Chapter 212
Qin Fan didn't know that there was a message about his punishment posted on the bulletin board at this time, and he was walking leisurely, when he was suddenly grabbed by a person, Qin Fan was startled, and subconsciously pinched the man's wrist with his backhand.

The strength of his wrist is so great that he immediately screamed in pain to the person who grabbed his clothes.

Listening to the voice, Qin Fan felt a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere a few days ago.

"Brother, let go... I don't mean any harm." The young man yelled out in pain.

"Have we met somewhere?" Qin Fan asked suspiciously.

"I've seen you, but you haven't seen me. Do you remember that particularly powerful sniper in the first round last week?" Liang Xuan reminded him, his eyes exuding anticipation, hoping that Qin Fan would return. can remember him.

Qin Fan suddenly realized when he heard the words, nodded again and again, and smiled happily: "I remember, I remembered, that's the one who gave me AWM, right? How are you thinking, are you interested in playing professionally?"

Qin Fan committed another occupational disease of poaching.

After Liang Xuan heard the words 'send AWM', the smile on his face suddenly froze, and he said dryly, "Yes, it's me."

Then he was going to drag Qin Fan away, and said sneakily in a low voice as he walked, "I'll talk about playing professionally later, but now you are almost becoming a public enemy of the whole school."

Qin Fan glanced at him suspiciously, not understanding what he meant, he didn't seem to have done anything wrong, except... he left his brothers to help Zhang Xue, but this was also a matter in their dormitory, with It doesn't matter to others.

But he didn't say that, seeing that the young man's demeanor didn't seem to be fake, he just followed him away, what if it was true, what if there was a "Holy Mother Frame".

Although the 'Holy Mother Frame' is not scary, it is disgusting.

However, before the two of them had gone far, Qin Fan was recognized by passers-by.

"Qin Fan, Qin Fan is here..." A person shouted with surprise on his face as if he had discovered a treasure.

"Where? Where?"

"Catch him, don't let him escape this time."

"Hey hey, I think he's going to be arrogant to me again this time."


Following the exclamation of that person, the surrounding noise suddenly rose, and they all surrounded Qin Fan, and the person who was the first to find Qin Fan looked proud and looked at him triumphantly. Attracting everyone, as if he had made a great contribution.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Liang Xuan grabbed Qin Fan and wanted to run away, but Qin Fan broke free. He looked at Qin Fan in surprise, puzzled.

Qin Fan shrugged his shoulders and expressed his helplessness. In the current situation, it is impossible to run away, and the problem will be solved sooner or later. Running away will not solve the problem, only confrontation.

"It's pretty tough today. Isn't it special to be a deserter? Why don't you run away?"

"Run, if you can still run today, I'll call you awesome." Wang Qiang finally stopped hiding behind the scenes and shooting black guns. The victory was already decided, and he wanted to stand up and humiliate Qin Fan.

"Aren't you very arrogant that day? Show us another one, soft bone."

"There is no e-sports club to support you today, let me see how arrogant you can be."


The mocking voices around rushed towards Qin Fan like a tidal wave. Qin Fan scanned the crowd and smiled instead of anger. He found that the people around here today were the same guys who yelled at him that day.

(End of this chapter)

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