Chapter 191

"King, don't be obsessed with women. You have been training for a while. We have all made great progress recently. Otherwise, I will take away your number one in the world."

"That's right, and the AKM will be enhanced next season. At that time, we can also use AKM to use various world-class operations, and your advantage will not be so great."

"King..." godfather spoke, and everyone else shut up after hearing the words. If king is the recognized boss in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, then godfather is the recognized second: "In short, we will wait for you to come back, without your occupation Circle, it's really meaningless, I don't even have an opponent."

The first half of the sentence was still provocative, but the second half started to brag. Professional players from top teams from other countries refused to agree: "Wow wow wow wow, what did I hear, the godfather said that Faze has no opponent?"

"Last year's year-end World League, I don't know whose team was wiped out by King alone. It's really inferior, okay?"

"Hahahaha, I remember that Faze wanted to outflank Caesar's rear, but after being circumvented by the king, he wiped out the group with a dragging spear technique. This guy dared to think about Caesar's ass. I laughed to death, hahaha .”

"Ahem, what..." Godfather couldn't hold back his face, and said embarrassingly: "At that time, who would have thought that there would be such a violent technique as dragging guns, and before he could react, he was wiped out by the king. Wouldn't the situation at that time be the same for both of you?"

"Hehehe." The clown sneered three times, and said: "If it were us, we would rather block Caesar's way than go behind and flank. Who doesn't know that Caesar has always been the queen of the king, and you Faze just don't know how to live or die."


After a heated discussion, Qin Fan quit the game.

This time solo, he knew three things.

The first one is that a month later, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds will officially hold a World League of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in the UK. This is the first real world league in 2018.

The second is that in the last internal exchange match in the professional circle, Caesars ranked tenth, which can be said to be the last place among the first-class teams. It was the first time that the championship was not won.

The third one is that in Caesar's last competition, the team was not led by Qin Fan's good brother Owl, and even Owl didn't even participate in the competition.

Obviously, the world's number one sniper has been unspoken.

Looking at the top friend with the ID 'owl' (owl) on the right side of the screen, and the account status as 'in the game', Qin Fan wanted to open the chat box several times to see what happened to him, but finally gave up , and silently logged out of the account.

'owl' is the only person in the world who has surpassed Qin Fan in sniper rifles. His achievements are inseparable from his hard work, but if he has no talent, no matter how hard he works, he cannot reach this level.

Undoubtedly, in Qin Fan's eyes, 'owl' is the most talented sniper in the world, but also the professional player with the least self-care ability in the world.

He relies too much on Qin Fan, he has the ability to become the eagle king flying over the clouds, but he has become an owl hiding under Qin Fan's wings...

No break, no stand, Qin Fan doesn't plan to help him anymore this time, Qin Fan hopes that he can stand up by his own ability, and transform from an owl to an eagle king who walks vertically in the sky.

Therefore, Qin Fan didn't click to read the message sent to him by owl, he didn't dare to read it, because he could already foresee the message sent to him by owl, he was afraid that after seeing it, he couldn't help but want to help Him, that would make him an owl under Qin Fan's wings for the rest of his life.

There is no smooth sailing road that can be counterattacked. If you want to go against the sky, pain and tempering are essential.Unless, you are standing on top of the world...

"When you serve wine, you respect the sky; when you serve wine, you respect the earth; when you serve wine, you respect your brothers; when you serve wine, you respect yourself..." Qin Fan lay on the edge of the balcony, lazily basking in the sun, with a smile on his lips. His eyes were full of longing.

This is Caesar's team song, he wrote it.

"If you fight, you must win?" These four words were originally a sonorous and powerful oath, but at this time, Qin Fan's mouth was full of ridicule and doubt.

The name of this team song is very casual, it is called 'Sheng Doujiu', and the words are also very casual, it means respecting the sky, respecting the ground, respecting brothers and respecting ourselves, but such simple lyrics firmly unite the beliefs of the Caesars team.

Because of 'Sheng Dou Jiu' they are united, because of 'Sheng Dou Jiu' they love to drink, because of 'Sheng Dou Jiu' they... are invincible.

But this time, Caesars lost. This was the first time Caesars lost, and it was a miserable loss. He fell directly from the top of the world to the bottom of the first-class team.

Qin Fan felt very uncomfortable. Caesar was established by him and rose by him, but he did not want Caesar to end because of him, but he could do nothing. For today's professional circle, he is an outsider, and for the Qin family, he cannot Back to the professional circle.

(End of this chapter)

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