Chapter 313 Selling Women
And the tea aroma in this egg is similar to the special-grade Biluochun tea that Qin Boshan gave her, and no matter how rich Qin Boshan is, he will not be extravagant enough to use this tea to cook tea eggs, because this kind of tea There are too few, and there are things that have a price but no market. You can’t buy them with money. The annual output is only so small. It’s a waste of money to cook eggs.

So although Liu Yijun tasted that the taste in it was very similar to the top-grade Biluochun, she didn't immediately associate it with it, because it was too unrealistic. Didn't she know the situation of her good sister?The poor can't afford to pay the rent, where can I buy this kind of tea...

She also thought that Zhang Xue had some kind of bad luck, that she bought a certain kind of cheap tea that tasted very similar to the special top-grade Biluochun, and she wanted to buy some to try, so she asked this question.

Zhang Xue was a little confused by Liu Yijun's exaggerated appearance, she pointed at Qin Fan with a blank face and said, "This is his tea, what's the matter?"

"It was a gift from a friend." Qin Fan replied casually, he couldn't eat a bite of eggs, and when he thought of his such good tea being used to cook tea eggs, he felt uncomfortable.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Liu Yijun couldn't help coughing heavily, and suddenly felt that the eggs he ate became extremely bitter.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xue quickly patted Liu Yijun's back to comfort her, and asked with concern.

"No..., I'm fine." Liu Yijun's face turned pale from being frightened, and she even regretted coming to Zhang Xue to seek comfort today.

Young Master Qin's love tea, you dare to use it to boil eggs, you will have to pay for it, where can you buy it.But where else could she go if she didn't come here? Although the capital city is big, she only has one friend like Zhang Xue.

"Qin...Brother Qin, my friend is ignorant, please bear with me." Liu Yijun said with a wry smile. She didn't expect that Zhang Xue would cause such a big trouble because of herself when she came to Zhang Xue for the first time.

"Why are you apologizing to him? Isn't it just a few rotten leaves? No matter how expensive it is, how expensive it can be." Zhang Xue frowned.

Qin Fan also smiled wryly and said: "It's okay, a little...rotten...rotten leaves, just cook it."

He also couldn't get angry with Zhang Xue, a silly girl.

Liu Yijun was a little surprised when he heard the words, and secretly glanced at Qin Fan and Zhang Xue, his heart became excited, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that Xiaoxue has already taken down this rich son-in-law?" '

At the beginning, Zhang Xue lived here because she was able to default on the rent, and the manager also looked at her face and never urged Zhang Xue to pay the rent. Unexpectedly, by accident, Zhang Xue got to know this rich young master Yes, it seems that there are still some emotions.

"Are you two classmates?" Qin Fan guessed seeing that they were about the same age.

"Yes, we two are classmates in high school, and we also took the same university entrance examination together in the same school and the same department." Liu Yijun did not forget to add: "Xuexue was still a department flower in our department at that time, and she didn't wear much makeup. She is so beautiful, if she dresses up well, she will definitely be a beauty."

The last sentence is a bit like an old lady introducing her baby girl, and a bit like a salesperson selling her own products...

"Oh." Qin Fan just nodded, said "Oh," and didn't say anything more.

As the night deepened, Qin Fan lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. The voices of the two girls next door talking were buzzing in his ears like mosquitoes. He didn't care about his roommate's feelings at all, and he heard his name several times.

"How are you and him?" Liu Yijun asked mysteriously.

(End of this chapter)

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