PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 161 The Poisonous Tongue Qin Fan

Chapter 161 The Poisonous Tongue Qin Fan
"Snipers from each team, in groups of three, occupy the best sniper spots in the city. The nine snipers of your three teams must control the vision of the whole city."

"Assaulters of each team, set up an ambush on the main traffic arteries within 500 meters of the coverage area of ​​the sniper firepower of each team, and wait for my order."

"The supporting teams of each team, follow your captain, and wait for your captain's order."

"The supply troops of each team, one team and one vehicle, the second team went to the jungle to collect resources, mainly collecting bullets and medicine kits, and came back after 10 minutes, and the third team of supply soldiers went to lick this wave of airdrops."

Qin Fan issued four orders in one breath, his mouth was dry, but he also felt very enjoyable.

The tactics of commanding fifty people to fight and four people to fight are completely different. Fifty-man battles are more varied, more powerful, and have higher requirements for the overall situation and cooperation.

The standard configuration of the original four-person team is: 'commander, sniper, observer, and assaulter. '

Originally, only one main commander was needed, but in a four-person team, the commander occupies a quarter of the position. Compared with a team of 50 people, the commander only occupies less than one-tenth. The average firepower played is naturally stronger than that of a four-person team.

But at the same time, the demand for resources is higher...

"Everyone, get ready to meet our enemies." Qin Fan shouted loudly, and everyone answered 'yes' loudly, full of momentum, and moved up one after another.

At the request of their captain, the master tactician, the people of the three teams passed in front of Qin Fan silently with small pistols or melee weapons. It's almost impossible to compare the second team and the third team.

"Wait a minute." Qin Fan quickly stopped them, and said in a suspicious tone: "You three teams? The tactics master's team?"

"Yeah." The tactician walked in front of Qin Fan, and he was even more miserable. He even took off all his clothes, and his whole body was covered with pants, with a sickle in his hand, and even a first-class bag. Not at all, standing in front of Zhang Xue's personal guards who are already extremely rich, it looks extremely pitiful.

"Hey, the three teams of you have been bullied like this. You deserve to be punished for making you ugly." Qin Fan laughed loudly, showing no sympathy for him.

The master tactician controlled the game character to make a sad expression, which looked even more miserable.

"Okay, okay, don't sell yourself badly, who can blame you if you don't live up to it." Qin Fan said in a tone that I don't want to talk to you, but I want to stab you in the heart.

"Snipers don't have sniper rifles, and assaulters don't have heavy firepower. The support team will use crowbars and machetes to carry out your mission? You should learn from the other team in the future." Qin Fan continued: "The third team's sniper Hand out."

Qin Fan looked at the three people who took a step forward, each with a pistol in his hand, without even a red dot, and sighed deeply: "You are all awesome, are you aiming the pistol at a thousand meters to kill? The muzzle is afraid It’s going to be lifted into the sky.”

After another venomous tongue, he threw the M24 on his back that was still warm, together with the 9x mirror and an extra quadruple, and said, "Fortunately, I went to lick an airdrop for your team leader, otherwise you would have to Study the kilometer trajectory of the [-]mm bullet fired from the pistol."

"You three." Qin Fan looked at Zhang Xue's three personal guards, each with a rifle, a sniper rifle, a quadruple mirror, a third-level or second-level armor, and a third-level or second-level helmet. , and continued: "The snipers give them their rifles, and the assaulters and observers give them the 98K and the company."

The three of them might refute Zhang Xue's words, but they obeyed Qin Fan's words. Although they obeyed like "Qianjiajun", they were not out of fear, but respected and respected Qin Fan's strength.

Since ancient times, people have been in awe of the strong.

Looking at the 556 bullets and 762 bullets all over the floor, as well as the firearms, scopes, and accessories all over the floor, the "master tactician" who has always been cheap, his eyes are a little moist at this time, and he is speechless for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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