PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 349 Senior Brother Senior Brother

Chapter 349 Senior Brother Senior Brother
When Wei Shen was just about to transform, he asked Qin Fan for advice and wanted to join Caesars, but on the one hand, he couldn't control himself because of his violent temper, and on the other hand, because although he was very spiritual in tactics, But there was not enough room for personal development, so Qin Fan didn't accept him.However, seeing that he was a promising talent, and that Wei Shen was quite down and out at the time, he gave him some pointers.

Wei Shen's understanding is very good. Although he doesn't have much room for personal operation in the FPS field, he has a good brain. He quickly comprehended Qin Fan's teachings to him.

Although Qin Fan didn't take it seriously, Wei Shen never forgot.

"Don't call me senior, I'm still a freshman, and you're already old." Qin Fan was also taken aback by Wei Shen's sudden bear hug, and joked with a smile.

Wei Shen smiled awkwardly. After thinking about it, what Qin Fan said was not unreasonable. Qin Fan is only 23 years old this year, and he is almost [-]. It is really weird to call him a senior...

But if you don't call him senior, Wei Shen doesn't know how to address Qin Fan. After all, Qin Fan's status and strength are there, and it feels too disrespectful to call him by his first name.

Seemingly seeing his predicament, Qin Fan reached out his hand to shake Wei Shen's hand and said, "You can just call me Coach Qin. Tanlang has just debuted, and I might bother you to take care of him in the future."

"Coach? You brought up the new team Tanlang?" Wei Shen couldn't help being surprised.

"Well, I brought it." Qin Fan said.

After getting Qin Fan's affirmative answer, when Wei Shen looked at the Tanlang team again, his eyes suddenly became a little more respectful and dignified. The team led by king, even if it is a freshman team, its strength is also not to be underestimated, but as for how strong it is , He is also difficult to estimate, because it is almost impossible to gather a group of pure, talented and super high-level players like Caesar in today's e-sports era where the whole people are restless.

"Hello, junior brothers." Wei Shen suddenly smiled at Luo Tianzheng and other members of the Tanlang team.

Luo Tianzheng, Sun Wudou and others were astonished by their obedience, they quickly got up and bowed slightly, and said in return: "Hello, senior brother."

Wei Shen was very grateful when he heard the "Hello senior brother", he laughed and helped everyone in the Tanlang team up: "Okay, okay, I wish all the juniors to climb to the top of the world as soon as possible, and reproduce the glory of Caesar."

King has never recognized him as a disciple, but he has always regarded Qin Fan as a half-master. If there was no Qin Fan's on-demand broadcast, there would be no Wei Shen now, and it would be impossible to have 4AM who is calling the wind and rain in China.

It's a pity that he is not talented enough. In Qin Fan's words, he is still a little short. If you want to truly become a person at the level of world hegemony, hard work is not enough...

In fact, the talents of these people in the Xingchen team are also not enough, but the people of Xingchen are more lucky. If Qin Fan formed the team by himself, they would not even have a role as a substitute.

After exchanging pleasantries with the members of the Tanlang team, Wei Shen's chest puffed up again, and he turned to look at the trembling four members of the HY team.

The members of the HY team still haven't figured out what happened. Why did the high-ranking Wei Shen suddenly become brothers and sisters with this group of young stubblers who had just entered the circle, and even called that young man a senior? But they found out For one thing, they pissed off people they couldn't afford to piss off.

At this time, Yue Chunlan, who was snuggling beside Li Changxiao, looked at Qin Fan with brighter eyes, bursting out with dazzling brilliance from time to time. She found that the man's identity seemed more unimaginable than what she saw, although she didn't know. She knew Qin Fan's true identity, but what she saw now shocked her again.

(End of this chapter)

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