Chapter 359

"Brother Li, who is this?" Beast frowned and asked Li Changxiao. He was quite unhappy at this moment, and if he didn't know Qin Fan's identity, he would have blown up with him a long time ago.

Following his question, everyone followed his gaze and looked at Li Changxiao, waiting quietly for his explanation. They also couldn't figure out how a student dog could make Li Changxiao keep his words to him. default attitude.

Hearing this, Li Changxiao laughed and said, "I've wanted to introduce you for a long time, but I haven't had the chance for a long time." After speaking, Li Changxiao smiled peacefully again, and then said: "Let me introduce to you, This is our Tanlang's temporary coach, all deployment, all training, and all tactical arrangements of the Tanlang team are under his full authority, and in the Xingchen FPS branch, I just do chores for him."

The audience was in an uproar. Although they had countless guesses in their hearts, they couldn't imagine that this student dog who looked like he was still in college turned out to be the coach of Tanlang!And the authority is still so high, with full power to manage Tanlang, even Li Changxiao can only help him!

But it was just a shock. All the experienced players present here quickly came to their senses and began to doubt the ability of Qin Fan, a college student.

"Let a student who hasn't graduated as a coach? Give him such a big right, what does Xingchen think?"

"It is estimated that this kid's background is not small, or he spent a lot of money, otherwise how can he make Li Changxiao give in."

"What do you know? Xingchen's team has long been broken, and Tanlang is surrounded by a pile of mud that can't support the wall. It's better to sell the position of coach to others at a high price and make money to the end."

"It's true. There is not even a serious coach in China. This position is useless. It doesn't matter who it is for or not."

"But I've done it, it's too much to use a chicken feather as an arrow. I really think of myself as a coach."

"Some people just don't know their weight, and they will know how stinky their two brushes are when they are on the field. Wei Shen, you say so." A second-line team sitting next to the 4AM team and Wei Wei God said.

"Get lost." Wei Shen spoke concisely, leaving him speechless.


There are different opinions. Except for 4AM, LGD, and the LSJ team, everyone else has a more or less despised attitude towards Qin Fan. They also have this qualification. Those with professional competition experience, they have more right to speak than a "a certain college student" who has no competition experience.

"So it's the coach. Why did I speak so loudly? Disrespect and disrespect." Beast's mouth was polite, but his tone was extremely contemptuous, and the expression on his face was even more disdainful. Their 17S team also had a coach, but the so-called The coach is just a handyman and errands.

Not only 17S, in fact, there has never been a decent coach in the domestic PUBG circle, it used to be, and it is the same now, which causes most players to have a natural sense of looking down on the coach, and when they meet Qin Fan When the coach "holds a chicken feather as an arrow", this sense of looking down will be inflated even more.

Qin Fan doesn't care about his disdain. No one understands the ecological environment of the domestic e-sports circle better than him. Any strong words from the enemy are powerless.

"Well, do you have anything else to do?" Qin Fan said without looking up, staring at the ongoing class on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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