Chapter 278 Accidentally Killed

"Where did you find it?" Qin Fan recovered his status and asked Dongfang Yingying and the others while continuing to search for equipment.

"We found a small house." Dongfang Yingying said.

Qin Fan: "..."

Small houses... Do you know how many small houses there are in P City?The ghost knows which little house you are in.

Qin Fan could only use the small map to determine their location, but he saw that they had just finished searching the housing area in the west of Thieves Poor, and they were approaching the housing area in the south of the casino.

"There are people in the housing area to the south. I saw two of them. They belong to the same team. Both of them are in the last room to the west of you." Qin Fan stood on the balcony, with red dots expanding on his shoulders. AKM, holding a win94 sniper rifle in his hand, is always paying close attention to the situation in the southern housing area. The reason why he is so poor after searching two buildings is because he gave all the quadruple mirrors and double mirrors to that client. ...

His position has a blind spot for the southern housing area, and he has to go to the window of the opposite room to take a look at it from time to time to see the situation of the entire southern housing area.

"Okay, leave it to us." Dongfang Yingying was full of energy and full of confidence, and she even rushed towards the last house with a gun in her hand. Seeing this, Guo Shaorong rushed over.

Zheng Zexian snorted coldly, ignored the two of them, and searched for those houses that had been searched by others countless times, and the land was almost scrapped.

Seeing this, Qin Fan secretly shook his head, Zheng Zexian's position was his blind spot.

But looking at the situation of the two old cunts on guard and the analysis of the gunshots in the south before, Zheng Zexian is [-]% someone there, otherwise the two old yins are in that poor little house. .

"Student Zheng, take it easy, there may be someone over there." Qin Fan said.

"Tch, can you see this way? Just say that someone is scaring the children." Zheng Zexian said disdainfully.

Qin Fan was not in the mood to argue with him, he was just doing his duty as an observer, as for how Zheng Zexian would deal with his reminder, that was Zheng Zexian's own business.

Seeing that Guo Shaorong and Dongfang Yingying were about to fall into the trap of those two old men, Qin Fan quickly picked up win94.

Aim, hold your breath, shoot, all in one go.

With a low sound of 'snap', it hit the second-level helmet of the man behind the door.

The people behind Qin Fan couldn't help admiring when they saw Qin Fan's smooth and smooth machine aiming operation, and even hit the first shot with one shot.

"More than 100 meters, condescending, aiming a machine gun and headshot, really awesome." One person praised.

Zheng Zexian, who was at the side, heard someone praising Qin Fan, his expression became a little unnatural, and he said in a strange way: "It doesn't matter how good the operation is, it's still not a garbage power leveling."

"This level of power leveling is already very strong, little brother, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand." The person who praised Qin Fan just now looked at Zheng Zexian inexplicably and said.

Zheng Zexian snorted coldly and didn't speak. What he was talking about was not Qin Fan's operation level rubbish, but Qin Fan's power leveling identity rubbish.

Unlike the usual dodge guns, Qin Fan did not return to the bunker immediately after shooting, but stood on the balcony for a while. His purpose was to let the two old Yinbi see him and distract them. To ensure the safety of Guo Shaorong and Dongfang Yingying.

"Oh~, Qin Fan, don't beat them to death. Look, you knocked down one of them." Dongfang Yingying said coquettishly with her mouth pouted.

Qin Fan shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. Win94's damage was not enough to knock down the second-level head with a single shot, but he didn't know that this person was not at full health, so he was knocked down with a single shot.

The other old Yinbi was obviously panicked, and quickly took out a smoke bomb to block Guo Shaorong and Dongfang Yingying's sight by throwing smoke. Seeing this, Qin Fan quickly shot him.

This time he learned the lesson, this shot he hit the enemy's torso without blowing his head.

After Guo Shaorong and Dongfang Yingying entered the room, although the inside was filled with smoke, Qin Fan reminded them of the approximate location of the enemy, and successfully killed him after shooting randomly there.

(End of this chapter)

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