Chapter 210
This time it is impossible for Huang Yiming to listen to his opinion anymore. Huang Yiming can't talk anymore, he doesn't understand the world, and he knows the importance of this incident, but he doesn't blame Wang Han, because from his perspective, Wang Han seems to be He is really making suggestions for their e-sports club, taking all the trouble and effort, this is black under the lights!

Huang Yiming waved his hand, signaled Wang Han to calm down, and then sighed with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that the members of my idol team were rejected by me. It's really ironic."

Seeing Huang Yiming's appearance, Yue Lingzi suddenly felt like falling into an abyss, and immediately howled, regardless of the image of the beautiful host: "Don't tell me that you have already issued an announcement."

Vice President Zhou couldn't help but smiled wryly, and sighed: "The incident happened suddenly at that time, and I wanted to use this meeting to tell you all together, but I didn't expect the incident to happen so quickly."

"You two did a good job, you two fucking pigs." Gritting his teeth, Yue Lingzi pointed at Huang Yiming and Vice President Zhou and cursed.

On the other hand, Wang Han, who was at the side, couldn't help showing a bit of unobtrusive joy at the corner of his mouth when he heard the words.

Yue Lingzi thought they were just planning to kick Qin Fan out, but they had already taken actual actions. This fact made her angry.

Huang Yiming stood up feebly, with a dejected look on his face: "Why don't I apologize to him and see if I can win him back."

The corners of Wang Han's mouth just showed a bit of joy, and when he heard this sentence, his face collapsed again. Just as he wanted to stop Huang Yiming, he heard Vice President Zhou get up and say: "Apology must be apologized, but if you want to apologize, you want to make an apology." It is impossible to invite this great Buddha back again.

The best situation now is to hope that Qin Fan will tear up the notice as soon as possible before he knows about our posting notice, and refuse to admit it, and clean up the dirty water on us. Slow down..."

When Huang Yiming heard the words, his eyes lit up immediately: "It's not too late, let's go now."

Vice President Zhou's imagination is very good, but the reality is much crueler than he imagined, because Qin Fan has already arrived near the notice board...

"E-sports club rumor refutation notice:

Due to the fact that the "deserter" Qin Fan will join the e-sports club team has been widely spread in the school recently, which has a very bad impact on the image of the club. The e-sports club hereby releases a notice to refute the rumors. The club has never explicitly stated the recruitment of Qin Fan. Not now, and in the future, players with such bad moral character will not be recruited.

Please pay attention to the freshmen in the school. Rumors stop at the wise. If someone maliciously spreads rumors and slanders the reputation of our society, our society will definitely give a serious warning and take measures against them. We will never tolerate them.

We hereby issue a statement that due to Qin Fan's bad behavior, our agency will disqualify this contestant. "

A group of college students gathered around the announcement board, watching the announcement posted by the e-sports club, and some even recited it aloud, analyzed and commented wantonly.

"I said, how could the e-sports club be interested in deserters like Qin Fan? It turns out that someone spread rumors."

"Hey, maybe it's the news that Qin Fan himself spread. After being a deserter, he couldn't bear face anymore, so he wanted to use this to suppress everyone."

"It's really possible to say that. The time when the news spread was about the same as when he was a deserter."

"Before, he was bragging to us. One team challenged all the teams. I thought he was so awesome. Co-authoring is a coward."

"You haven't seen how loud this guy was when he was in the e-sports club..."

(End of this chapter)

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