PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 142 Two Factions Open Tournament

Chapter 142 Two Factions Open Tournament

Until bedtime at night, Qin Fan did not announce his tactics to the fan group, because he himself is a "Jia Ke", and he turned against the core of Douyu Qianqian's biggest reliance, the "Qian Family Army", which made He himself is a little suspicious now, always thinking that Zhang Xue, a silly woman's fan base, may also be a "spy" of Douyu Qianqian.

Because if you want to join this woman's qq group, you don't need approval at all. It's a hundred times easier than Douyu Qianqian's fan group management, but even if the threshold is so low, Zhang Xue's fan group is usually two or three. Only a genius can get so many die-hard fans.

However, after Zhang Xue and Douyu Qianqian reached an agreement today, Zhang Xue's fan group suddenly became overcrowded. People are not shallow...

Fortunately, when he selected the players for tomorrow's game, he chose the IDs he knew well before, and they were all old fans, so he didn't worry about mixing in the opponent's people.

If even the team that Qin Fan personally selected had the enemy's secret operations, Qin Fan could really find a piece of tofu and kill him quickly, and all these years of professional career would be wasted.

But there is another good news, that is, Qin Fan found out in Douyu Qianqian's qq group that they didn't pick enough people until 11:30 in the evening, and they kept asking him if he wanted to fight, so it goes without saying, of course not up.

I'm a rich man, so I don't have time to mess around with you guys, and if I want to mess around, I'll be messing with us Xuexue.

After picking enough people, Douyu Qianqian's general group has been discussing how to fight, discussing and discussing, but they are still limited by the framework of the previous four-person team model. This is an old-fashioned style of play that Qin Fan has used for a long time, and it is still a small-scale tactic.

Do you want to win without a big direction or a big strategy?Thinking a little too much... Qin Fan was very disappointed when he saw that he was making a large-scale crowd strategy for the first time and met such a stupid opponent.

After a night of nothing to say, Qin Fan still didn't go to school early in the morning, and did morning exercises. After breakfast, he added those water friends he picked one by one, and then rushed in to build a group, and shared these People draw closer to the group alone.

I specially told them about the usage of local small tactics and his overall tactics. The water friends listened with great interest. They are all relatively strong high-end players in the game, and their understanding of the game and the use of tactics are quite in place. up.

However, there is still a big gap between them and professional players. Facing the detached existence of professional players like Qin Fan, the gap between them is naturally even greater. When Qin Fan told them his tactics and ideas, they immediately let They have a feeling that listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books.

Because Qin Fan's thinking this time is unconstrained, it is a style of play that has never been done before, it is a team of ten players, a team of 20 players, and even a team of 30 and 40 players. It is one plus one. strategy greater than two.

The water friends listened with great interest, and whenever there was something they didn't understand, they would ask Qin Fan for advice. Qin Fan also knew everything, and before he knew it, it was time for the competition.


"Hello everyone, today's game is an entertainment open competition organized by the Douyu platform. This game will adopt a best-of-three game system, with 50 people as a team. It will be the first domestic duel between two camps. It is also the first open tournament since Blue Hole launched the two-camp custom competition, which is of great significance."

The male narrator spits out lotus flowers, trying his best to mobilize the audience's appetite. The two-camp mode that no one cares about before and recognized as boring is like the most fun game in the world when it comes out of his mouth.

The reason why such a small scale can be called the first large-scale open game is because since the emergence of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, there has never been an open match between two camps...

(End of this chapter)

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