Chapter 201 Doubt
After the three girls arrived at their respective beds, they chatted again and again, while Qin Fan focused on repairing the computer. The problem with the computer was not serious, and it was fixed soon.

However, after he fixed the computer, Yue Lingzi still didn't come back, so Qin Fan had to sit on a chair and wait for her to come back to pay the bill.

"Aren't you going to leave after repairing the computer?" A girl with a ponytail saw that Qin Fan was still staying in their dormitory after repairing the computer.

"Who will settle the money for her, the total is 60." Qin Fan said with a professional smile.

The three beauties were all taken aback, and they even felt that they had heard it wrong!How dare they open their mouths to ask for money from Taiban Yue?There were a lot of singles in the school who wanted to repair Yue Lingzi's computer, but this was the first one to ask for money.

"It's thanks to you for asking for money from such a beautiful woman." A girl with a short student hair rolled her eyes at Qin Fan and said with a look of hatred.

"I'm very curious, do you really have a girlfriend or fake one." A girl in thin clothes was watching the live broadcast without turning her head and joked.

Such a picky dick, will he have a girlfriend?She wouldn't believe it even if she was killed.

"Fake." Qin Fan said.

This is the truth, he has no girlfriend, only a child relative, but it is absolutely true that Miss Hua is prettier than Yue Lingzi.

Three people: "..."

They now understand that this guy co-authored it before to deceive them, and they also said that their girlfriend is much more beautiful than Yue Lingzi. Looking back, they think this guy is really shameless.

"Then just wait, I'll see if you can open your mouth when Yue Lingzi comes back." The girl with the ponytail gave him a blank look and said.

Qin Fan shrugged his shoulders and ignored her, thinking how to fool these people into giving the money, so he could get away and leave. He had dinner with Li Changxiao and the others in the evening, and it was almost time for dinner.

Just thinking about it in my heart, I suddenly realized that the girl in thin clothes was actually watching Zhang Xue’s live broadcast, and now it’s a topic, he is a big celebrity in Zhang Xue’s live broadcast room, and he is already a must-learn knowledge for Zhang Xue’s new fans Clicked.

Maybe they might know him, even if the new fans haven't seen him, at least they will know him.

"Are you Zhang Xue's fan?" Qin Fan asked with a smile.

The three of them all looked at him when they heard the words, and cast contemptuous glances at him: "Everyone in our dormitory is Zhang Xue's fan, what's wrong? You don't want to say that you know Zhang Xue, do you?"

Now they don't believe even a single punctuation mark in Qin Fan's words. When they bragged that their girlfriend was more beautiful than Yue Lingzi, they were quite serious, which made them believe it, but it turned out that this guy didn't even have a girlfriend.

Immediately afterwards, as expected by the three of them, Qin Fan laughed loudly and said, "Yes, we are good friends. You don't know me? I'm a new fan."

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

The three of them sneered at his words, and they didn't believe it at all.

"Why do we need to know you? You don't want to say that you are the mysterious master who led the Xue family army, do you?"

"He retired as a substitute for Caesars. Big star, you think he looks like you. He also earns money by repairing computers. You're a dick, cut it."

"Come on, come on, let's see, Zhang Xue is currently studying at the Star Club, you don't want to say that this is all due to you, ha ha." The beautiful woman who was watching Zhang Xue's live broadcast pointed to the computer screen to demonstrate to Qin Fan road.

(End of this chapter)

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