Chapter 255 Building a Team

"Now I have a lot of fish and meat every day. I eat and sleep when I am full, eat when I wake up, and sleep after eating. I live a nourishing life." Qin Fan joked with a chuckle.

The two were quiet for a moment. They both wanted to ask each other something, but they both felt a little hard to say, so they fell silent.

Qin Fan pondered for a long time before continuing: "Xiaoqing, we don't want Caesar anymore, so come to elder brother, who will take you to build a new Caesar, and let you be the captain this time, okay?"

He knew that with He Xiaoqing's temperament, life in the wolf's den would definitely be bad, but he didn't dare to talk about these things in depth, for fear of hurting He Xiaoqing's self-esteem, so he had to turn the chapter directly, get straight to the point, and pick He Xiaoqing out.

"Brother, let me try again, please? Caesar is our painstaking effort. Even if we can't get it back, I want to watch it go through this final journey." He Xiaoqing said.

"Hey..." Qin Fan sighed deeply, He Xiaoqing's heart was too soft, and he still couldn't let go of the empty shell of Caesar.

"Okay, elder brother listens to you." Qin Fan said, and continued: "Elder brother is in Shanghai, if anyone dares to bully you, just tell elder brother, don't always be in your heart, remember?"

"Well, I remember." He Xiaoqing said.

The two exchanged pleasantries and hung up the phone.

Li Zhixian and the three young men saw that He Xiaoqing had finished making the phone call, so they quickly moved the chairs, asked He Xiaoqing to sit down, squeezed his shoulders and beat his legs, and even helped him sweep the floor.

"Brother He, in the future, in front of God King, you must give the little one a lot of good words."

"Did God King say when he will come back?"

"Is he going to create a new team, he won't target us."

"The brothers will definitely serve Brother He well in the future."


'Ring ling ling...'

At eight o'clock in the morning, Zhang Dewei's bell rang loudly, and the burly Shandong man reluctantly got out of bed, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and looked around blankly.

"Fourth, can you turn off your alarm? It's too noisy." Wang Youcai said lazily with half-closed eyes.

After a long time, Zhang Dewei ignored him, still staring at the balcony outside in a daze.

"Are you stupid? What are you looking at?" Zhuge Qingyun was disturbed by the non-stop ringing alarm, sat up helplessly, followed Zhang Dewei's gaze, and suddenly said in shock: "Boss! You won't Didn't sleep all night."

Qin Fan was disturbed by them, looked back at them, and said with a smile, "Well, I can't sleep."

Looking at the already pale east, Qin Fan got up and stretched, picked up the dustpan full of cigarette butts, dumped it into the trash can, and said calmly: "It's dawn so soon, I don't even notice it. "

The three of Zhang Dewei were speechless for a while looking at Qin Fan who was still full of vigor after not sleeping all night.

"Why are you looking at me? Is there a flower on my face?" Qin Fan scolded with a smile, and then said: "Whoever has Liang Xuan's contact information, send it to me."

"I have it, I have it." The three said quickly, and sent Liang Xuan's contact information to the WeChat group in the 686 dormitory.

"Boss, do you... have any plans?" Zhuge Qingyun asked curiously.

They already know that Qin Fan is the king, and every move of the king will cause a storm in the e-sports circle, especially at this time.

"It's okay, I plan to build a team. Liang Xuan is a good seedling. Although he is not as good as Xiaoqing in terms of talent, but fortunately, he has no major flaws in character. He is a talent to build." Qin Fan dialed Liang Xuan's account said.

Liang Xuan already knew that Qin Fan was the Great God King, and knew that Qin Fan was going to create a team, and planned to recruit him into the team, and he was also the main sniper. Of course, it was his duty to do so.

At first, he wanted to join Caesars, because Caesars used to be the strongest team, but now Qin Fan wants to pull him, so what is Caesars now, as long as he follows Qin Fan and doesn't fall behind, sooner or later he will become a world-class team again. The strongest team.

(End of this chapter)

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