Chapter 336
"Stop watching, come and help, finish it quickly, there is still time to play a couple of games in the evening." Qin Fan said while assembling the computer. The time for lunch is tight, how can he assemble four computers by himself? .


"Assembling a computer, even imagining that I feel awesome, hahaha."


Under Qin Fan's command, the three of them connected some simple circuits on the motherboard, and Qin Fan took care of the complicated parts. The four of them worked together, and within half an hour, the computer was assembled.

"This tube can still emit light, so cool." Zhang Dewei said with a surprised and excited expression like a child.

"The water cooling system is of course high quality." Qin Fan explained.

"How much is this computer?" Zhuge Qingyun asked while taking out his mobile phone to transfer money to Qin Fan. Wang Youcai and Zhang Dewei were also surprised when they heard the words, and quickly took out their mobile phones to transfer money to Qin Fan.

Brothers, they still understand this truth.

"What money are you talking about? If you can get in the top [-] in the department in the end-of-year exam, the computer will be given away to you for free." Qin Fan said, the higher he went, the more he would understand the importance of learning, and his attitude towards the three brothers' learning I am also very worried.

It’s okay if you come from a low family background, you don’t have too many ties, you just have to eat a living and live a good life as a family.But they can't, they want to inherit the family business, inherit the will of their parents, if they don't work hard, struggle, they don't have any real skills, what can they use to inherit the glory of the family.

These four computers are Qin Fan's tools to break the barrier between them, but they are also a wake-up call from Qin Fan, hoping that they can study hard.

Zhuge Qingyun's heart was shocked when he heard the words. Only then did he understand Qin Fan's true good intentions. After going around a lot, it turned out that he was trying every means to inspire their learning and fighting spirit. The elder brother is like a father, probably that's it. Bar.

He remembered what Qin Fan said to them in Li Changxiao's car again, calling me big brother, I will be your big brother for the rest of my life.

Zhang Dewei is not like Zhuge Qingyun, their family has the same temper, and they are all hard-headed teachers who can't turn their heads. Hearing what Qin Fan said, Dang even laughed and said: "Boss, you are giving me a computer. Ah, do you know what my name is in our place? You are the best in the e-sports circle, but in our Shandong, I got first in the exam, and no one dared to say second."

After speaking, he directly moved a computer and placed it on his desk.

Wang Youcai was not good at words, so he silently moved a computer to his desk and accepted Qin Fan's exchange terms.

Qin Fan couldn't help feeling relieved when he saw this, he smiled happily, raised his eyebrows at Zhuge Qingyun, and asked him what he meant, he knew that Zhuge Qingyun must have seen his intention.

"What's the top [-]? I'll show you the top [-]." Zhuge Qingyun also moved a computer and said boldly.

Seeing his arrogant appearance, Zhang Dewei immediately became unconvinced, and said loudly: "You are so awesome, you can transfer to our Department of Economics and Management. Young Master, I will let you know what despair is."

"Cut." Zhuge Qingyun turned his head arrogantly, as if I don't have the same knowledge as you, a freak who only knows how to study and take exams.

Qin Fan also moved the last computer to his desk, installed it and said, "I may not have time to play with you recently, I'm going to check the rankings, so if the three of you want to play, you can form a team by yourself." Come on, don't call me."

"Which number do you want to rank?" Zhang Dewei immediately asked when he heard the word "ranking the rankings". King is going to rank the rankings. It will definitely be big news if it gets out, no wonder Zhang Dewei is gossiping.

(End of this chapter)

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