Chapter 338 Training Tactics
Qin Fan bought a new Asian server account and started playing from the beginning. Since he only has time at night every day and needs enough rest to ensure the next day's training, the real time that belongs to him is only a mere two hours.

However, in these two hours, he still had to understand, follow up and teach the Star Club's training situation that day, read the work report Liu Yijun sent him for the day, and also had to study and teach Liang Xuan's training situation. It took about an hour to finish these tasks, and there was only a short hour for him to score points every day.

So he had to make good use of this hour, massacre and clean up people as frantically as possible, and strive to kill all the people within half an hour.

Even on weekends, he didn't have much personal time. The Star Club's team was completely amateurish in tactics, and their coordination was full of loopholes. There were too many things that needed to be changed.

Qin Fan stayed at the Star Club for two consecutive days over the weekend, trying to correct their coordination problems. Whether the tactics are strong or not depends on the professional players' execution ability, coordination ability, adaptability and marksmanship.

For a professional team, marksmanship is the most important basic skill, but it is also the least important.The main difference between professional players and amateur players is tactical coordination.

The purpose of tactics is to use the least cost and the most efficient combat in exchange for the most lucrative return.Even if it is a small tactic, it is still the cooperation between the four people, interlocking with each other, and using sharp attacks to gain the greatest advantage.

The basic skill of tactics is to pull the gun line. Almost all combat tactics are based on the good gun line. However, Luo Tianzheng, Sun Wood and others have practiced even the most basic gun line for a week, but still Qin Fan was very dissatisfied.

Qin Fan: "Luo Tianzheng, you are the main assaulter, not a free man. Why are you so far away from your brothers? Can they eat you?"

Qin Fan: "Wei Xing, your brother took his life to attract the enemy's firepower, not to make you shoot indiscriminately. A sniper is a ghost walking in the dark night. It is a deterrent. It is a killer who can suppress the opponent without shooting. Not a paper tiger that only scares people."

Qin Fan: "Wang Xiaofei, are you watching the scenery? The enemy's assaulters are interfering with your sniper father. Why don't you kill him and hide behind the rocks?"

5 minutes later……

"Fuck! Fuck, Wang Xiaofei, why are you beating me?" Sun Wood was knocked down suddenly, and the Manjuu third-level head he just found was knocked out, and he exclaimed with a confused face.

"I'm sorry, Captain, I'm too nervous. Whenever I see someone approaching my sniper father, I want to kill him." Wang Xiaofei smiled awkwardly.

Wei Xing: "..."

Luo Tianzheng: "..."

Sun Wood: "..."

Luo Tianzheng, Wei Xing, and Sun Wood were collectively silent and didn't say anything. They could understand Wang Xiaofei's mood at this time too well. Being watched by Qin Fan, the devil coach, playing games was completely different from normal training.

Moreover, while responding to the enemy, they also had to correct the problems Qin Fan pointed out. Everyone was extremely nervous, fearing that they would be scolded by Qin Fan for making another mistake.

Even Zhao Hemei, Huo Shaoxiong, Jiang Yuanxiang, and Zhang Xue, who were standing behind watching, were tense all over, not to mention the few of them who were being stared at by Qin Fan playing games.

After three games, Qin Fan's voice was almost hoarse, and the volume of his speech was obviously hoarse.

After these four people finished their practice, Zhang Xue and others will be on the team, and Luo Tianzheng and others will observe, and Qin Fan will guide Zhang Xue and the others. Unknowingly, the weekend is over like this.

"Stop for a moment." Qin Fan gathered eight people together, tore off eight pieces of paper from a small notebook, and handed them to eight people according to the names on them.

(End of this chapter)

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