Chapter 222 Big Brother
But it’s true after all, after all, few people know his identity, and even fans have never seen his true face. After spending so many days together, Zhuge Qingyun suddenly discovered Qin Fan’s identity that Qin Fan didn’t want to be noticed. Naturally, there was a ghost in his heart .

And Qin Fan's eyes are straight when he is concentrating. At first glance, it feels like a spear stabbing out, and a sharp sword out of its sheath. People with ghosts in their hearts are naturally scared when they see it, especially if they are doing this in secret. The 'thief' was caught on the spot, and the feeling of fear came even more suddenly.

"What are you doing, third child? You scare me to death." Wang Youcai is the thinnest. He was sitting in the corner of the last row, and was so frightened by Zhuge Qingyun who was sitting in the middle of the last row. In the corner of the car, his face was pale, and the breath in his chest fluctuated violently, staring at Zhuge Qingyun with fear.

Zhang Dewei was also quite frightened, but fortunately he was very nervous, he was not as miserable as Wang Youcai was, and he was even in the mood to joke with Zhuge Qingyun: "Damn you, you are so scared."

Zhuge Qingyun was not in the mood to talk to these two guys, he glanced at the rearview mirror secretly, saw Qin Fan closed his eyes, the breath in his heart gradually began to calm down, and a feeling of fear surged from the back of his head like a wave in the night up.

"Third brother, we are also considered brothers. If you have any questions, don't press them down." Qin Fan still closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, smiling.

He didn't want to expose his identity and add unnecessary troubles to himself, but his conscience was uneasy if he lied to his friends, so he said that if Zhuge Qingyun asked, he would naturally know everything.

But in his heart, he still hoped that Zhuge Qingyun could help him keep the secret. He had been hiding his identity for so many years, and it would be very embarrassing if his brother took him out.

Zhuge Qingyun forced a difficult smile from the corner of his mouth. He is a smart person and knows what to ask and what not to ask. After thinking for a long time, he said: "Brother, we will still be brothers in the future."

At this point, Zhuge Qingyun also figured it out, no matter whether Qin Fan was the one who was shameless enough to grab chicken wings with a group of them, or the king who once scolded Fang Qiu and gave advice in the e-sports circle.

It was the big brother who fought against the teachers and students of the whole school on the playground for them, and overwhelmed everyone in the e-sports club.

Qin Fan laughed when he heard the words, his third brother was smarter than he imagined: "Of course, if you call me big brother, then I will be your big brother for the rest of my life."

The question and answer between the two of them was a bit nasty, and also a little incomprehensible, but the people in the car, except for Zhang Xue and Liang Xuan, could hear something different from it, and they were all silent and didn't interrupt.

They know what to ask and what not to ask. At this time, knowing silence is more important than knowing how to speak.

Call me big brother, I will be your big brother for the rest of my life.

This is what Qin Fan said in his heart. He is a person who values ​​friendship, and he also has his own set of standards for friends. Some people do everything possible to get in touch with him, but he is indifferent to it, while others only meet in a few minutes. However, he is willing to treat each other with sincerity.

When you meet the right person, you can feel like old friends at the first sight, so you can be your best friend.And there are some people who are like dogs, but they are driven by profit. For this kind of people, he only treats them with profit, and he is too lazy to waste a little affection.

This kind of friendship rules, placed in this era where profit is paramount and entertainment is to death, seems weird and inexplicable, but Qin Fan is like this, doing his own way, not caring about the eyes of others, and not caring about the expulsion of the times.

When he behaves and does things, he only asks his heart, because he has enough capital to let him do this, because he is the leader of the times.

(End of this chapter)

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