Chapter 238 Shy Smile
Zhouka thinks this way, but it doesn't mean that everyone else thinks so, especially the other LGD players, who are already cursing Qin Fan in circles in their hearts.

'Hmph, dare to praise 4am in front of us, and belittle our LGD team, we can tolerate it, but our captain's temper can't be tolerated. 'Xiao muttered viciously in her heart while playing with the silver spoon, knife and fork.

'Wait to be scolded by our captain. If our captain loses his temper, he will even scold himself. 'N was also thinking viciously in his heart.

Even Wang Lang was thinking in his heart: "Don't think that you can tell the truth because you are Caesar's substitute. LJS's captain Black Eagle used to be Caesar's substitute. Our captain didn't hesitate to quarrel with him. Wait. You are going to be scolded, hum. '


Thinking of this in their hearts, the five of them secretly glanced at their captain Xin from time to time, and then found an expression they had never seen on their captain's face——Xin smiled shyly at Qin Fan!Facing this man Qin Fan!Shy!Laughed!
The eyes of the five members of LGD almost popped out. Although their captain occasionally joked with them on weekdays, most of the time he was very serious. Especially in the competition and training, he always had the appearance of giving advice.

Even in the face of the big beauties who came to do interviews, their captain can talk freely without being moved at all, but today he actually showed such a shy smile to Qin Fan! ! !

Does the captain like men?

This bold idea popped up in the hearts of the five people almost at the same time. While feeling horrified and unbelievable, even the chrysanthemums felt a little chilly.

"You're right, our LGD team really needs to improve in terms of pulling the line." Xin said respectfully, like a shy little boy facing his elders.

Li Changxiao has long been accustomed to his attitude, not to mention Xin, even when he first met Qin Fan, he was overwhelmed by King's powerful aura and was speechless.

At that time, king was the representative of Caesar, and his words and deeds represented Caesar's aura, so when he was interviewed by the media and visited by other teams, he always carried an indomitable momentum, just like Caesar in the international competition at that time. The invincible momentum in the middle is not as kind as it is now.

But the others were all stunned by Xin's attitude at this time.

They all know the subtle relationship between 4AM and LGD. When they heard Qin Fan's words just now, everyone thought that something was going to happen, but they just watched Xin say such a sentence, and the expression and attitude were so intriguing. ...

Not to mention Zhang Dewei, Wang Youcai, and Liang Xuan who didn't know the identity of Qin Fan's king, even Zhuge Qingyun and Zhang Xue, who knew Qin Fan's identity as king, were shocked. They knew that King was in the professional circle. The weight is definitely not light, but I didn't expect it to be so heavy that the captain of the current strongest LGD team in China put down his grievances and admitted that he is inferior to 4AM.

That's because the level between the domestic first-tier teams and the international first-tier teams is almost like two dimensions.

In addition to Caesars, there is only one domestic team that has entered the ranks of the world's first-class teams, and it is not LGD, but 4AM.

But in that competition, 4AM still changed its previous style of steeling guns when meeting people, and was careful all the way, so it barely entered the ranks of the world's first-class teams.

Even if 4AM is so cautious, its results can only be regarded as the bottom team among the world's first-class teams...

Even these first-class teams in the world are like giants in the eyes of the players of these domestic teams, let alone Caesars, who are like giants in the eyes of world-class teams.

(End of this chapter)

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