she have guessed that after a moment of hesitation, such an accident occurred, and it suddenly became the current scene.

Although her fans spoke out and scolded others, she was standing up for herself after all, and she should speak for her water friends as it should be.

"Those water friends who want to see breasts and legs, although I am just a small anchor, I really want to be popular, but my live broadcast room really does not broadcast this. If you want to watch it, please move to other breasts and legs. Go to the live broadcast room." Zhang Xue thought for a long time before she said such a polite word, because she was really angry now, and she was already working hard to control her emotions.

But those thousands of water friends didn't buy it. Some people are like this. You have to beat him, and you have to hurt him so that he can remember and know that some things should not be done.

'Brothers, this little anchor actually started to push people away. '

"A small anchor dares to kick us out, bully our Qianjia army, or look down on our Qianqian?" '

'Chick, we think highly of you when we watch your live broadcast, don't be ignorant, don't wait for our Qianjia army to come and deal with you. '


Seeing that these people were like dog-skin plasters and couldn't be driven away, Zhang Xue's frown became more and more tight. Some water friends who came from Wei Shen's side saw that this live broadcast room could not stay anymore, and Wei Shen was about to The broadcast started, and people left directly.

But among these people, there are still four or five thousand people who are willing to stay and help Zhang Xue overcome this difficulty. In addition to Zhang Xue’s previous three thousand to four thousand die-hard fans, there are nearly 1 thousand people in total. Spraying Zhang Xue, speaking of spraying people, he is the elite of the elite.

(End of this chapter)

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