Chapter 214
Seeing the current scene, Wang Qiang couldn't help but smile. The more arrogant Qin Fan is, the easier it is to be isolated, and the happier he is.

When the young man with yellow hair heard this, he became even more angry, and even raised his fist and threw it at Qin Fan's face, because he was too embarrassing, he couldn't take it anymore, he has many ways to solve the current embarrassing situation, But he chose the worst fight...

He hoped to use this method to knock down Qin Fan and win back his face, but the facts disappointed him again. When Qin Fan was in high school, he was a famous kid king in a nearby school. took his hand.

Qin Fan squeezed the yellow-haired young man's wrist so hard that it was filled with blood. He couldn't exert force for a while, and became limp.

"Can such a weak hand hold the mouse?" Qin Fan sneered.

The young man with yellow hair was surprised by Qin Fan's huge strength. He had never seen a person with such a strong grip. This shows that this person often exercises his forearm. When Qin Fan raised his arm, the lower part of his wrist and the lower part of the arm joint They all have an extremely thick layer of cocoons, which shows that his training in FPS games is extremely terrifying.

But any player who has done a little research in FPS games knows that the wrist flow will grind the wrist, and the arm flow will grind the forearm. After a long time, calluses will form.

But Qin Fan has calluses on his arms and wrists, and he is the kind of player whose calluses are quite thick. Only a small number of professional players can practice to this level, and Kaiser, everyone has it, because their training The volume is extremely scary, and I spend almost every day training except for eating and drinking.

Seeing this situation, the young man with yellow hair fell silent immediately. He gave up. He knew that the person in front of him was a professional player. no difference.

The young man with yellow hair silently made way for Qin Fan and let him leave. Everyone was shocked. Just when they thought a bloody battle was about to start, this guy actually gave up?How could you be so cowardly?A group of guys who were waiting to see the good show were stunned immediately.

Liang Xuan was inexplicably shocked at this time. He was very close to Qin Fan. When Qin Fan raised his arm, he also saw the thick calluses on Qin Fan's wrist and arm.

However, unlike the yellow-haired young man, when he saw these two cocoons, the first thing that came to his mind was: 'Almighty master! '

Because professional sniper rifle players need a lot of fine-tuning, they will encounter less close combat, so most of them focus on arm flow control, supplemented by wrist flow fine-tuning, but the calluses on the arms will be much more obvious than the calluses on the wrist , because snipers spend a lot of time using their arms when aiming guns at long distances and searching houses.

Just like himself, although he is not a professional player, he has worked hard on sniper rifles, and over time, he has developed a little callus, but there are very few calluses, and if you don't look carefully, you can hardly see them, unlike Qin Fan's cocoons are so obvious.

Assaulters are different. Assaulters will encounter more close-range encounters and medium-to-short-range raids. Generally speaking, the DPI will be relatively high, and they will use their wrists more, so there are almost no calluses on their arms, but their wrists The cocoon of the position is very thick.

But Qin Fan has thick calluses on both arms and wrists, which shows that he has done deep training in two schools and two positions. There are high attainments in all aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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