Chapter 269 Pull Me Quickly

The housing areas in G town are relatively scattered, there are three in total, Qin Fan and Zheng Zexian jumped to the most central housing area, while Guo Shaorong and Dongfang Yingying jumped to the housing area to the north of them, and another housing area to the south of them Xiang, what Qin Fan is going to now is the housing area in the south direction.

However, because the enemy who escaped before was in the southern housing area, Qin Fan has been carrying Scar-L, walking forward cautiously along the bushes. He is worried that the enemy may be ambushed by 'Voldemort' halfway. They, the most disgusting thing on the island map is 'Voldemort', and there is no shortage of Voldemort in professional games.

Especially on the island map, if a 'Voldemort' chooses a good enough position, it can even directly kill a team of people.

Seeing that Qin Fan was so knowledgeable first, Zheng Ze gave him the housing area here, and went to the housing area with enemies in the south. He couldn't help being in a good mood. I was fired, even the police post was not spared...

'This guy actually searched so fast? Zheng Zexian couldn't believe it. When he entered the room, he found that the place had been searched completely. There was nothing there. He wished that the land would be scraped all over again. .

Recalling what Qin Fan told him before asking him to give a lot of money, he felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly. Damn it, you want me to give you a handout after searching so fast, don't you think it's embarrassing...

But Zheng Zexian could only yell these words in his heart, if he really yelled out, he would lose his own people.

After all, before this, he was blowing his cowhide to the sky, saying that Qin Fan must not be as fast as him in searching resources, but now he can't even eat the dregs left by Qin Fan.

Zheng Zexian was not reconciled, drank a bottle of drink, carried a gun on his back, and rushed towards the housing area in the south direction at full speed, trying to run to the housing area there before Qin Fan and occupy the resources there.

The excessive impulsiveness made him forget that an enemy escaped in this room just now, and he didn't pay attention to the direction of that enemy's escape...

After he drank his drink, he ran at full speed, nearly twice as fast as Qin Fan who was walking carefully with a gun in hand, and soon passed Qin Fan. Looking at the room area in front of him, Zheng Zexian's smile grew stronger. It became more and more obvious. Just as he was about to yell at Qin Fan again, he heard the sound of the UMP9 submachine gun exploding in his ears. Zheng Zexian was startled immediately, and he quickly lay down on the ground.

He did get down on the ground successfully, but it was not voluntary, but after being knocked down, he used an extremely shameful posture, lying on the ground with his butt facing the sky.

"There is someone, he is lying in the grass, come and save me..." Zheng Zexian yelled in panic, startling Dongfang Yingying and Guo Shaorong beside him.

Qin Fan still ignored him, his eyes were fixed on the bushes where the flames erupted just now, he shot from the shoulder, held his breath, and aimed at the red dot in one go.

"Papa..." SCAR-L let go of a beast and let go of a loud howl. With the jet of flames from the muzzle, the 556 bullets also shot out quickly.

Qin Fan was not sure about the exact location of this enemy, so he pressed his gun and scanned the area around the flames just now. Wherever blue-green slurry emerged, he focused on hitting there. It took nineteen bullets to successfully kill that enemy. Voldemort kills.

"Qin Fan, pull me up quickly, I'm getting cold." Zheng Zexian was still yelling loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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