Chapter 289 Fool
After a week of life without mobile phones and electricity, until Friday night, the devil’s military training finally came to an end, and once again came into contact with the colorful world outside, all freshmen felt a sense of rebirth, and the four in 686 dormitory at night Go out and have a good night.

Early on Saturday morning, Qin Fan went directly to the Star Club after doing morning exercises. Today is the day he and Li Changxiao made an appointment to select qualified players.

In the Star Club, a group of team members sat together. Sitting in the front row were Xue Hang, Zhuo Wei, Luo Tianzheng, and Sun Wood. Behind them were a group of reserve players. sparring.

Although Qin Fan changed their identities to reservists, the previous class division still existed invisible.

"Why aren't you training today?" Wang Xiaofei put his head next to Luo Tianzheng and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, ask my grandson." Luo Tianzheng shook his head and said.

Wang Xiaofei twitched his lips, thinking that this guy Luo Tianzheng still likes to pretend to be cool, and he always speaks like gold.

The few of them have always been busy training, and they don't care much about gossip. Only Sun Wood, who has nothing to do during the day except sweeping the floor and helping Li Changxiao with chores, has the leisure to inquire about these things.

"Old Sun, what's going on today? Why aren't you training?" Wang Xiaofei leaned on Sun Wood's shoulder again and asked in a low voice.

Hearing this, Sun Wood first glanced at Li Changxiao's office, seeing no one came out, and then said cautiously: "I heard from Old Man Li that the team will be formally established today."

Old man Li is Li Changxiao, because he is the oldest person in the club, so the team members call him that in private.

"Damn it, I just barely passed the grade yesterday, I don't know if there is any drama." Wang Xiaofei became a little flustered.

Just as Sun Wood was about to comfort him, he heard Xue Hang sneer and said: "Don't dream, some things are already decided by the superiors."

Xue Hang is not worried about the selection of personnel this time, because the live broadcast platform he belongs to has already told him that everything has been arranged for him, and there must be a place for him in the team of Star Club.

"Impossible, Coach Qin doesn't bother to do such dirty deals." Wei Xing, who was behind, couldn't sit still when he heard the words, and said loudly like a rabbit whose hair has exploded.

He joined the Star Club as an ordinary player, without any background, and when he joined the club, he was only a training partner. He trained hard every day in order to become an official player. Hearing Xue Hang's remarks at this time, how could he? I can take it.

It's not just him, but several other people who have the same thoughts as him feel uneasy in their hearts. Although they don't want to believe that King will do such a dirty deal in private, but now the big players in the e-sports circle The environment is so chaotic, and King is only an acting coach of the Star Club after all, so he may not dare to offend those financial groups and the media.

"It's so naive, I really thought that if you train the king well, you will be promoted to full team members?" Zhuo Wei glanced at the four of them and said disdainfully.

Those team members who have been surrounding Xue Hang and Zhuo Wei all this time said one after another after hearing the words:
"That's right, don't look at what kind of rubbish tutorials King has given us during this time."

"Caesar didn't teach any of Caesar's various tactics or the various stunts of their players, and they only come to the stars once a week. Last week was even worse, and they didn't even come."

"Idiots can tell that King is here to make money, but you guys are still training with him like idiots."


The remarks of a few people immediately ignited the anger in the hearts of all the team members that had been suppressed for more than half a month. You and I started to make a lot of noise, and the whole club was almost turned upside down by them.

(End of this chapter)

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