Chapter 135 Fermentation
A sneer appeared on the corner of Qin Fan's mouth, but he didn't even look at it, and continued to send out his password red envelopes, continuing to follow the rhythm.

After leaving that female anchor named Qianqian on the air for a while, he unhurriedly clicked on New Friends, and clicked Agree.

"Who are you?" Qin Fan sent a voice message to Douyu Qianqian knowingly and knowingly. He used Qin Mingyang's speaking style and tone of rhythm, quite calm and elegant, full of demeanor of a rich boy.

In order to attract Douyu Qianqian to agree to his request, Qin Fan did everything possible.

Douyu Qianqian clicked on the voice and listened, and immediately felt her little heart beating. This was a voice she had never heard before, as if it should not exist in the world.

'It's the taste of the super rich. Qianqian, who had read countless people, felt the deer bumping in her heart. I don't know if it was because of Qin Fan's magnetic voice, or because of the money in his pocket.

"I'm Qianqian, can my little brother help my sister to appease the animals in the herd? If possible, brother can do whatever I want my sister to do." Qianqian left the live broadcast room and tried her best to put her Hejiao~Mei showed it through her voice, trying to attract this top rich man, and specially emphasized the last sentence 'anything is fine'.

Qin Fan clicked on the voice and listened for a while, sneered, and said in his heart: "You can do whatever you want, then I ask you to publicly apologize to Zhang Xue. I don't know if you are willing or not." '

Naturally, there is no need to ask this question too much, of course it is impossible, Qianqian can refer to any position on the bed~ any position is fine.

It's just that, let alone Qin Fan's unwillingness to talk to her about this matter, if she faced it as the eldest son of the Qin family, then girls from every consortium and family in China who had illusions about Qin Mingyang would not agree that the banished immortal in their minds would be treated like this. woman defiled.

But if it's Qin Fan and King's identity, let alone King's female fans all over the world, I'm afraid the male fans will tear this biao called Douyu Qianqian alive.

"As for the matters related to everything, we will talk about it in detail when I have time in the future. Now I am more concerned about when you can have another competitive match with that little anchor named Zhang Xue." Qin Fan held back his heart The disgusting smile.

Douyu Qianqian's eyes lit up when she heard the first half of the top rich man's sentence, but she frowned slightly when she heard the second half of the sentence. This matter is about her future career. She has to think about it.

Seeing that the other party did not reply to the message, Qin Fan knew that she must be hesitant.

First, I want to wait and see the follow-up situation of the people in the group, and the degree of fermentation of this incident. Second, I want to consider the impact of challenging a small anchor who has been blocked by her personally on her and her career. Thirdly, the incident came too suddenly, she needs to calm down, calm down, and sort out the clues.

With a third-person perspective, Qin Fan analyzed Douyu Qianqian's mental activities at this time clearly, even better than she herself. Before making this plan, he had already guessed some things that might happen later.

Take one step, see three steps, this is a compulsory course for the children of an aristocratic family. When Qin Fan was learning this principle, he never imagined that one day, he would use this principle to help others vent their anger...

Until it was getting dark, Zhang Xue had already woken up, and Douyu Qianqian hadn't replied to Qin Fan yet, but Qin Fan was not in a hurry, because the incident in the QQ general group this time had gone in the direction he expected. fermented.

(End of this chapter)

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