PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 263 I don't know what is good or bad

Chapter 263 I don't know what is good or bad
At the class meeting, Dongfang Yingying, the beautiful class teacher, talked about the upcoming half-month military training, and also specially praised their class for their excellent results in the e-competition.

In particular, he praised Qin Fan who won the championship and honored the class body. This scene made Guo Shaorong and Zheng Zexian, who were named as the class team, extremely embarrassed, especially Zheng Zexian, who was even more unconvinced. Vatican hugged someone else's thigh.

After the class meeting, Dongfang Yingying intentionally left Qin Fan, Guo Shaorong and Zheng Zexian behind.

"I heard that there have been some unharmonious voices in our class recently, what do you three think?" Dongfang Yingying stared at the three of them, and asked as if interrogating, obviously already aware of the conflicts between the three of them. understood.

When Qin Fan, Zheng Zexian and Guo Shaorong heard the words, they quickly apologized and said with a smile: "No way, our class has always been united as one, so there is no conflict, I have never heard of it."

"Really?" Dongfang Yingying looked at the three of them with an unkind expression and asked.

"Not really."

"Not really."

Guo Shaorong and Qin Fan shook their heads again and again. It is better to resolve personal grievances in private, and it will be difficult to control if the troubles get big. This is the consensus among the students.

Dongfang Yingying nodded in satisfaction when she heard the words, and thought that these three guys are quite good. She didn't want to get involved in the conflicts among the students, because such conflicts would affect the reputation of their class. This in turn will affect her reputation.

Secondly, she only wanted to beat the three thorns to make them calm down, and she didn't intend to intervene. After all, even if she intervened in this kind of matter, it would have no effect. It had no meaning except to make things bigger.

"Very good." Dongfang Yingying nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Since I said in front of me that there is no conflict, after today, I don't want any more discordant voices in the class, understand ?"

The three nodded repeatedly, expressing their understanding.

As the saying goes, it’s better to get rid of enemies than to get married. In order to make the relationship between the three of them less rigid, Dongfang Yingying decided to be the host and invite the three of them to have a meal Barbecue, hi hi hi hi.

But Qin Fan really didn't have much appetite for the meal he ate just an hour ago. The most important thing is that after Zheng Ze drank two glasses of beer, he immediately bragged so much that he almost didn't know his last name. Hearing this, Qin Fan felt more and more disgusted.

"Sister Dongfang, I didn't say that this time Qin Fan and his team won the championship. I, Zheng Zexian, was completely unconvinced. Didn't he hug three big~legs? What's there to be ashamed of, if it weren't for those three Big legs, he can be a champion, without those three teammates, he is nothing..." Zheng Zexian kept yelling, expressing dissatisfaction with Qin Fan in various ways.

Dongfang Yingying glanced at Qin Fan worriedly. They were all young men with full blood. She was really afraid that Qin Fan would run away on the spot and quarrel with Zheng Zexian in front of her. It would be difficult.

To her surprise, Qin Fan always had a smiling face, showing no sign of annoyance.

And Guo Shaorong, who had seen Qin Fan's temperament, was eating in silence at this moment, watching the situation on the table with a little playfulness. She didn't believe that Qin Fan's thoughts were exactly the same as the expression on his face.

'The strong know how to show weakness, but the weak always show their strength. This is probably the case. Guo Shaorong thought to himself, but there is a bottom line for the strong to show weakness, and the weak's show of strength is after all a strong outside.

(End of this chapter)

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