PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 322 Qin Boshan Has Arrived

Chapter 322 Qin Boshan Has Arrived

Qin Fan smiled and didn't speak, the four of them were speechless, and the atmosphere became more and more cold. Suddenly, Qin Fan's cell phone rang, and the magical ringtone made Wei Qingqing taunt again. Qin Fan ignored her, and Gu Zi continued the phone call.

It was Qin Boshan who called and asked him if he needed to pick him up. Qin Fan said that he had arrived. Qin Fan was more than 40 minutes earlier than the agreed time.

After Qin Fan hung up the phone, Wei Qingqing's cell phone rang. Wei Qingqing glanced at the cell phone, and found that it was Qin Boshan who called, and said harsh words to Qin Fan again.

Five minutes later, Qin Boshan was carrying a large bag of gifts while answering the phone, and walked towards them following Wei Qingqing's guidance.

Seeing Qin Boshan from a distance, Wei Qingqing felt as if she saw a savior. She excitedly stood up and waved to Qin Boshan, but she didn't know that the crisis was getting closer and closer to her.

While waving hands with Qin Boshan, he also threatened Qin Fan in a low voice: "Boy, just wait and don't run away if you have the guts."

Seeing her like this, Qin Fan knew that his third uncle had arrived, so he couldn't help turning his head to look, and waved to Qin Boshan.

"Stupid, you're out of your mind. Do you think my husband will let you go if you show your affection?" Wei Qingqing sneered.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she saw Qin Boshan's surprised face, and said loudly as if no one was there: "Fanfan? Why are you here?"

Qin Boshan originally booked a private room for two people, and he thought Qin Fan was waiting for him in the private room, but he didn't expect Qin Fan to be here.

Wei Qingqing froze for a moment, she didn't know what Qin Boshan meant, she thought Qin Boshan was talking to her.

'What does Fanfan mean?Are you checking the code with me? 'Wei Qingqing didn't understand, and greeted her with an embarrassed smile.

Qin Fan was sitting next to her, and was about to get up to help Qin Boshan get things, but was pushed away by Wei Qingqing behind him, and Liu Yijun who was on the side almost didn't laugh out loud.

'He dared to push Qin Boshan's nephew away in front of Qin Boshan, this is courting death. ' Liu Yijun said with a playful look on his face.

On the other side, Zhang Xue saw Qin Boshan, who was dressed in a very high-profile, with a big gold chain around his neck, and dressed like a social person, her face turned pale with fright, and she repeatedly gestured to Qin Fan to tell him to hurry up. Run away.

Qin Fan shrugged helplessly at her, and he didn't look like he wanted to leave at all. Seeing this, Zhang Xue became more and more anxious.

"Husband, come here as soon as you come, why don't you get any presents?" Wei Qingqing's smiling face looked like blossoming flowers, her eyes staring at the presents were shining brightly, her heart was itching unbearably, and she wished she could open the gift box and take a look inside What is it.

However, when she pulled the gift from Qin Boshan's hand, Qin Boshan didn't let go of his hand as she imagined, and couldn't help but cast a puzzled look at Qin Boshan, and what caught her eyes was that Qin Boshan was extremely gloomy It was the first time she had seen Qin Boshan look like this.

"What... what's wrong." Wei Qingqing was scared, she didn't know what she did wrong.

Qin Boshan is obviously angry. Qin Fan is his nephew, and Wei Qingqing is just a woman who is trying to exchange benefits with him with her skin. No matter what relationship Qin Boshan has with her on the surface, it will change. But the fact that she is an outsider.

Even if she can become Qin Boshan's lover and marry Qin Boshan, in Qin Boshan's heart, she is still not as important as Qin Fan, because Qin Fan is not only his nephew, but also the future heir of the Qin family, who is owned by the Qin family. The sun and pride of man.

However, it was such a woman who dared to push away the sun of their Qin family, and it was still in front of him. If this was not a public place, pay attention to the influence, he would have slapped her away long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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