Chapter 250 Tank, Wang Bo

It wasn't until they finished eating that Qin Fan went downstairs smelling of cigarettes.

All the way without a word, Qin Fan and others returned to the dormitory. Today was an extraordinary day for them.

Especially the three of them, Liang Xuan, Zhang Dewei and Wang Youcai, almost floated all the way back to the dormitory.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Li Changxiao sent the documents. It was already late at night. In order not to disturb Zhang Dewei and his rest, Qin Fan moved a chair and sat on the balcony, smoking a cigarette while watching Li Changxiao give information he sent.

The records are extremely detailed. From the establishment of Caesars to the present, every turning point and process are clearly recorded. Qin Fan has to admire Li Changxiao's professionalism in digging the wall.

The first part of the information is about him. In addition to his professionalism and personality analysis, there is also how to dig the king's corner, in several directions, in several steps, etc., which are recorded in great detail.

Qin Fan directly skipped his own content and looked down. The second one was the information of the world's number one sniper 'owl' He Xiaoqing.

Among them was Li Changxiao's detailed plan to poach He Xiaoqing, but the plan stopped as of June this year, because Li Changxiao discovered that since May, He Xiaoqing no longer has the strength of the world's number one sniper, and later even the domestic The strength of first-class snipers is not as good, and there is no need to poach the wall.

But Li Changxiao is still investigating the specific reasons.

Except for the Black Hawk, everyone else went to the first-class teams in various European countries. Seeing this news, Qin Fan was very relieved. At least his brothers still had a living space. It is not difficult to belong to your own world.

The overall environment of the e-sports circle in Europe is relatively simple, not as chaotic as the Chinese e-sports circle. As long as their strength is still there, they won't become like He Xiaoqing.

The information records the contact information of everyone in Caesar, and Qin Fan added them to his address book one by one, and then dialed one by one, wanting to see if their real situation is as written in Li Changxiao's information...

German KS team.

"Tank, you are so strong, you are invincible at medium and short distances, hahaha." The members of the KS team, led by the Caesar assaulter tank, ate three chickens in a row, blinking their blue eyes, excited Hugging a yellow-skinned and black-haired young man beside him, he laughed loudly.

The young man smiled and did not speak. His expression was almost the same as Qin Fan's after eating chicken, because eating chicken was too simple for him, and there was nothing to be happy about.

Although this is the third chicken of the day, for him, he still only showed his basic operation. The enemy is too weak, so that he can't even use the back-jump advance gun and drag gun skills passed down by King. Opportunity.

tank, Kaiser's main assaulter substitute, is currently the captain of the German KS team. At this time, it is early morning in Germany, and most teams are still sleeping, but tank is still strictly following the king's training routine.

Get up early, train first, eat later.

"Come again..." Tank was about to ask them to start another game, practice tactical coordination, and then go to eat, when the phone rang suddenly, it was a call from China, and the corners of Wang Bo's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

It was already late at night in China at this time, and only a night owl like 'Black Eagle' would stay up so late, so he took it for granted that this was a call from Black Eagle.

(End of this chapter)

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