Chapter 253
After thinking for a long time to no avail, Qin Fan gave up. What he really cared about was whether He Xiaoqing was bullied in Caesars and whether he was in good health. No matter how much He Xiaoqing's skills declined, he was still his good brother.

Qin Fan exited the data sheet, took a puff of cigarette, clicked on the address book, and dialed He Xiaoqing's number...


In the training room of the Caesars team, the clock on the wall had already pointed to twelve o'clock. At such a late hour, there was a thin young man dressed in the uniform of a Caesars substitute player who was cleaning the training room with a broom.

This thin young man is the once famous world's number one sniper, 'Owl' He Xiaoqing.

Suddenly, three young people pushed the door and entered, chatting about the affair in the xx clubhouse as if no one else was there. Money, go out at night to spend time and wine, does such a team really have the ability to conquer the world?
How long can these parasites consume the world that king once brought them to work so hard for?When they run out of consumption, will they throw away the empty shell of Caesar, pat their ass and leave?

He Xiaoqing doesn't know, he doesn't understand business manipulation, he's just a professional sniper who still has the final obsession with Caesar, he doesn't understand anything except sniping, now he doesn't even have the last major, only Caesar The obsession and nostalgia for the king.

His behavior towards them was intolerable, but he had nothing to say, and he had no place to speak of here.

He exchanged his professional player account for a substitute status, but in fact his status here is not even as good as a sparring partner.

"Have a cigarette, let's see our world's number one sniper's ability to sweep the floor, rest for a while before going back." The young man lit a cigarette and smoked comfortably.

"Hehehe, the sweeping ability of the world's number one sniper is quite impressive, it's worth watching." Another young man also smoked.

"Please don't smoke in the training room." As soon as their cigarettes were lit, He Xiaoqing suddenly raised his head, expressing the cry in his heart with a very small voice.

Smoking is not allowed in the training room, which was the rule made by Qin Fan at the beginning, and it is also the iron law of Caesar, so even if Guiliang and Liu Dafo, the two 'big smokers' want to smoke, they dare not smoke in the training room.

The reason why smoking is not allowed in the training room is because the arena is a smoke-free place, and every detail of Caesars’ rules and regulations is to prepare for the game, so their training room must also be a smoke-free place of course.

He Xiaoqing didn't want to control them, but based on the stubbornness inherited from Caesar, he still spoke out, although the voice was so small that only he could hear it.

Qin Fan often said: "Too rigid is easy to break, too soft and easy to be loose." '

He is talking about Heiying and He Xiaoqing. Heiying is too rigid, He Xiaoqing is too soft. When Qin Fan is around, his cowardice will not be noticed, and even this cowardice will be shown in a way of caring for his teammates. Can play unexpected effects in the game.

But when Qin Fan is not around and no one can protect him, He Xiaoqing's cowardice will be exposed.

If a person is too kind and too cowardly, he will be bullied. He Xiaoqing is a typical example.

Those three youths heard the words, not only did not put out the cigarette, but took a deep breath of the cigarette, spit the smoke on He Xiaoqing's face, and said provocatively: "What did you just say? The voice is too low, I can't hear it." arrive."

(End of this chapter)

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