Chapter 306 Disappointment
For example, washing dishes at this time, washing dishes itself is a very low-level thing for men, and it seems even more embarrassing when there are outsiders around, but Qin Fan still washes very seriously, not letting a trace of dirt go. Zhuo Wei was moved by such an attitude of concentration to selflessness.

Moreover, this man has the halo of a king, and he also has a lot of opportunities to make money after retiring, but he still lives like an ordinary person. Facing those temptations, he will not waver in the slightest and stick to his heart.

Regardless of his talent, with such a dedicated attitude, if he is not a world champion, who else can be?Zhuo Wei thought to himself.

"Okay, when will you start working?" Zhuo Wei said decisively without hesitation.

Qin Fan didn't say anything until he washed the last bowl and washed the handles before saying, "Come with me."

Zhuo Wei followed Qin Fan up the stairs with a puzzled face, looked up, and saw the winding stairs that could not be seen at a glance. Career is like climbing stairs. Although it is difficult, as long as you concentrate on moving forward, you will be able to reach the end. '

Zhuo Wei was overwhelmed with gratitude for Qin Fan's enlightenment, and was about to thank him when he suddenly heard Qin Fan say, "Here we are, if you pass the interview, you can work here from now on."

"Ah?" Zhuo Wei was confused.

After seeing the equipment in the room and the quiet sound of tapping on the keyboard, he suddenly realized.

'It turned out to be just taking me upstairs to the studio. Zhuo Wei couldn't help but blushed, smiled awkwardly, and followed Qin Fan into the room.

"Don't eat cold anymore." Qin Fan touched the plates and bowls of rice, and said to Guo Can and his staff who were checking the list.

"Wait a minute, there are only three people left." Guo Can was very busy, without raising his head, and his hands on the keyboard and mouse were clicking quickly.

Hearing this, Qin Fan walked behind him to watch the battle, and Zhuo Wei followed closely behind him and watched Qin Fan.

'Hey, being a trainee is really hard, and I can't even eat on time. Zhuo Wei had already seen his future appearance, and sighed helplessly.

"The game is almost over, it's still 'Forgive Helmet' and 'Forgive Armor', it's a bit miserable." Qin Fan joked.

'Forgive Helmet' and 'Forgive Armor' refer to first-level armor, first-level armor, because the first-level helmet is green, so many people will call it that, and the first-level armor, which is also a first-level defense armor, is completely lying As for the gun, this piece of equipment has nothing to do with Green, but who made it a first-class one.

"What kind of defensive equipment do you need for low-end games?" Guo Can subconsciously said.

"To be so poor and confident, there is no one else here. There are only three people left, pack up and eat quickly." Qin Fan said, not interested in reading any more, and looked at the account books and performance on his own table to.

Zhuo Wei heard Guo Can say that it was a low-end game, so he couldn't help but lose interest. He thought that the studio under King must be a group of masters. Even if they are not retired professional players, they must be super powerful high-end players. The kind with a rank score of 2400 or more.

The list should also be the kind of mid-to-high-end game with a rank score of 1500 or more, but unexpectedly it was a low-end game. He came here to learn skills, how could he learn skills by playing low-end games.

Before meeting Guo Can and others, he had many beautiful fantasies about King's studio, but after seeing them, he was only deeply disappointed.

There is no time to eat during the busy day. I still can’t make money. I still play low-end games without any technical content. It’s still "forgive green" in the finals. It can be seen that this is a lot of food. Zhuo Wei regrets it a bit Yes, before he started playing power leveling, he already started to miss his live broadcast time back then.

(End of this chapter)

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