Chapter 219
"Shangcai Xue's army, assemble, hahaha." The Xue family's army who found their fellows immediately felt a sense of belonging, dancing and dancing excitedly, and marched towards Qin Fan.

Seeing this, Huang Yiming and others smiled wryly. This is Qin Fan's appeal. Wherever the reputation of Kaiser's substitutes goes, there are supporters.

However, this is just Qin Fan's false identity. If Qin Fan's king's reputation is known, then Qin Fan will not be as simple as having a base wherever he goes. King is the most mysterious professional player in the professional circle. To get a glimpse of its true face, but except for a few professional players, no one can see it.

"Team leader, the Xue family army is reporting."

"Team leader, the Xue family army is reporting."

A man and a woman, two people, one leading a group of people, lined up in a long queue, walked over mightily, and said to Qin Fan.

"You are all Xue Family Army? Are there so many Xue Family Army in Shangcai?" Qin Fan asked suspiciously.

All over the country, Zhang Xue's Xue Family Army has only a mere 700 members, how could there be so many in Shangcai.

The two of them immediately became embarrassed when they heard the words, and the first girl in the row said coquettishly to Qin Fan: "We are all new fans of Xuexue, but we also want to join the Xuejia army, so why don't you just nod, team leader?" thing."

Qin Fan curled his lips and said, "You all want to join the 'Eating Xiang Group', isn't the taste too strong?"

The 'Eating Xiang Group' was the first time Qin Fan met Zhang Xue, because after betting a ton of Xiang, some fans specially formed a 'Eating Xiang Group', and Qin Fan was the leader of the 'Eating Xiang Group'.

And the current Xue Family Army, formerly known as the "Chixiang Group", a super heavy-duty group, only later developed and expanded, and after experiencing the storm of Douyu Qianqian, it was renamed Xue Family Army, but its main internal The backbone is still the earliest "eating Xiang group" those people.

Those people who had surrounded Qin Fan and troubled Qin Fan earlier had been pushed aside by Zhang Xue's fans. They all stared dumbfounded at Qin Fan who had been surrounded by beauties, and suddenly felt a sense of urgency. Feel.

Although they don't know Qin Fan's identity yet, but judging by the treatment and appeal, they are not comparable to them.

Those who had been onlookers were all thankful that they hadn't made things difficult for Qin Fan just now, and those who had been talking and fighting before slipped away one after another.

They thought that Qin Fan was bluffing, pretending to be arrogant and bluffing with them, who knew that this guy was really awesome, only they were bragging.

Not long after, Zhang Xue and Li Changxiao were surrounded by several fans and brought them over.

Everyone couldn't help but teased Qin Fan about getting lost again. How could Qin Fan suffer from being dumb like this, and immediately returned it with a three-inch tongue.

"Liang Xuan? Long time no see." Li Changxiao chatted with Qin Fan for a long time, and then saw that the young man who was following Qin Fan turned out to be a very talented sniper whom he had dug out for a long time.

"Eh..." Liang Xuan hid behind Qin Fan for a long time, but was recognized by Li Changxiao, and couldn't help standing up awkwardly and laughing dryly: "Yes, it's me."

When Li Changxiao poached him, it can be said that he tried his best, played a lot of emotional cards on him, but he rejected them all, so he always felt a little guilty towards Li Changxiao.

"Don't be embarrassed, this guy is a professional poacher, so don't feel sorry for him." Seeing Liang Xuan's appearance, Qin Fan couldn't help laughing.

Hearing this, Liang Xuan looked at Li Changxiao's eyes from embarrassment to doubt, and then with a bit of weirdness and sympathy...

Seeing this, Li Changxiao's heart suddenly turned cold, and he glared at Qin Fan. He was still thinking about poaching Liang Xuan. This is a good seed who has a chance to become a first-class professional sniper.

(End of this chapter)

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