PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 236 I want to meet the idol

Chapter 236 I want to meet the idol

"Wang Lang is fine, he actually entered the private room of Tianzihao." Xiao Xiao, a member of the assault team of the LGD team, looked at the news Wang Lang sent in their team group.

"Really or not?" Zhouka heard the words and quickly opened WeChat to look, opened the WeChat group and saw a group of beauties dancing, and said excitedly: "Wow, the Tianzihao box is too handsome, this treatment is too bad God."

zhouka - LGD's sniper.

"Hurry up, hurry up, let's go, I can't wait." N, who was in charge of the assault position, jumped excitedly, opened the door and left.

"Hey, the commercial is not finished yet." The cameraman who was taking photos looked at the three people who had disappeared into the studio with a dazed expression, and said anxiously.

However, these three people ignored him at all, and ran away in an instant.

"Hey, these frizzy guys, with this kind of virtue, we will never be able to become a world-class team." Captain Xin sighed and said with a look of hatred.

"The captain is still reliable, why don't we first..." Before the photographer finished speaking, he saw that Xin had turned his head and left...

"Tomorrow, tomorrow we will shoot again." Xin ran fast, afraid of being left behind by three teammates, his voice was still lingering, everyone had already left the studio, and he did not have the captain's demeanor before.

The photographer sighed deeply: "Hey, forget it, if I had a chance to enter Tianzihao today, I would run faster than them."


"How did Wang Lang manage to enter Tianzihao?"

"I heard that I met Qin Fan on the road, and he brought in the Caesar substitute that was rumored today."

"Huh? Caesar's substitutes have the authority to enter Tianzihao? The team is so awesome, I want to be Caesar's substitute."

"Hehe, are you still willing to go to the current Caesar?" Huo Qian, the substitute who was driving, teased.

"If the king wants to go back, I will go."

"Hehe, if the king is willing to go back, it's your turn to be Caesar's substitute? It's too beautiful." Huo Qian mocked mercilessly.

"Can you shut up and drive your car properly." Huo Qian's weak self-esteem was hurt, Zhouka pouted and said aggrievedly.

The members of LGD chattered excitedly about the situation of Tianzi Pavilion, but the captain Xin didn't say a word, because only he knew that the so-called Caesar's substitute Qin Fan was really King.

Looking at these team members who have been dazzled by Tianzihao, Xin sighed deeply, and said in his heart: "This group of pigs don't think about it carefully. Except for the king, who has the authority to make Tianzige's neon clothes and feathers dance again?" now. '

Not everyone who enters Tianzihao is eligible to enjoy all the services of Tianzihao, such as the neon clothes and feather dance, such as the complete top ten famous songs, such as the complete Manchurian banquet menu, these are services that can only be activated with King's transcendent personal authority.

Thinking about bringing this group of incompetent guys to meet his idol King, Xin felt like he was going to meet his mother-in-law, and the pressure was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

"Captain, we've arrived at the Hall of Heroes." Zhouka called the captain beside him, only to find that the captain was still in a daze, completely motionless, as if he had never heard of it.

"Captain..." Zhouka growled loudly against Xin's ear.

This voice not only startled Xin, but also scared the rest of the team members. It can be seen how loud the sound was, and Xin who was in a daze was almost scared to jump up in the car.

"What are you doing, you scared me to death." Xin said with a look of shock on his face.

"We're at the Hall of Heroes, Captain." Zhouka said with a chuckle.

When Xin heard this, the look of panic on his face became even more frightened: "Why did we arrive so soon?"

Everyone cast puzzled looks at him after hearing the words. Ever since they learned that they were going to enter the private room of Tianzihao, they couldn't bear it anymore. They felt that the car was driving too slowly along the way. If they could pass the car, they would soon Just got out of the car and ran over by himself, but their captain still thought it was too fast?It's really strange.

"Captain, are you okay?" Zhouka said with a concerned expression.

Seeing Zhouka being so sensible, Xin immediately felt a lot relieved. Just as he was about to say it's okay, Zhouka continued: "If you don't feel well, you can go back first, let's go eat first."

Xin: "..."

Xin's little heart was suddenly hit by [-] points, and it became cold in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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