Chapter 240 Black Eagle
If Qin Fan was here, he would be able to recognize these people. They are the Korean team that was tortured and humiliated by Qin Fan in the last World League. Caesar's hide was abducted.

But if you think about it carefully, isn’t it the Koreans’ forte to describe other people’s things as their own?

"Could it be the Black Eagle here?" Another man asked a little playfully.

"That's a lot of fun. The Black Hawk guy has fallen to the point of being a second-rate team now, and he still has the face to enter the Tianzi." The man's expression was quite disdainful.

However, they obviously wanted to fork. What a proud person Black Eagle is. He went to another team, that is, he was a member of another team.

They never expected that the person sitting here was the man who hadn't appeared in the professional circle for a long time, and who once shrouded their heads like a haze and beat them to retirement.

"Why doesn't this guy, Black Eagle, open the door? The waiter opened it, and I opened it with my membership card." Li Zhixian, the captain of the Caesars team, couldn't wait any longer. Lettering membership card.

Before he could open the door, he heard a loud shout from behind: "Why do you have our captain's membership card?"

Li Zhixian's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words. He stole King's membership card from He Xiaoqing. He was not afraid that He Xiaoqing, a cowardly guy, would find out, but he was afraid that other Caesars team members would find out.

After all, those people have all been recruited by top-tier foreign teams. If they find out that they are secretly using King's membership card, then they will become the target of all top-tier teams in the world.

Li Zhixian turned around stiffly, followed the prestige, and after seeing the person clearly, the tension on his face immediately relaxed, but he showed a bit of playfulness, and said in extremely sloppy Chinese: "Who am I, it turns out to be ljs Black Eagle, the captain of the second-rate team, what did you just say? I didn't hear you clearly, please say it again."

When Hei Ying heard this, his face suddenly turned ugly. How could he fail to understand Li Zhixian's implication. This guy just wanted to say that he is now the captain of the second-rate team ljs, and he left Caesars to go to other teams. A second-rate team is not qualified to meddle in Caesar's internal affairs.

Although this is the case, the anger in Hei Ying's heart is extremely difficult to calm down. He is no longer with Caesar, but his heart is still Caesar's heart. He still remembers what the king taught him.

To put it bluntly, the king is his master, and he still understands the principle of respecting the teacher and respecting the way. He believes that if the king is here, these beasts will never be allowed to use his name to bluff and deceive.

Now that King is not around, he, as an apprentice, should take the place of King.

Therefore, even though the reputation was unfair to outsiders, he still said it: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, let me tell you again, where I stole my master's things, I will give them back to me. "

Hei Ying, who has always been masculine and domineering, looks extremely gloomy at this time, with a pair of broadsword-like eyebrows slightly lowered, his eyes slightly squinted with a hint of threat, and the slightly downturned corners of his mouth have already shown his strength. displeasure.

Li Zhixian was bluffed by Black Eagle's appearance, but after all, they are many and powerful, four people are against Black Eagle alone, they are still very confident.

Just about to say something back to Black Eagle to save face, when he saw seven people coming out of the herringbone private room, they all stood behind Black Eagle and stared at them. The seven ljs players who had conflicts.

(End of this chapter)

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