Chapter 326 Is it Zhang Xue
It is no accident that he and Zhang Xue got together, because they are so similar.For example, no matter how the outside world changes, the two of them always stick to their hearts. Another example is that they will not change their choices in the face of right and wrong, no matter how intimidating or intimidating they are. Another example is their equally strong self-esteem...

They were born as a couple, but luckily, the disparity in status between the two of them was too great, and they were born as a couple that couldn't be together.

In particular, Qin Fan is still the young master of the Qin family, which almost represents the face of the Qin family. If he marries a woman like Zhang Xue who has no talent, ability, and background, and cannot bring any benefits to the Qin family, the Qin family will not be happy. probably agreed.

It is an iron rule that the family does not support idlers. If Qin Fan insists on marrying Zhang Xue, he is fighting against the will of a world-class consortium, and there will be no results.

Unless, his ability and business performance can suppress the entire Qin family, or even the entire Huaxia family, but this is almost impossible. After all, he is only 23 years old, and he will not even have the opportunity to touch the fundamental interests of the family, let alone come up with business. Achieved.

After Qin Fan returned home in the afternoon, he plunged into the studio to rectify the problems in the studio. He used this thing from childhood to university, and he was familiar with it. Although there were many problems, he solved them faster. , before six o'clock, all the problems that should be solved have been solved accordingly, and the rest will be handed over to Guo Can and the others to implement.

It was getting late, and Qin Fan was already very tired, but after all, he had made an appointment with Zhang Xue to pick them up to the class reunion, and he had to do what he promised, so he had to ride his little electric motorcycle and set off to send them there. .

There is no way to ride an electric car. Who told the dignified young master of the Qin family not to drive, and it is still the evening rush hour, so electric cars are much more convenient than cars.

"Your classmate meeting is held in the bar?" Qin Fan looked at the bar in front of him and asked in surprise.

Both Zhang Xue and Liu Yijun said helplessly: "A rich second generation in our class takes over the field. Every year, he chooses the place and pays for it. We poor people have no choice at all."

Qin Fan curled his lips and was noncommittal. It’s the same with so many people choosing a place under the AA system. The key is that the vast majority of people want to take advantage of this small ~ and are unwilling to pay, leaving a small number of people with no choice.

"This place is so messy, I'd better wait for you outside, and call me if you need something." Qin Fan stretched his waist and said, he was really tired after a busy day today, but the two women He was really worried about being thrown in this kind of place, especially an idiot like Zhang Xue.

"Okay, you're so kind." Zhang Xue hugged Qin Fan's arm and said happily. Qin Fan smiled and touched her head, and said with a doting look on his face, "Go."

"Well, then you stay outside, don't run around, be careful that you, a road idiot, lose yourself again." Zhang Xue said.

"Don't worry, I have mobile navigation." Qin Fan said.


"Is that Zhang Xue?" In the parking space outside the bar, in a shiny black Audi A8 with charming lines, a young man looked at Zhang Xue, who was very intimate with a man, and said to the woman beside him. asked.

"It seems to be." The woman poked her head and looked carefully, when she saw the man beside Zhang Xue, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she said in surprise: "Brother Wang, that man seems to be Zhang Xue's boyfriend. "

"Hmph." The man who was called Brother Wang by the woman turned green when he saw this, snorted coldly, slammed the car door angrily, and walked towards Qin Fan aggressively.

(End of this chapter)

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