Chapter 139

At the end of the scolding, the 'Qianjiajun' were tired of scolding, and also tired of scolding, because no matter how they scolded, this group of people simply ignored them, and in the end they looked like clowns...

Seeing that her 'iron army' failed to break through the little anchor's psychological defense, Douyu Qianqian could only negotiate with sincerity.

'If you agree, I can give you a foothold in Douyu. 'Douyu Qianqian sent out a barrage.

She made this decision after careful consideration. It seemed that this decision seemed to be letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and there would be endless troubles, but in fact, as long as Zhang Xue was still with Douyu in the future, she would have a lot of opportunities to deal with her.

There are so many twists and turns in Zhang Xue's head. Seeing this condition, her eyes suddenly lit up. As long as she agrees, she can continue the live broadcast here, which is already very satisfying for her.

But for Qin Fan, no matter what conditions Douyu Qianqian is offering now, he will not agree, because if Zhang Xue wants to stay in Douyu in the future, there is only one choice, and that is to marry Douyuqian. It is impossible for Qianqian to be friends even if they are superficial friends, and for this condition, it is impossible for Douyu Qianqian to take the initiative, so she can only deal with it secretly.

So he didn't even look at the bullet screen, and said directly: "No, I have to add one more condition."

Douyu Qianqian's face turned dark immediately, she had already lowered her face to negotiate, but she was still flatly rejected, it was too embarrassing for her.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the annoying man continue: "I ask you not to make this water friend match public."

Douyu Qianqian didn't even think about it, so she sent a bullet screen saying: "This is impossible." '

She originally planned to take advantage of this competition to publicize it well, stepping on this little anchor, and firmly establish her position as the first sister of Douyu in one fell swoop, otherwise this competition will have no value for her, and it will be thankless She doesn't do business.

Qin Fan still didn't look at the barrage, and there was a slightly playful smile on the corner of his mouth, but he stopped talking.

How can he vent his anger on Zhang Xue if he doesn't make this water friends match public?Therefore, the water friend competition must be made public. Both parties have different goals, but they have the same needs.

His real purpose is to use the subconscious consensus reached by both parties to win for them a condition that seems weak but impossible to win, that is - the right to customize the promotional title.

The right to customize the promotional title, on the surface, is a very weak condition, but in fact, it has a very large impact. It will directly define the apparent purpose and value of this round of water friends, and maximize the benefits of the winner. change.

If he asks for it abruptly, Douyu Qianqian will definitely feel that he has ulterior motives and won't give it to him, so he needs to give an impossible condition first, then give it to show weakness, and then ask for what he really needs.

On the surface, he is seeking the next best thing, but in fact he is striving for what he really needs.

Showing weakness doesn't necessarily mean crying bitterly, all kinds of misery, excessive performances can appear fake, sometimes for a smart enemy, just silence is enough, Douyu Qianqian is smart enough to understand the meaning, just not as smart as him .

His current silence is the most appropriate expression of weakness.

Douyu Qianqian was staring at the half man figure on the screen. She was lowering her head, not saying a word, and her body was gradually looking a little stooped. Obviously there was no other way, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth: "I want to give you Women save the last face? I don’t want to give it to you. Not only do I want to humiliate her in the competition, but I also want to step on your woman to the pinnacle of my life. What can you do to me? I let you and me Pi, hum."

If she knew that the man she scolded was the top rich man she knelt and licked before, she didn't know how she would feel.

"The water friends match between the two sides can be made public, but the right to customize the title must be given to us." Qin Fan finally revealed his true purpose.

Douyu Qianqian still sneered, and said in her heart: "If you still play with me, what can I do if I don't give it to you." '

I was about to post a barrage, and then I thought that my die-hard fans are eager to see her ravage this little biao~ again, if they are forced to death, they won’t give me any face, and they won’t fight me anymore , what can I do...'

'Anyway, title customization is not a big deal, it's just a dispensable thing. No matter how the title is done, it can't change the ending of my suppression of this anchor. I'm still the final winner. If you want it, I'll give it to you. . '

Thinking that this competition is finally going to be finalized, Douyu Qianqian felt much better. Afraid that the little anchor would regret it temporarily, she quickly tapped the keyboard and typed: 'Okay, here you go.' '

In the end, the match was scheduled to start at [-]:[-] noon tomorrow, and both sides had half a day to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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