PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 246 The Black Eagle Hiding Behind the Door

Chapter 246 The Black Eagle Hiding Behind the Door

After Li Zhixian and others left, Qin Fan stood there without moving for a long time, trying to calm down his emotions. He felt that he might make some decisions next, but his childhood education told him that he should not think about things in anger , so he began to calm down.

As time passed bit by bit, Qin Fan stood still in place, as if asleep.

If he doesn't move, others dare not move.Qin Fan's aura today was so scary that even Zhang Xue, Zhuge Qingyun and others were frightened by him.

Especially the members of the LGD and LJS teams, the fear in their hearts is deeper than that of outsiders like Zhang Xue. This Korean team is considered a first-class team in the international arena. the presence of an adversary.

But today, Qin Fan gave him such a slap in the face, and he didn't even dare to fart.

Although King is number one in the world and No.1 in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, but because he has never used his reputation and energy before, these professional players are more respectful than afraid of King. Today, after seeing King's true energy with his own eyes .

They felt real fear in their hearts, and they only hoped that Qin Fan wouldn't bother with them about their offense to him before.

Especially the members of the LJS team closest to Qin Fan, they felt Qin Fan's aura and murderous aura the most, they felt scared, but they didn't dare to move an inch, for fear of being noticed by the king, they even breathed carefully, taking a small sip Take a small breath.

Qin Fan finally opened his eyes, lowered his head and gave a wry smile, as if all the sadness and anger in his heart dissipated with this wry smile.

But he still remembers everything he should think about and do.

Qin Fan walked towards the private room of Tianzihao, and the players of the LJS team were getting closer and closer. Whenever Qin Fan took a step forward, they involuntarily took a step back into the private room of Herringbone, as if Qin Fan was some wild beast. It seemed safer to stay away from him.

'Go quickly, go quickly, Lord King, for the sake of our captain, don't stop at the door of our private room. '

'Lord, I'm willing to trade the rest of my career for King Don't stop. '


The members of the LJS team who had retreated to the corner of the private room kept talking in their hearts.

However, there is always a big gap between reality and dream, perhaps because the Lord didn't hear their chanting, Qin Fan just stopped at the door of their private room impartially.

The moment they saw Qin Fan's side profile, everyone in the ljs team felt a little bit in their hearts, and even the black eagle who was hiding behind the door couldn't help shrinking back.

Qin Fan didn't turn his head to look at them, but kept his head up, looking at the lights on the ceiling, he was waiting for Black Eagle to come out to face him, but he stared at the light for a full 3 minutes, Black Eagle didn't even have the courage come out.

Qin Fan knew it well, knowing that he felt that he had failed his expectations and had no face to face him.

Qin Fan sighed and said, "Black Eagle, the Herringbone private room is only this big, where else can you hide except behind the door."

Hei Ying lowered his head silently when he heard the words, but he still didn't come out. He knew that Qin Fan said this in the hope that he could stand up, but he really didn't have the courage to face Qin Fan.

Qin Fan waited for a while, seeing that he still didn't come out, he smiled helplessly, shook his head and said, "Heiying, I've told you many times, if you are too rigid, you will break easily, if you are too soft, you will be easy to lose, you are too rigid Too proud, you can’t go far with just one person.”

Qin Fan's voice paused for a moment, he opened his mouth, but found that every word he wanted to say had already been said to Hei Ying many times, he couldn't help but shook his head again with a wry smile: "Oh, forget it, these words I've been talking to you for many years, if you can really listen to it, you won't be in the ghostly state you are now..."

(End of this chapter)

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