Chapter 316
Sure enough, as soon as she started the live broadcast, 3 to [-] people flooded into the live broadcast room, and all the bullet screens were filled with accusations against Zhang Xue.

'Woman, live broadcast for an average of half an hour every three days, you've been very drifting lately. '

'Woman, you've been sloppy lately, do you want to go to heaven? '

'The future first sister of Douyu is not doing her job properly, starving to death on the street. '


"I'm not doing my job anymore. I'm training very seriously every day, okay, and my marksmanship is already super strong." Zhang Xue gave them a white look, and said arrogantly.

Seeing her arrogant appearance, the water friends were immediately shocked.

'Hehe, I haven't seen you for a few days, this woman has grown up and dared to roll her eyes at us. '

'My 40-meter-long broadsword couldn't hold it anymore. '

'Is there any younger brother who is awesome?Give us a world-class sniper shot or a standard drag shot look at /manual contempt/. '

"Eh..." Zhang Xue was speechless when she thought of the process of being dominated by Qin Fan in various ways.

"How can you compare me, a weak woman, with this non-human beast." Zhang Xue protested weakly.


After some chatting and farting, Zhang Xue organized a water friend match, which was fifty-fifty. Zhang Xue took three teams that had been taught by Qin Fan to the brigade and the personal guard team to fight against the team that was also trained by Qin Fan. Fantiao~taught, but did not participate in the second batch of the Xuejia army of the three major brigades.

In this game, Zhang Xue proved to them that her marksmanship has indeed made a leap, but it also proved that Zhang Xue's command ability and overall situation are compared with Qin Fan's, one is in the sky, and the other is in the earth's crust.

Because of Zhang Xue's live broadcast, the Xue Family Army of the second batch of three brigades was able to know Zhang Xue's exact location and team layout, and finally defeated Zhang Xue.

It successfully proved that no matter how good Zhang Xue's marksmanship is, it can't make up for her lack of IQ...

Achieved the feat of giving away the head of the gourd baby to save the grandfather many times, the feat of the iron-headed baby holding the muzzle of the gun many times, the achievement of saving the enemy from fire and water, and killing teammates invisibly...

Faced with the ridicule of her IQ by the water friends, Zhang Xue once again set the flag, saying that after half a month of tactical training, she would be able to become an excellent commander.

For half a month, I want to understand the various tactics of the professional team of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and the professional seed players dare not say that.But Zhang Xue doesn't need to understand the real professional team tactics, as long as she learns the basic tactics, she is enough for live broadcasting. If she wants to really learn serious tactics, her brain is probably not enough.

Zhang Xue was doing a live broadcast when Liu Yijun's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Yijun, your phone number." Zhang Xue was confronting the water friend, yelled and continued to play the game.

Zhang Xue yelled twice, seeing that Liu Yijun didn't agree, she looked into the bedroom and saw that she was already asleep, so she had to answer the phone for her.

"Hey, Yijun, I'll treat you to dinner at noon, the best western restaurant in Shanghai. When we were in school, we used to talk about coming here to eat steak every day." A soft, waxy female voice rang through the phone .

The voice was soft to the extreme, straight to the heartstrings, but such a beautiful voice made Zhang Xue's complexion ugly.

"Wei Qingqing, what do you mean? Liu Yijun's boyfriend has been snatched away by you. She trusts you so much, but you treat her like this. Now she is suffering enough, what else do you want?" Zhang Xue's tone was cold To the extreme.

The voice on the other end of the phone was quiet for a moment before continuing: "Oh..., who am I to know? It turns out that it is the flower of our broadcasting department. What's the matter, do you still want to take care of the matter between me and Liu Yijun?"

Speaking of this kind of problem, the voice on the phone suddenly became harsh, like a knife, and it was no longer as soft as before.

(End of this chapter)

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