PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 187 Zhang Xue Also Has a Courageous Side

Chapter 187 Zhang Xue also has a bold side

"This UMP is mine." As soon as the three Qian family soldiers entered the low room, they saw a UMP lying on the ground, and immediately started fighting for it.

"Hahaha..., your hand speed is not good." A Qianjia soldier snatched the UMP, laughed, and suddenly found that there were no bullets on the ground: "Which one of you picked up the bullet, give it to me."

"I didn't pick up the bullet."

"I didn't pick it up either."

The two Qian family soldiers who had just grabbed equipment from him said speechlessly.

How could the Qian family army who had snatched the UMP trust them? Just as they were about to question them, their queen said, "Do you have any bullets? Send me some if you have bullets. There isn't a single bullet in the warehouse."

The four Qian family soldiers seemed to realize something, and their excited smiles suddenly collapsed. They Qian family army had never been here before, obviously they were patronized by the Xue family army.

Douyu Qianqian and the four Qian's soldiers didn't believe in this evil. They didn't believe that Xue's army could lick all the bullets and medicine bags away in such a large area.

However, the supply soldiers are all "high-quality couriers" and "garbage collectors" specially selected by Qin Fan. They have no other skills. They are definitely good at searching resources. Wherever they pass, they even fire . If you don't want to stay, you can't wait to scrape all the land, how can you leave anything usable for them.

After turning around the room area twice, they finally found out in despair that there was a real bullet here, not a single bandage.

"Have you finished the search? Come out and surrender after the search is over." The voice of the tactician came from the public channel. The voice of the tactician was very magnetic and pleasant to hear, but it was the most annoying voice the five Qianjia soldiers had ever heard. .

Zhang Xue looked at the housing area in front of her, and felt very uncomfortable. In this game, she didn't play any role, and took up a lot of high-quality resources for nothing, but she still won.

This kind of victory gave her a dreamy feeling, just like knowing that Qin Yimao is king, it was very dreamy.

Four Qianjia soldiers, who were completely stripped off and only wore a pair of big pants, came together and squatted down ten meters in front of them. , might as well admit defeat gracefully.

"Your queen, doesn't seem to want to admit defeat?" The tactician sneered.

He still remembers how mighty and domineering Qianjiajun was when they first came to their live broadcast room, kneading them at will like clay figurines, bullying them until they couldn't breathe, and even bullying their anchor Xuexue to the point of tears...

So far, this is an unhealed wound in their hearts, but now, these guys who used to be majestic in their live broadcast room, and wanted to seal their live broadcast room, have become defeated generals and can only squat in front of them. Trembling, like sifting chaff.

'In this world, as expected, there has never been justice and fairness at all. Looking at the four Qian family soldiers who were squatting in front of him and let them slaughter them, such a sentence suddenly popped up in Zhang Xue's mind.

Once the Qian family army was strong, they could squeeze them at will, but now that they are strong, they can squeeze the Qian family army at will. No matter from which angle you look at it, this is unfair.

'The so-called fairness and fairness are nothing more than a group of weak people making compromises according to the established rules of the strong. What we can do is to strengthen ourselves, become strong, and not be bullied, while those who try to destroy us will only make us more powerful. 'Zhang Xue secretly thought.

Suddenly he stepped forward, raised his gun, and aimed.

'Da da da. ' The semi-automatic M16A4 gunfire rang out.

Three bullets came out, directly knocking down a Qian family soldier, and startled the tactical masters around him. He didn't expect that Zhang Xue, who has always been as weak as a little girl, would be so bold today and shot directly .

(End of this chapter)

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