Chapter 145 was deleted

Gucun is a sniper in Weishen's team, a shy, introverted and cute little boy.

Wei Shengang clicked on the friend list, and was about to invite Gucun and others to join the team.

Suddenly, he saw that the person at the top of the friend list went online today. It has been nearly a year, and every time he logs in, he will check the online time of this person, but every time he is endlessly disappointed.

Just when he clicked on the friend list again today with a disappointed attitude, he suddenly found a shocking news——king has registered.

After nearly a year, his idol finally became popular again.

The water friends also saw the online status of king in his friend list, and all of them became short of breath, staring at that account with bright eyes just like Wei Shen.

'Oh my god, am I a vision? '

'Is that king?Damn, is that king?He is on the number? '

'The king is finally coming back, hahahaha, it's worth waiting for me for so long. '

"Wei Shen, let me tell you a secret. In fact, I am a fan of King. When King comes back, I will leave. I will say goodbye to you in advance. It's funny..."

'Same upstairs...'

'Same upstairs...'

'Everyone, don't scare Wei Shen, hahahaha. '

"Wei Shen belongs to us, and the king belongs to the world." '


Wei Shen didn't care about them at all right now, he was busy showing off the good news to Gu Chu and his teammates: "King is online, you three should train, I'm going to play a game with the male god today Go, hahahaha..."

Gu Cun jumped up when he heard the words, he and Wei Shen were the only ones in their team who were lucky enough to snatch two positions in King's friends list. same wrinkled...

That is king, a character like a symbol, representing the dreams and supreme glory of all their professional players.

At this time, Wei Shen was facing the chat window of King on the screen, so excited that he couldn't control himself, thinking about how he would tell his senior that I want to play games with you.

After thinking hard for a long time, I finally figured it out. I just typed a line, and I haven't had time to send it out yet.

Suddenly, the chat window on his screen disappeared, and Wei Shen screamed out in fright. He had never been so nervous in a professional game before.

Wei Shen hurriedly clicked on the friend list to check, but found that king had disappeared from his friend list...

'king deleted me? Wei Shen was unwilling to accept this fact, and the sadness in his heart suddenly flowed upstream, and he was stunned on the spot, speechless for a while.

"Have you started the game with senior king?" Gu Cun noticed that the online status of king in the friend list had changed to start the game, and immediately thought that he was playing a game with their captain.

With idol worship in his arms, he hurried to their captain to have a look, only to find out...their captain was deleted by the king.

Gu Cun couldn't help but get excited in his heart, and thought to himself; "Senior King's temper is really not good, and he deleted our captain immediately if he disagreed with him. Fortunately, I went online late, otherwise I would be the one who suffered..."

How did they know that the reason why Qin Fan deleted Wei Shen's account was because his mouse just happened to click on Wei Shen's position.

Fifty people, Qin Fan hit Wei Shen casually, I don't know whether to call him lucky or unlucky...

If Zhang Xue's account hadn't been blocked, Qin Fan wouldn't have been forced to do so, and Wei Shen would not have been forced to use his special account for the game.

If Zhang Xue hadn't been so cheating and said such a sentence, it might be someone else who Qin Fan deleted.

If Wei Shen can pay attention to the fight between the Douyu sisters and the flowers that the water friends talk about, if he is lucky, he may be able to find King from this group of people.

It's a pity that there are not so many ifs, this is probably fate, I hope Wei Shen will know the truth in the future and will not regret that he broke the rules and promoted Zhang Xue, the pig teammate who killed him...

For the professional e-sports circle, today is destined to be an extraordinary day, because professional players from all over the world have discovered that King has become the number one.

(End of this chapter)

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