Chapter 130 Speechless
Before Qin Fan's anger reached Douyu's senior management, he had to help Zhang Xue out.

In the past, Qin Fan seldom bothered to vent his anger. This is a habit he developed since he was a child, because he has a high status since he was a child, and he is also too busy. He has too many reasons to do it. Learning and practicing, there are too many things to do, and I don't have the mind to think about how to vent my anger.

So his handling method has always been simple and rude. No matter how others bully me, I will return it ten times and a hundred times. He has enough capital to let him directly crush anyone who dares to offend him.

But this time was different, this time it was not only him who was angry, but also Zhang Xue, he thought it would be easy to vent his anger, he would sneak out the top management of Douyu, clean up and let the people below slowly ferment.

But if you want to vent your anger on Zhang Xue, you can only use a more troublesome way to solve it.

"Why are you back? Didn't you have class today?" Seeing Qin Fan's sudden return, Zhang Xue suppressed her sobs and said to Qin Fan pretending to be calm, but her red and swollen eyes revealed the grievance in her heart.

Looking at this silly girl who was bluffing on weekdays, but at this moment she was extremely wronged, and was still trying her best to use her clumsy acting skills to pretend that she was not wronged, Qin Fan couldn't help but twitched in his heart.

The words that were full of words reached his lips, and finally turned into a sigh.

A trace of reluctance and hesitation flashed in his eyes, and then he raised his hand to help her straighten out the messy hair on her head, his eyes were full of tenderness, like a man who fell in love.

The two of them had never had such an intimate movement before. This was the first time. Zhang Xue was too sad to notice Qin Fan's actions at first, but the feeling above her head was real, slow, Gentle, intoxicating, like a dream.

When Zhang Xue realized that it was Qin Fan who was helping her straighten her hair, she was already intoxicated, and that feeling was very comfortable. Although she felt that such an intimate act should not occur due to the relationship between the two of them, she still I don't want to refuse from the bottom of my heart, I want this feeling to last until my hair turns gray.

Unknowingly, Zhang Xue fell asleep in Qin Fan's warm and generous embrace. She slept very sweetly. Although she didn't sleep well, Qin Fan was still very absorbed in watching.

He hugged Zhang Xue sideways and sent him to her bedroom.

Since Qin Fan entered the door until now, he hasn't said a word, because he doesn't know what to say, although he usually spits out lotus flowers, and has a hundred ways to swear when he has a poisonous tongue.

But at this moment, he has nothing to say, and he is not qualified to say anything. After all, he is not Zhang Xue's boyfriend, and it is even less likely that he will be in the future.

Because he is not only Qin Fan, but also Qin Mingyang, the sun of the Qin family, he doesn't even belong to himself, let alone his own marriage?

So he can only choose to do things silently, to heal the wound for her beloved woman, and the next step is his 'moment of revenge'.

Today is September 2018, 9 in the Gregorian calendar. Today is an extraordinary day for Douyu Qianqian and the "Qianjiajun", because today they sanctioned a small anchor who dared to provoke the "majesty" of the "Qianjiajun", At this time, more than 3 QQ groups or sub-groups of their "Qianjiajun" were celebrating.

Among these groups, only the QQ group has Douyu Qianqian's own QQ number in it, and the general group is also the most die-hard fans of Douyu Qianqian, and they are all friends who have a good relationship with Douyu Qianqian friends, and some even have sex with Douyu Qianqian in real life.

(End of this chapter)

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