Chapter 225 Lost Membership Card

Pushing the door open, everyone was shocked by the long and winding corridor in front of them. They didn't expect the inner world to be so vast.

What was even more astonishing than this was the long queue in front of them.

"Are there... so many people?" Zhang Dewei opened his mouth, looking at the line of people from the end of the corridor to the entrance of the hall, and said speechlessly.

"Why don't we change places? With so many people, I'm afraid we'll have to wait until twelve o'clock." Zhang Xueqian said with a smile. Although she really wanted to taste the food here, the long human-shaped queue in front of her was really scary.

Who would have thought that such an inconspicuous store from the outside would have such a heaven and earth inside, with such elegant decoration.

When the people in the middle of the queue heard the sound of the door being pushed open, they couldn't help turning their heads to give Qin Fan and the others a sympathetic look. They waited for two hours before moving to the middle of the queue, during which time they even had to go to the toilet. Several people took turns to go, for fear of being occupied by others.

"Beauty, there are only 21 people left in front of us, and we will have a big meal in two hours, why don't you come with us." The people in the middle of the line noticed the big beauty Zhang Xue in Qin Fan's team , and quickly struck up a conversation.

"Come here, our team is still ahead of them, and there are nineteen teams left in front of me."

"Beauty, don't listen to their nonsense. With the authority of their second-rate team, they can only bring in two people. Their team is already full. Don't be fooled by them. It's better to come to our team. The leader of our team is OMG, it’s okay to bring four people.”

This restaurant is only open to professional players and professional coaches. Other than that, if you want to enter, you must be led by an insider. As for how many people you can bring, it depends on the level of the respective teams.


When the people in the line saw Zhang Xue, a beautiful woman, they all seemed to be robbing her, and kept arguing, which made the girls in their line embarrassed, and made Zhuge Qingyun and others who were ignored feel a little uncomfortable.

But after all, they have just arrived and are at the bottom of the queue, so they really have no right to refute anything.

"Let's go, our captain, take me through the VIP channel once." Li Changxiao urged Qin Fan. Never had any food here.

I have always heard that the food here is treated like an emperor's level, and I have long wanted to come here to have a meal. After finally catching Qin Fan, I must enjoy the privilege.

"There is also a VIP channel, my God, it's too high-profile, I like it." Zhang Dewei laughed loudly.

"It's cool to follow the boss, jumping in the queue openly." Zhuge Qingyun also laughed excitedly.

Those people who were trying their best to win over Zhang Xue, a beautiful woman, couldn't help being stunned for a moment when they heard his words, and then looked at Qin Fan beside Li Changxiao for a long time. Showing a playful or disdainful look.

VIP channel, only three domestic teams are eligible to go, one is Caesars, one is LGD, and the other is 4AM.

Which of these three teams is not a big star figure, everyone in China does not know him, but this guy is definitely not included, and he wants to go through the VIP channel, I am afraid that he is thinking too much.

"Wait a minute, I can't find my VIP card." Qin Fan rummaged through his wallet. There were ID cards, bank cards, credit cards, etc., but he didn't have the VIP card he needed.

"No way, boss..." Zhang Dewei suddenly felt like falling from the sky into hell.

And those who were queuing looked at them with the expression that they knew it would be like this. There were too many pretentious things happening here, and they didn't bother to ridicule them.

(End of this chapter)

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