Chapter 353 Garbage
"You are Xingchen's new team?" Li Buyu is tall, with a pair of saber eyebrows, and his voice is full of hostility, but when these words fall into the ears of 4AM team leader Wei Shen and LGD team leader Xin, there is something different. the taste of.

"Huh~, it smells so strong." Wei Shen whispered to LGD's captain Xin with a smirk on his face.

"Hahaha." Xin laughed when he heard the words, "I didn't expect Brother Hei to be so jealous."

Brother Hei, that's what they call Black Hawk.

"He can also compete with a group of rookies from the Greedy Wolf team while the king is away. If the king comes back in a while, he will crawl away immediately." Wei Shen rubbed his fat belly and smirked. road.

"Hey, to be honest, I'm quite jealous too. How much blessings these bastards have cultivated in their previous lives, they can be taken by the king himself." Xin sighed and looked at the trembling black eagle from afar. The seven little guys said.

"This is fate." Wei Shen was the most emotional. He couldn't ask for something in the past, but now he has fulfilled these seven people who are not as talented as him. If he is jealous, he is the most qualified to be jealous. Well, how could it be Black Hawk's turn.

The two insiders thought this way, but the other melon-eating teams who didn't know the truth didn't think so. A new team that earns money by making stars, that's why they came here to find a job.

Seeing a group of newcomers from the Tanlang team who had never participated in the competition, being scared and at a loss by the domineering Black Eagle at this time, they felt very relieved.

"Even if the mud is put on the bright and bright coat of the Star Team, it is still mud, and it will never be on the stage." The captain of the 19th team saw that the people of the Greedy Wolf team were scared like this, and looked down on them even more.

"That's right, a group of sensationalist clowns were targeted by Asia's number one sniper, Black Eagle, and their 'money career' is over." The captain of the CT team gloated.

"Ask you guys, are you deaf or can't speak?" Li Bushi asked with his hands on his back, staring at them domineeringly.

"Yes." Sun Wood held back his anger, and suddenly replied loudly. As soon as he finished his words, he was glared at by the seven team members behind Li Buji. Sun Wood froze all of a sudden, and said weakly: "Yes ……Bar."

"Hmph, things that mud can't support the wall, why would my master like rubbish like you?" Li Buyu became more and more aggressive. , he can still think highly of them.

But he didn't think about it, facing the number one sniper in Asia, the most aggressive sniper in the world, even the first-class domestic team would not dare to face him, let alone seven newcomers who just entered the professional circle...

Sun Wood laughed dryly. Who doesn't know that Black Eagle has the best temperament in the world? The key is that his strength can be matched with such a temperament. A second-rate team can be brought into the ranks of the first-tier team by one person. He has achieved excellent results in many national competitions.

The point is that this person is still the most incompetent disciple of their coach, and the ability of this most ineffective disciple is also several blocks behind their rookies. The world-class players competed head-on, because this man had set a record of destroying teams by himself in national competitions many times, and his strength was so high that they looked up to him.

It's not that the members of the Greedy Wolf team don't want to resist, but that they are not qualified to resist. All their resistance to the Black Hawk is just a laughing stock in the eyes of others, and it is better not to say something.

(End of this chapter)

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