Chapter 319
"More than 30... ten thousand." Although Zhang Xue hated this woman very much, she was still shocked by the price.

On the other hand, Liu Yijun lowered her head, pursed her lips, and her eyes were full of sadness and anger. If you want to eat at a Michelin five-star restaurant, you have to make a reservation in advance, let alone book it. This romantic candlelight dinner should belong to her. In the end, he made a wedding dress for Wei Qingqing, and let her show it off to him. It was like a demonstration to her. It is conceivable how complicated Liu Yijun's mood is at this time.

Wei Qingqing became more proud when she saw this, and the more uncomfortable Liu Yijun was, the happier she was. After saying that, she raised her slender jade hand, looked at the excellent jade bracelet on her wrist, and held her forehead, pretending to be She said with a helpless look: "When I mention this bracelet, I get angry. I said I don't want it. My husband insisted on buying it for me. He said that only such a beautiful bracelet can match me. They are old couples, and they still say so. I really don't feel ashamed to say something nasty, Yijun, don't you think so?"

Wei Qingqing smiled happily, but that mean and superficial flaunting face, as well as her clumsy acting skills, made Qin Fan feel sick and want to vomit in his heart.

The downward arc of the corners of Liu Yijun's mouth became more and more obvious, and his head lowered lower and lower. Zhang Xue, who was beside him, felt distressed, but could do nothing, and looked at Qin Fan as if asking for help.

Qin Fan chuckled, "Three women play a show, this makes sense," Qin Fan thought to himself.

At this point, he also saw the delicate relationship between Liu Yijun and Wei Qingqing. It was caused by his third uncle, and he, as a nephew, was disgusted in the end. This innocent disaster left Qin Fan speechless.

Seeing that Liu Yijun had been silent and had lost interest in her, Wei Qingqing turned to look at Qin Fan and Zhang Xue.

"Young man, a man can throw away everything, but he must be rich. Look at how you have treated our Xuexue badly. Her former goddess temperament is gone." Wei Qingqing pretended to care about Zhang Xue, but in fact she disgusted Qin Fan and Zhang Xue.

The implication is, Qin Fan, you are so poor that you are not good enough for Zhang Xue. Lai Toad wants to eat swan meat. After talking about it, Qin Fan also said that Zhang Xue's face value has declined, and he is not as beautiful as before.

While talking, he took out a small pack of tea leaves from the bag, about two grams in weight, handed it to Zhang Xue and said, "Here, take it, this is the best Biluochun, my husband bought it for his nephew. The beggar asked for some, women have to learn how to drink tea, women who know how to drink tea are the most beautiful."

Zhang Xue snorted coldly, turned her face away and didn't answer, she didn't like this vicious woman at all.

As soon as Zhang Xue posed, she heard Qin Fan say, "Take it..."

Zhang Xue looked at Qin Fan in surprise, not understanding what he meant, wouldn't it be humiliating for her to take this woman's things?

Wei Qingqing glanced at Qin Fan disdainfully upon hearing this, and said with a contemptuous smile, "It's still your boyfriend who knows things..."

However, before Wei Qingqing finished speaking, Qin Fan said in a neutral tone: "Although this tea is far worse than the tea you use to cook tea eggs, it's still good for soaking your feet."

'Pfft' Zhang Xue burst out laughing when she heard the words, and even Liu Yijun, who was in a low mood, couldn't help but smile.

But the disdain and contempt on Wei Qingqing's face suddenly froze, and it was not right to take back the tea, nor to continue to give it to Zhang Xue, it was extremely embarrassing.What she regarded as a treasure was actually said by this young man to be inferior to the tea he used to cook tea eggs, and what was even more exaggerated was that this man even said that her tea was only suitable for soaking feet.

Wei Qingqing was so humiliated by Qin Fan, she suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and her face darkened all of a sudden, but she was just a scumbag, and dared to say such things to her rich wife.

(End of this chapter)

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