PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 127 Qin Fan Will Be Angry

Chapter 127 Qin Fan Will Be Angry
After such a turmoil, no one dared to provoke the four of them for the time being, and they all avoided them like the plague gods.

"The cowhide has been blown out. In this game, even until the end of this freshman competition, we will be the target of public criticism. There is no doubt about it. Aren't you afraid?" Qin Fan sat on the gaming chair, feeling the competition With a sense of excitement, he smiled at the three of them.

"With the big brother here, I'm afraid of being a child, so I'm done." When Zhang Dewei encounters troubles, he always looks bold and decisive as a Shandong man.

"You can do it, listen to what the elder brother has to say." Zhuge Qingyun gave Zhang Dewei a blank look. As the second generation of officials, he always handled things with caution habitually.

"I think, the map is so big, we can find a random place to hide it, but they can't find it." Wang Youcai said, he is very pragmatic, he doesn't talk much, and he is very thoughtful, but unfortunately he is a game idiot~ .

The three of them gave him a blank look when they heard the words, Xin Dao played so many games with this guy, except for marksmanship, he didn't improve at all.

"I've already thought about the tactics, let's do it like this..." Zhuge Qingyun and the others pricked up their ears to listen. Qin Fan was about to tell the three of them how to play this round, when he heard a melodious song 'Moonlight in the Lotus Pond', and the sound of his voice It was so loud that the three of them felt that their eardrums were about to burst.

Without thinking, the three of them looked at Qin Fan with dark faces and said, "Can you change the ringtone of your phone?"

"It's already 2018, and you're still listening to songs that became popular in 2011 and 12. Boss, can you catch up with the trend of the times?"

"Boss, I won't talk about how dirty your clothes are, but can you stop ruining my ears while ruining my eyes." Zhuge Qingyun said righteously.

Facing the severe accusations from the three of them, Qin Fan calmly took out his phone and glanced at the caller ID on the phone screen. It was an unfamiliar number.

While answering the phone, Qin Fan said arrogantly to the three of them, "I won't change it, I'm mad at you."

Facing a man who has no pursuit of fashion and is shameless, what else can they say.

"Hey, don't tell other people that this is my elder brother. Who dares to say that I killed someone." Zhuge Qingyun sighed pretending to be disappointed.

"I can't hold my 40-meter long sword anymore." Zhang Dewei pouted.

The two sat on the table and made fun of Qin Fan's taste. Wang Youcai suddenly came over and said mysteriously, "Look, brother's face changed after he answered the phone, he looks very angry."

"Cut, low-level, it's all left over from my playing." Zhang Dewei said with a look of disdain.

"You really have to learn from Zhang Dewei on this..." Zhuge Qingyun also showed disdain.

The big things that they and Qin Fan have encountered together are not rare, but no matter how big the scene or the big event, Qin Fan always keeps his expression on his face and doesn't rush, so they are very curious, and Qin Fan is angry what it was like when

And this stalk has already been spoiled by Zhang Dewei and Zhuge Qingyun. The two often fool each other, fooling each other, "Qin Fan is angry at a certain moment," and now, they don't believe that Qin Fan is in a hurry. And angry these two emoticons.

This caused Wang Youcai to say that when Qin Fan was angry, the two of them didn't even look at each other.

But this time, it's real.

Qin Fan was really angry, no matter how big the matter was on weekdays, he could hide it in his heart and not show it.But today's incident directly caused the anger in his heart to become so strong that he couldn't hide it...

(End of this chapter)

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